LPN vs LVN: Difference and Comparison

Diseases are increasing more than the population. Taking care of those patients is vital while they go through tortuous conditions.

The Licensed Practical Nurse( LPN) and Licensed Vocational Nurse(LVN) are two professions of taking care of patients.

Before choosing nursing as a profession, it is vital to know the difference between LPN and LVN. Both are similar jobs with very few differences. Their major task is to caring the patients.

Key Takeaways

  1. LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) and LVN (Licensed Vocational Nurse) are the same roles, with the title varying by location.
  2. Both LPNs and LVNs provide basic nursing care under the supervision of registered nurses or physicians.
  3. The difference lies in the terminology used in different states within the United States.


LPN/LVN provide basic nursing care to patients, such as taking vital signs, administering medication, and assisting with daily activities. They also collect patient information and report it to RNs/physicians. Graduates must pass the National Council Licensure Examination to become licensed and practice as an LPN/LVN.


LPN stands for Licensed Practical Nurse. The LPN is also the same as LVN. The LPN also takes training before joining the hospital.

They are working in a 24-hour hospital. Checking the blood pressure and drug administering are done by Licensed Professional Nurses.

The major work of a Licensed Practical Nurse is to take care of patients. The LPN can check your body and do the scanning to diagnose the diseases.

The Licensed Vocational Nurse(LVN) is another Licensed Professional Nurse(LPN) form. The Licensed Vocational Nurse has many Opportunities and advancements in their future.

They need to complete high school to get a seat in medical science for a Licensed Vocational Nurse(LVN). They have a chance to work in gerontology and pharmacology.

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Some uncertain situations will have a chance for LVN to become a charged nurse.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonLPNLVN
MedicationLPN may allow to provide medicationsLVN may not allowed to provide medications
ExpansionLPN stands for Licensed Practical NurseLVN stands for Licensed Vocational Nurse
Called forExcept for Texas and California, LPN is usedIn Texas and California LVN is used
SalaryLPN has less wage compared to LVNLVN has a high salary compared to LPN
Employment Growth ForecastLPN has 9%LVN has an 8%
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What is LPN?

The LPN is also the same as LVN. The LPN also takes training before joining the hospital. They are working in a 24-hour hospital.

Checking the blood pressure and drug administering are done by Licensed Professional Nurses. The major work of a Licensed Practical Nurse is to take care of patients.

The LPN can check your body and do the scanning to diagnose the diseases.

The Licensed Practical Nurse is under the Registered Nurse(RN) level. The LPN can take charge of the patients if the RN is unavailable.

The Licenced Nurse can do further education to become a Registered Nurse(RN). They can be able to cook and clean. Some of them need to do housekeeping in patients’ homes.

You must clear the state exam and apply for a national license to become an LPN. Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) offers LPN programs.

Your income will increase with a specialization in certain areas as an LPN. Pharmacology, long-term care, and IV therapy are the additional courses in LPN. According to a census, 38% of LPNs work in nursing homes.


What is LVN?

The Licensed Vocational Nurse(LVN) is another Licensed Professional Nurse(LPN) form. The Licensed Vocational Nurse has many Opportunities and advancements in their future.

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They need to complete high school to get a seat in medical science for a Licensed Vocational Nurse(LVN). They have a chance to work in gerontology and pharmacology.

Some uncertain situations will have a chance for LVN to become a charged nurse. They got formal training and education before joining as Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN).

The Licensed Vocational Nurse will work under the instructions the Registered Nurse(RN) provides.

The Licensed Vocational Nurse can also go for higher studies and become a Registered Nurse(RN). The LVN to RN training programs is called bridge programs.

An LVN needs to clear the Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) exam and the National Council Licensure Examination-Registered Nurse exam to become a Registered Nurse(RN).

They are the next level of Registered Nurses (RN). They can take charge if the Registered Nurse(RN) is not available.

The Licensed Vocational Nurse can work as housekeeping for patients. They are also able to cook and clean. From 1945 the Licensed structure came to follow in various countries.

In 1892, the formal training for Licensed Nurses was started in New York. It is a three-month course after that many training schools are opened.

They each know every single thing that the nurse adopts. The nursing schools also teach decision-making circumstances and stress handling. The Licensed Vocational Nurse(LVN) can check blood pressure.


Main Differences Between LPN and LVN

  1. LPN stands for Licensed Professional Nurse, and LVN stands for Licensed Vocational Nurse.
  2. The employment Growth Forecast in LPN has 9%, and in LVN, it has an 8%.
  3. LPN has less wage compared to LVN, and LVN has a high salary compared to LPN.
  4. Except for Texas and California, LPN is used, and In Texas and California, LVN is used.
  5. LPN is allowed to provide medications, and LVN is not allowed to provide medications.
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.