Lightroom vs Photoshop: Difference and Comparison

Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop are two well-known editing tools from the family of Adobe. Although the two tools offer a range of options themselves, each tool is ideal for specific functions.

While Adobe Lightroom may have a use to make minor changes in photos, Adobe Photoshop is popular for bulk transformations in a photo.

Key Takeaways

  1. Lightroom is a photo management and editing software, while Photoshop is a more advanced image editing tool.
  2. Lightroom is designed for organizing and processing large numbers of photos, while Photoshop is ideal for detailed editing and manipulation.
  3. Lightroom is non-destructive, preserving original images, while Photoshop may permanently alter images during editing.

Lightroom vs Photoshop

Adobe Lightroom is a photo and video editing application that allows users to capture raw photos for editing, organizing, storing and synching with other devices. It is a beginner-friendly application that enables users to enhance image quality, crop images or edit saturation. Adobe Photoshop is a popular application used to manipulate images to create imaginative effects. Users can retouch, reimagine, remove, add or recolour objects. It has layering features that transform an image.

Lightroom vs Photoshop

Adobe Lightroom is an editing app that allows users to edit, store, create, organise, and share their photos across different devices.

It offers easy accessibility and time-effective methods of editing and managing photos. What’s more, lightroom is an ideal editing tool for both beginners and professionals with its in-app tutorials. 

Adobe Photoshop is an advanced editing tool that enables users to transform photos into flights of pure imagination. With a variety of tools to retouch, remix, and reimagine, Photoshop assists users in making any possible outcome.

The filters, masking, layers, and transform control of Photoshop are the basics for editing an image.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonLightroomPhotoshop
DefinitionLightroom is a cloud-based service that enables users to edit their photos without permanently altering the original file. Photoshop is an editing tool which provides users with features to create the visuals that a camera may be unable to capture.  
Functioning Complexities Lightroom is an all-in-one photo program. It allows users to create, edit, store, organise, and share photos.Photoshop focuses on being adept at photo-editing. It lacks the feature to organise, transfer, or share photos.
Destructive/Non-destructive editorLightroom is a non-destructive photo editor. In other words, it stays true to photography.Photoshop is a destructive photo editor. In other words, it allows users to alter the original photo significantly. 
Complexity of InterfaceLightroom is beginner friendly. Photoshop has a rather difficult-to-understand interface for beginners. 
Layers FeatureLightroom is a non-layer based editing tool.Photoshop is a layer-based editing tool.
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What is Lightroom?

Adobe Lightroom, or Lightroom as it is popularly known, is a cloud-based service that allows the user to edit, store, create, organise, and share his photos across different devices.

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Whether you edit on your mobile phone, laptop, or even the web, your edits will be automatically applied everywhere else. Lightroom provides users with an option to sign up for free or get additional services for a charge. 

A distinct feature of Lightroom is that it enables users to edit photos without permanently altering the original file. With easy-to-use tools like sliders and presets, the user can correct perspective, enhance the light and colour, and add creative effects to his photo.

Moreover, the user can improve the clarity of the original file with the Super Resolution feature. With the shared albums feature, an individual can invite others to edit his photos as well.

The in-app tutorials of the Lightroom function teach users editing skills without spending any time outside the website. In addition, Lightroom allows individuals to follow their favourite photographers and take ideas from their skills. 

Lightroom enables an individual to organise his photos effectively. It is adept at handling large amounts of photos. With the keyword and search options, Lightroom allows the user to search for the desired photo in the least time.

Conclusively, Lightroom is an ideal editing app for both amateurs and professionals. 


What is Photoshop?

Adobe Photoshop, or Photoshop as it is commonly known, is an app designed to transform photos into flights of pure imagination. It allows users to create visuals that a camera may be unable to capture.

With a large collection of customised brushes, Photoshop assists users in painting and drawing anything and everything. Photoshop allows users to use some basic services for free but has a subscription requirement to avail of advanced features.

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Three key perks of Photoshop are retouching, remixing, and reimagining. It provides features to add, remove, retouch, remix, and recolour objects. Another significant feature of Photoshop is its ability to enhance the expressions of a photo and make portraits pop. 

Photoshop is an ideal option for pixel-level perfection. The filters, masking, layers, and transform control of Photoshop are the basics for editing an image.

In addition, Photoshop is well-suited for bulk transformations than Lightroom. Photoshop is available on every device, including mobile phones, laptops, and iPads. 

Although the layers feature of Photoshop may be a learning curve for some, it is way more convenient for managing post-work production.

Thus, Photoshop tools edit the overall look of a photo to a significant extent. With its myriad of features, Adobe Photoshop allows users to put their creativity and imagination into reality. 


Main Differences Between Lightroom and Photoshop 

  1. Lightroom is a cloud-based service that enables users to edit their photos without permanently altering the original file. In contrast, Photoshop is an editing tool that provides users with features to create the visuals that a camera may be unable to capture.  
  2. Lightroom is beginner-friendly. On the other hand, Photoshop has a rather difficult-to-understand interface for beginners. 
  3. While Lightroom is non-layer-based, Photoshop is layer-based. 
  4. Lightroom is an all-in-one photo program. It allows users to create, edit, store, organise and share photos. In contrast, photoshop focuses on being adept at photo editing. It lacks the feature to store, transfer, or share photos.
  5. Lightroom is a non-destructive photo editor. On the other hand, photoshop is a destructive photo editor. 
Difference Between Lightroom and Photoshop

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.