Holy Bible vs King James Version: Difference and Comparison

The Bible is an accretion of religious texts and scriptures of Christians, Jews, Samaritans, Rastafari, and other religions. It is believed that the Bible is a revelation of God’s teachings.

The Bible has different versions, which various individuals and groups across the globe follow.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Holy Bible is the religious text of Christianity, comprising the Old and New Testaments, which contain the religion’s teachings, stories, and prophecies.
  2. The King James Version (KJV) is a translation of the Holy Bible into English, commissioned by King James I of England in 1604.
  3. The KJV is known for its poetic and literary style and has had a significant cultural impact on the English language, while the Holy Bible is the foundation of the Christian faith and its teachings.

Holy Bible vs King James Version

Holy Bible is a bible that is used by all the Christians, and it mostly consists of teachings of Jesus Christ and the Hebrew beliefs. It is a collection of different religious structures. King James Version, also known as the King James Bible, is the English translation of the bible that took place under King James I.

Holy Bible vs King James Version

The Holy Bible is a Holy Library with a collection of different religious scriptures written by others. The Bible is believed to be a collection of God’s teachings to his people.

It mainly consists of Christianity and Jesus Christ. It mostly consisted of Christianity and Jesus Christ.

The King James Version, commonly known as the King James Bible, is an English translation of the Bible. It is considered the official version of the Christian Bible of the Church of England.

The translation process took place under the rule of King James I.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonHoly BibleKing James Version
BibleThe Holy Bible is a Holy Library of sacred books.It is an English translation of the Bible.
OriginIt is estimated to have teachings from 4000 BC to 95 AD.It was commissioned in 1604
TerminologyIt is also known as Biblia Sacra.It is also known as King James Bible (KJB)
PublishedIt was handwritten on papyrus scrolls.Original Copy was published in 1611.
PurposeTo share the teachings of God.To make the holy bible accessible to the general public.
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What is Holy Bible?

The Holy Bible is a religious book containing various sacred books, poems, stories, and scriptures quoted by different authors, because of which it is called the Holy Library.

The Holy Bible is also known as ‘Biblia Sacra.’ The scriptures in the Bible are considered to be inspired by the words of God.

Through these scriptures, God reveals the ‘Truth’ to his servants. It has teachings from 4000 BC to 95 AD. The Bible was originally handwritten on papyrus scrolls, and there is no original copy of the bible present today.

The Bible is huge, but most of the collection focuses on Christianity and Jesus.

The Old Testament Books focus on God’s coming and the history of God’s people from 4000 BC – 400 BC. The New Testament focuses on the Birth, Life, Ministry, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus.

The Old Testament Books were initially written in Hebrew and Aramaic. The New Testament Books are written in Koine Greek.

It also talks about how Jesus established his church on earth and spread his gospel. It consists of the 10 Commandments and the Beatitudes. 

holy bible

What is King James Version?

The King James Version, also called the King James Bible, is the English translation and authorized version of the Church of England’s Christian Bible. King James, I ascended the throne after Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603 at the age of after a reign of 45 years.

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After a series of events, a new accessible version of the Bible was commissioned in 1604. Although, the translation process did not begin until the year 1607.

For the translation of the Bible, a committee was formed consisting of a set of rules and regulations.

The committee was broken into sub-committees, and everyone translated the same section. This translation was then revised by the General Committee, where the members listened to the translation instead of reading it.

The revised version was then sent to the Bishops and Arch Bishops. Once approved, the final version was sent to King James, who had the final say.

The translation was completed in 1610 but was still unavailable to the general public. It was published by King’s personally appointed printer, Robert Barker, in 1611.

Later, several typing errors and printing errors were found in the Bible.

king james bible

Main Differences Between Holy Bible and King James Version

  1. The Holy Bible is a collection of sacred religious scriptures of different authors, whereas King James Bible is the translated version of the Bible.
  2. The Holy Bible is said to have preachings of God from 4000 BC to 95 AD. On the other hand, the King James Bible was commissioned in 1604.
  3. The Holy Bible is also called Biblia Sacra, while the King James version is called the King James Bible.
  4. There is no original copy of the Holy Bible. It is said it was previously handwritten on papyrus. In contrast, the King James Version was published in 1611 by Robert Barker.
  5. The purpose of the Holy Bible was to pass on the teachings of God, whereas the purpose of the King James Bible was to make the Bible accessible to the general public.
Difference Between Holy Bible and King James Version
  1. https://slife.org/authorized-king-james-version/
  2. https://dir.sermon-online.com/english/Bible/The_Old_Testament_Modern_Literal_Version_20151029.pdf
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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


  1. The Bible is an incredible collection of teachings, stories, and prophecies that have had a profound impact on the Christian faith and the English language with its poetic and literary style.

    • I agree, the Bible’s significance in Christian culture and its contributions to literature and language can’t be overstated.

  2. The Holy Bible and the King James Version have contributed to the global dissemination of biblical teachings and moral principles, enhancing the understanding and appreciation of religious and literary traditions across diverse cultures.

    • The translations and interpretations of the Bible have provided unique insights into religious and ethical values across various historical and cultural contexts.

    • Absolutely, the universal impact of the Bible’s teachings has fostered cross-cultural dialogues and spiritual insights for generations.

  3. The worldwide dissemination and diversification of biblical teachings through various translations and versions have enriched the global heritage of religious thought and the literary medium, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of humanity’s spiritual journey.

    • The multilingual and multicultural translations of the Bible have brought diverse perspectives and interpretations of religious wisdom and universal truths to a global audience.

    • Absolutely, the Bible’s vast influence has transcended geographical and cultural boundaries, offering profound insights into the human experience and spiritual growth.

  4. The Bible’s religious texts and scriptures truly reflect the spiritual journey and teachings of Christianity, Judaism, and other faiths, and these shared teachings have shaped the spiritual and literary heritage of humanity.

    • Indeed, the Bible’s broad historical and religious influences have been a source of spiritual and intellectual inspiration for countless individuals and communities.

  5. The scholarly analysis and interpretive exploration of the Holy Bible and the King James Version have engendered critical conversations and intellectual engagements, offering multifaceted insights into religious hermeneutics and ancient wisdom literature.

    • Indeed, the academic examination and comparative study of biblical texts have enriched the scholarly landscape, inviting deeper contemplation and rigorous inquiries into religious and literary traditions.

  6. The parallel existence and coexistence of the Holy Bible and the King James Version exemplify the dynamic and enduring nature of biblical teachings and their continual relevance in shaping human cultural and spiritual evolution.

    • Indeed, the Bible’s adaptability and interpretive versatility have withstood the test of time, perpetuating meaningful dialogue and introspection across different epochs and societies.

  7. The King James Version provides an accessible English translation of the Christian Bible, making it easier for the general public to understand and appreciate the teachings and stories within the Bible.

    • The KJV has played a critical role in making biblical teachings more accessible and understandable for readers around the world.

    • Yes, the KJV’s influence on the English language and its efforts to bring the Bible to a wider audience are commendable.

  8. The translation and dissemination of the Holy Bible and the King James Version have fostered a profound cross-cultural and cross-linguistic exchange of religious and literary traditions, etching indelible imprints on human civilization and intellectual growth.

    • Absolutely, the enduring legacy of biblical translations has transcended linguistic barriers, elevating spiritual and intellectual conversations to a universal scale.

  9. The complex historical and textual interplay between the Holy Bible and the King James Version encapsulates the multifaceted nature of biblical reception and interpretation, inviting continual reassessments and renewed dialogues within religious and literary discourses.

    • Absolutely, the intricate dynamics of biblical transmission and reception have inspired a rich tapestry of scholarly and creative engagements, reflecting the enduring relevance and generative power of religious texts and traditions.

  10. The Holy Bible and the King James Version have their own unique characteristics and contributions to Christianity and literature, both of which have significantly impacted human history.

    • Absolutely, the distinct features of each version have contributed to the diverse interpretations and understandings of the Bible and its teachings.

    • The differences between the Holy Bible and the KJV have prompted scholarly debate and exploration of religious and literary significance.

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