Manager vs Administrator: Difference and Comparison

A manager and an administrator are two types of people working in an environment. Both these types of people fall into a hierarchy that is followed. A manager and an administrator both have their abilities and authority according to the position they belong to.

Both have their characteristics and roles when performing their respective duties.

Key Takeaways

  1. A manager oversees a team or department and ensures that tasks are completed on time and within budget. At the same time, an administrator focuses on managing the administrative aspects of an organization.
  2. Administrators are responsible for managing budgets, coordinating schedules, and maintaining records, while managers focus on directing and supervising employees’ work.
  3. While there may be an overlap in the responsibilities of managers and administrators, their roles and priorities are distinct and complementary within an organization.

Manager vs Administrator

The difference between a manager and an administrator is that the administrator is responsible for deciding an organisation’s objectives and policies. On the other hand, a manager is responsible for putting these policies and goals into practice with smooth Functioning between the employees.

Manager vs Administrator

A manager is said to be a person in a company who holds the responsibility of putting into charge the policies and objectives that are decided by an executive board of a company regarding the company matters and how it should perform.

The manager communicates directly with the employees and ensures the smooth Functioning of the work to be carried out.

An administrator is said to be a person in a company who decides about the policies and objectives for the betterment of an organization to be carried out. An administrator is a person who does planning functions for the company. He takes care of the central administration of the company.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonManagerAdministrator
MeaningA manager is a person who holds the duty to put these policies and objectives into practice with smooth Functioning between the employees.An administrator is a person who is responsible for deciding the objectives and policies of an organization.
Nature of workA manager decides within a particular framework set by the administrator for him.An administrator decides for the entire company.
AuthorityA manager holds authority in the middle of the hierarchy by proving his skills and efficiency.An administrator holds the highest authority in a company.
Facing CompetitionA manager does face competition in a company.An administrator does not face any competition a such in the company.
Skills requiredA manager requires managerial as well as technical skills.An administrator requires administrative and decision-making skills.
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What is Manager?

A manager is said to be a person in a company who holds the responsibility of putting into charge the policies and objectives that are decided by an executive board of a company regarding the company matters and how it should perform.

The manager communicates directly with the employees and ensures the smooth Functioning of the work to be carried out.

A manager is a person in a company responsible for controlling the employees and their work, which falls under his authority. The Administrator sets this authority to the management, which ensures the company’s efficient functioning.

This would lead the company to reach its goal.

The hiring of a Manager is done like any other employee by the administrator. The work and responsibility of holding a manager’s authority keep changing depending upon what kind of structured work the company has to carry.

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A manager in a company also solves problems like grievances between the employees, giving them work targets, etc.


What is Administrator?

An administrator is said to be a person in a company who decides about the policies and objectives for the betterment of an organization to be carried out. An administrator is a person who does planning functions for the company. He takes care of the central administration of the company.

An administrator takes the overall decision about which would be fit for the entire company. They play a vital role in making the company reach profit goals.

An administrator can also be a manager sometimes, and again this depends on the company’s structure or can also work as a regular employee.

In a small-sized enterprise, usually, the administrator is the owner of the company. To put in simple work, an administrator is a person who does and takes part in the administration work of the company. They decide the policies which are suitable for the company’s performance.

They make sure these policies are within the authorities of the company.


Main Differences Between Manager and Administrator

  1. An administrator is a person who is responsible for deciding the objectives and policies of an organization. On the other hand, a manager is responsible for putting these policies and goals into practice with smooth functioning between the employees.
  2. An administrator decides for the entire company; conversely, a manager decides within a particular framework the administrator sets for him.
  3. An administrator holds the highest authority in a company, while a manager has authority somewhere in the middle of the hierarchy.
  4. An administrator does not face any competition in the company, whereas a manager does face competition in a company.
  5. An administrator requires administrative and decision-making skills; on the other hand, a manager requires managerial and technical skills.
Difference Between Manager and Administrator

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.