Gestational Sac vs Yolk Sac: Difference and Comparison

The gestational sac and yolk sac are two embryo-carrying sac-like structures filled with fluids that help in the maintenance of pregnancy and nourish the growing embryo. Both of them help in the fetus’s growth and development, giving rise to a fully mature baby.

Key Takeaways

  1. The gestational sac develops early in pregnancy, encloses the embryo, and forms the amniotic cavity.
  2. The Yolk sac produces vital nutrients for the embryo and forms the first blood cells and blood vessels.
  3. Both structures play a vital role in embryo development; however, the yolk sac eventually disappears as the placenta takes over its functions.

Gestational Sac vs. Yolk Sac

The gestational sac is a fluid-filled structure surrounding the developing embryo and providing protection and support. It can be used to estimate the gestational age and monitor the progress of the pregnancy. The yolk sac provides essential nutrients to the developing embryo until the placenta takes over.

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The gestational sac is the first sac-like structure that forms during the gestational period. This could be considered as the first sign of pregnancy when an ultrasound is done.

This envelopes the developing embryo and contains a fluid called the amniotic fluid. The yolk sac is found inside the gestational sac. It is the embryo’s major nutrition source before the placenta’s development.

It has a yolk stalk, also called a vitelline duct, that connects the yolk sac to the growing embryo, thereby aiding the functional capabilities of the yolk sac.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGestational SacYolk Sac  
FunctionWhen seen it is used to confirm pregnancy.Provides nutrition to the developing embryo.
Comparative SizeBiggerSmaller
Time of FormationBetween 3 and 5 weeks of gestation.Between 5.5 and 6 weeks of gestation.
AppearanceOn the ultrasound, appears as a white rim with a clear center.Appears as a dark mass with a bright rim.
PresenceCould also be present on someone who isn’t pregnant.Seen only in pregnant women.
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What is Gestational Sac?

The gestational sac is one of the initial signs of pregnancy when it is visible in the ultrasound scans. It acts host to the amniotic fluid which is used in the amniocentesis process.

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By this process, any genetic or chromosomal abnormalities in the growing embryo could be detected before parturition, which is childbirth.

The paltry presence of the gestational sac does not certainly indicate a healthy pregnancy that will continue normally. There are definite chances that the gestational sac might be empty, even after a few ultrasound scans.

This is a clear indication that the embryo that was supposed to develop has not even started gastrulation (early cell division). This is seen by the first trimester.

Another sign of pregnancy is high levels of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is a hormone produced by the placenta in pregnant ladies alone.

Even though the presence of HCG is evaluated to prove an existing pregnancy, sometimes the gestational sac won’t be visible in the scans. This might be the result of the following scenarios.

When ectopic pregnancies happen, gestational sacs won’t be seen. Ectopic pregnancy is the one where the fertilized embryo implants in any point of the reproductive tract, such as the fallopian tube, other than the uterus.

These pregnancies lead to either abortion or miscarriage, depending on the point of implantation. Miscarriages are also a common situation when the gestational sac is absent. During a miscarriage, the hCG levels drop too.

The gestational sac is formed between 5 and 7 weeks after the last normal menstrual cycle.

gestational sac

What is Yolk Sac?

The yolk sac also called the umbilical vesicle, is the placenta-like sac as it performs functions similar to that of the placenta. That is, it helps in providing nutrition and also plays a role in the gas exchange of the embryo before the development of the placenta.

The yolk sac is found within the gestational sac. When the gestational sac reaches a length of approximately 20 mm, the yolk sac starts its formation.

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It is covered by an external layer called the extraembryonic endoderm, which is covered on the outer side by the extraembryonic mesoderm.

The yolk sac contributes to the formation of the umbilical cord. It is formed by the cells of the hypoblast after the embryo has been implanted.

The yolk sac disappears by the end of the first trimester and eventually becomes undetectable on an ultrasound. This is around the 14th week of gestation.

Another function performed by the yolk sac is hematopoiesis. This is the process by which the yolk sac helps produce red and white blood cells along with platelets for the fetus.

The yolk sac continues this process until it is taken over by the liver and bone marrow once the fetus fully develops and after parturition.

Another sac called the chorionic sac also develops from the yolk sac, which plays a major role in providing cushioning and protection to the embryo against external factors.

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Main Differences Between Gestational Sac and Yolk Sac

  1. While a gestational sac might not necessarily be an indication of pregnancy, a yolk sac, once detected in an ultrasound scan, could be considered a definite indication of pregnancy.
  2. The gestational sac houses amniotic fluid that helps in amniocentesis, whereas the yolk sac has a fluid that has multiple functions, from providing nutrition to helping build the immune system of the fetus.
  3. The yolk sac is connected to the embryo with the help of the yolk stalk, whereas there is no definite connecting link between the embryo and the gestational stalk.
  4. The gestational sac shows no external or internal covering or layers of protection, whereas the yolk sac has extraembryonic endoderm and mesoderm.
  5. The gestational sac can be infected due to minor ruptures on the surface, in turn leading to the infection of the amniotic fluid and placenta (chorioamnionitis), while the infection of the yolk sac might make the fluid within turn brown or yellow.

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Piyush Yadav
Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. The comparison table provides a clear and concise overview of the differences between the gestational sac and yolk sac. This makes it easier to understand their distinctions.

  2. The detailed explanation of the gestational sac and yolk sac serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking knowledge about pregnancy and embryonic development. The content is presented in a comprehensive manner.

  3. The clarification about the absence of gestational sacs in ectopic pregnancies and its association with miscarriages adds an important layer of understanding to reproductive health. This is a vital piece of information for women’s healthcare.

  4. The information about the yolk sac contributing to the formation of the umbilical cord and the role of the chorionic sac in protecting the embryo is fascinating. I’ve learned a lot from this article.

  5. Thank you for the detailed comparison between the gestational sac and the yolk sac. It’s important to understand the functions and significance of these structures in embryonic development.

  6. The explanation of the gestational sac being used in estimating gestational age and monitoring pregnancy progress is enlightening. It’s crucial information for pregnant women and healthcare providers.

  7. The distinctions between the gestational sac and the yolk sac are elucidated with great detail and clarity. The development and eventual disappearance of the yolk sac in relation to the placenta are particularly intriguing.

  8. I appreciate the in-depth explanation of the yolk sac’s role in providing vital nutrients and hematopoiesis for the embryo. This sheds light on the embryonic development process.

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