India and Greece both have a rich history and mythological heritage. Both Hindu and greek mythology are popularly known mythologies in the world. Both greek gods and Hindu gods seem to live on the earth.
There is a presence of hell and heaven in both of the mythologies and also similarities in the functions of gods, But there are many differences between Hindu Gods and Greek Gods.
Key Takeaways
- Greek mythology has a pantheon of 12 main gods, while Hinduism has a trinity of three principal deities.
- Greek gods reside on Mount Olympus, while Hindu gods inhabit various celestial realms.
- Greek gods are anthropomorphic, whereas Hindu gods can have human and non-human forms.
Greek Gods vs Hindu Gods
Most Greek gods had similar characteristics, both good and bad, to human beings. They were portrayed as men or women, but they were thought to be immortal and to hold special powers. The Hindu Trimurti consists of Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer. Most Hindus are principally devoted to the god Vishnu, the god Shiva, or the Goddess.

The Relationships between Greek Gods and natural ladies are rough as kidnapping, enchantment, and assault. Greek Gods appear to live on the planet, which includes mountains.
There are twelve Important Greek gods. They are known as the Olympians, namely-Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus.
In Hindu gods, The relationships are beautiful with tragic endings For Hindu gods, like Lord Shiva and Parvathi or Lord Krishna and the cow housekeepers.
Hindu Gods seem to occupy some specific world that isn’t the Earth, Just God Shiv lives in the Himalayas with his Goddess Shakti.
Indra, the king of the Hindu gods has his court and castle someplace in space. The main Hindu gods can be known as Trimurti, which comprises three Devas who cooperate all in all for the universe.
Comparison Table
Parameters of Comparison | Greek Gods | Hindu Gods |
description | Greek Mythology has an assortment of stories about their gods, saints, and the world. | Hindu folklore is found in Hindu texts like Mahabharata and Ramayana. |
Period | The geometric period from 900 BC to c. 800 BC forward. | somewhere close to 2300 B.C. also 1500 B.C. |
Literary source | Artistic source Greek legends chronicled in the book The Iliad by Homer | The Veda is the focal sacred text of Hinduism. |
Nature of gods | Zeus: Sky/climate, Hades: The hidden world, Poseidon: Sea, Aquatics, etc | Brahman- surprisingly creature. Vishnu- keeps beneficial things on Earth. Shiva- the ultimate destroyer |
Primary gods | There are twelve major Greek gods and goddesses. They are called the Olympians. | Trimurti comprises three devas who cooperate all in all for the universe. |
What are Greek Gods?
The Greeks valued many gods and goddesses. What’s more, in their history is that the Greek gods and goddesses are connected with individuals frequently.
They also acted like people from time to time. They might be angry, vain, and envious. Zeus is one of the most amazing-known names of Greek gods. He was the ruler of the gods. After battling the Titans, he administered the world with his family.
There are twelve significant Greek gods they are known as Olympians. The story of Hades, Persephone, and Demeter explains how the seasons change.
A weaver named Arachne was transformed into the primary bug by the goddess Athena. Apollo, Zeus’ son, drew the sun across the sky. Keep in mind, the Greeks didn’t have current science. This is how they comprehended the world.
The Greeks additionally accepted the Olympians governed over various regions of the planet. Zeus governed the sky, Poseidon assumed responsibility for the ocean, Hades managed the Underworld.
They accepted Hera was the goddess of marriage and birth. Demeter controlled over the gather, and Hestia was the goddess of the home. Different divine gods had their positions.
The Greeks also had a lot of legend-related stories. They were creatures who dived regularly, This meant they only had one Human Parent. Their other parent was gods.
Popular Greek legends incorporate the mythical beings Hercules, Theseus, and Achilles. They did extraordinary things, frequently with the assistance of Greek gods.

What are Hindu Gods?
In Hindu Mythology, They represent great and common decency. Especially in relations with Ladies, Hindu gods respect women, there isn’t any instance of savagery with women in Hindu mythology.
At the point, when Indra, the King of the Hindu Gods, laid down with Sage Gautama’s significant other he did as such by mimicking the Sage. Disciplines are likewise embarrassingly serious.
The Sage reviled Indra that his body would be covered. Correspondingly when Lord Shiv seemed stripped before the spouses of certain sages, they reviled Shiv to such an extent that he lost his genital.
The main Hindu gods are the Trimurti, which consists of three Devas who Cooperate in general for the universe.
In the first place, there is Brahma, who is the maker god. Brahma made everything, which is saved by Vishnu, the defender, and preserver god.
The third lord, Shivji, is the ultimate destroyer.
While this probably won’t seem like something to be thankful for, Shiva isn’t worried about obliterating the world, yet with annihilating oneself (assisting the Hindu individuals with eliminating themselves from their cravings) and with obliterating evil presences.
There are lots of other significant Hindu gods connected with the Trimurti.
This god is Ganesha, who is the child of Shiva. Ganesha additionally is a destroyer- – however, rather than destroying evil presences, he obliterates impediments and is viewed as a lord of fortune and achievement. No big surprise he is so famous!

Main Differences Between Greek Gods and Hindu Gods
- The impact and effect of the Greek Gods on the Greek society were substantially broader, but on the other hand, For the situation of Hindu Gods, such effects and impact are restricted to one specific Vishnu.
- Love undertakings between Greek Gods and natural ladies are savage as kidnapping, enchantment, and assault while in Hindu gods these experiences are charming with blissful endings
- The Greeks preserve their gods and cover them in sacrosanct cemeteries with their friends and family while the Indians additionally have consecrated graveyards they don’t embalm their gods.
- The main difference is that Greek divine entities appear to live on the planet, which includes mountains. on the contrary, Hindu Gods seem to occupy some specific world that isn’t the Earth.
- There are twelve primary Greek Gods. They are known as the Olympians, while important Hindu divine beings are known as the Trimurti, which comprises three Devas.