LVN vs RN: Difference and Comparison

RN and LVN are the most common healthcare occupations in the United States of America because of their critical role in Patient care. Even though some of their tasks overlap, they are two distinct professions that most people find difficult to understand.

The nature of the work, educational background, and pay are all rather different.

Key Takeaways

  1. LVN stands for Licensed Vocational Nurse and requires less education than RN.
  2. RN stands for Registered Nurse and can perform more advanced procedures than LVN.
  3. RNs earn a higher salary than LVNs and have more job opportunities.


LVNs have completed a practical nursing program that takes about a year to complete, and they are licensed to provide basic nursing care under the supervision of an RN or physician. RN requires more extensive education and training. RNs have an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in nursing and have passed the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN).


Licensed Vocational Nurses are abbreviated to LVN. Licensed vocational nurses, sometimes known as LVNs, are crucial to have. A licenced vocational nurse, or LVN, can expect to make roughly $42,000 per year.

A licenced vocational nurse, or LVN, cannot work on their own. Because LVNs have fewer skills, their job opportunities are limited. Registered nurses are abbreviated as RNs. Licensure is not required for registered nurses.

It is, nonetheless, critical. A registered nurse, also known as an RN, earns around $69000 per year. A registered nurse, or RN, can work independently and has permission to do so. Registered nurses have superior abilities and, as a result, a broader scope of practice.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonLVNRN
AcronymLicensed Vocational Nurses.Registered nurses.
EducationMinimal/basic education of 12 months approx.Advanced education of 2-4 years.
LicensureLicensure is important.Licensure is important, but not mandatory.
Independent workCan work independently. Can not work independently.
Scope and skillsLesser skills, the limited scope of work. Better skills, the better scope of work.

What is LVN?

Licensed Vocational Nurses are abbreviated as LVN. To be eligible for the licenced vocational nurse’s degree, or LVN, one must first complete a basic education programme, which takes about a year.

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Licensed vocational nurses, or LVNs, are essential to have. A licenced vocational nurse, known as an LVN, earns roughly $42,000 per year. An LVN, or licenced vocational nurse, is unable to work alone.

LVNs have lesser expertise and, thus, a smaller scope of employment. The LVN is a licenced vocational nurse with less schooling, lower pay, and a narrower area of practice than the RN.

To become an LVN, one must first complete an accredited nursing programme, which takes at least a year full-time and roughly 18 months part-time. Nursing subjects such as pharmacology, biology, physiology, anatomy, and, last but not least, clinical practice under the supervision of a supervisor are strictly followed here.

After completing the programme, students must take the NCLEX-PN tests to become a licenced vocational or licenced practical nurse, which is recognised in all states.


What is RN?

Registered nurses are designated by the abbreviation RN. To become an RN or registered nurse, one must complete a post-secondary school programme that takes two to four years to complete.

Licensure is optional for registered nurses. It is crucial, however. A registered nurse, known as an RN, earns approximately $69000 per year. A registered nurse (RN) can work autonomously and has permission to do so.

Registered nurses have more advanced abilities and, as a result, a broader scope of practice. The registered nurse (RN) is a professional nurse who is licenced in every state.

Registered nurses must also pass the NCLEX-RN examinations, which are more difficult than the NCLEX-PN exams, in addition to completing their studies. These tests look at how registered nurses make decisions and think critically.

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To practise as a Registered Nurse, you’ll need extra education. A diploma in nursing science, ASN or a BSN are the three options available. The first two programmes take at least two years to finish, while the BSN programme takes four years.


Main Differences Between LVN and RN

  1. LVN is the acronym fit for Licensed Vocational Nurses. On the other hand, RN is the acronym fit for Registered nurses.
  2. To become qualified for the licensed vocational nurse’s degree or LVN, one must at least complete a minimal education which takes approximately twelve months. On the other hand, to be qualified for RN or registered nurse, one must complete an advanced education which requires around two to four years of study.
  3. Licensed vocational nurses or LVN are important to be licensed. On the other hand, for registered nurses, licensure is not mandatory. However, it is important.
  4. It is not possible for an LVN or licensed vocational nurse to work independently. On the other hand, a registered nurse or RN has the potential and authority to work independently.
  5. LVNs possess lesser skills and hence have a limited scope of work. On the other hand, registered nurses possess better skills and hence better scope of work.
Difference Between LVN and RN

Last Updated : 07 August, 2023

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22 thoughts on “LVN vs RN: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article has effectively differentiated the roles of LVNs and RNs, offering a comprehensive comparison of their educational paths, licensure, salary, and scope of work. It provides valuable information for those interested in pursuing a career in nursing.

  2. The article is a valuable resource for highlighting the differences between LVNs and RNs. It effectively presents the distinguishing factors between these healthcare occupations, aiding readers in understanding their unique roles and responsibilities.

    • I share your sentiment. The detailed comparison and comprehensive explanations provided in the article are instrumental in clarifying the essential dissimilarities between LVNs and RNs.

  3. The article offers a well-structured and informative overview of the essential dissimilarities between LVNs and RNs, covering educational background, licensure, salary, and the scope of practice. It’s an excellent resource for anyone interested in the nursing profession.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The comprehensive details provided by the article are enlightening, allowing readers to gain a deeper understanding of the contrasting roles and responsibilities of LVNs and RNs.

  4. The article serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the distinctions between the roles of LVNs and RNs. The detailed descriptions and comparison table are incredibly informative for anyone interested in pursuing a career in nursing.

    • The in-depth analysis of the educational requirements, licensing, and salary differences between an LVN and an RN offers valuable insights into the nature of work for these healthcare professionals.

  5. I appreciate the comprehensive detailing of the key differences between LVNs and RNs in the article. The wealth of information presented allows individuals to make informed decisions about their career paths in the nursing field.

    • The article delivers essential information on the contrasting roles and responsibilities of LVNs and RNs, providing aspiring nurses with a clear understanding of the educational paths, licensure, and job opportunities in the field.

    • Absolutely. The article’s detailed comparisons and insights into the roles of LVNs and RNs offer invaluable knowledge for anyone considering a career in nursing.

  6. The article provides a well-articulated comparison between LVNs and RNs, highlighting the differences in educational requirements, licensure, work scope, and skills. This comprehensive overview is beneficial for anyone looking to enter the nursing profession.

    • I completely agree. The article successfully portrays the distinctness of LVN and RN roles through detailed explanations, enabling readers to grasp the fundamental disparities between these healthcare professions.

  7. The comparison table and detailed explanations in the article effectively outline the contrasting aspects of being an LVN and an RN, making it easier to comprehend the unique roles and responsibilities associated with each profession.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The thorough breakdown of the education, licensure, and job opportunities for LVNs and RNs helps to clarify their respective roles in the healthcare industry.

  8. The article effectively clarifies the key differences between LVNs and RNs, such as the educational background, licensure requirements, job opportunities, and scope of practice. This information is invaluable for anyone considering a career in nursing.

    • Absolutely, it’s crucial for individuals to understand the distinctions between LVNs and RNs before pursuing a career in nursing. The article provides a comprehensive overview of their roles.

  9. Great article that makes an important distinction between the roles of LVNs and RNs based on their educational background, work scope, and skills. It’s crucial for patients to understand the differences, and this article does a great job of explaining them.

    • The comparison table and detailed explanations in the article are very informative. It helps in understanding the contrasting aspects of LVN and RN roles.

    • I completely agree with you. The article provides valuable insights into the roles and responsibilities of LVNs and RNs, which are essential for anyone considering a career in healthcare.

  10. The article effectively highlights the differences between LVNs and RNs, shedding light on the varying educational requirements, licensure, and the scope of work for each profession.

    • The detailed breakdown of the nature of work and pay differences between LVNs and RNs in the article provides a clear understanding of the unique roles each profession plays in patient care.

    • I found the comparison between the LVN and RN educational paths quite insightful. This distinction is essential for aspiring nurses to make informed decisions about their career paths.


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