Moles vs Warts: Difference and Comparison

The most darkening dots on the skin appear to be the same, hence there is a vast variation between them. To receive successful therapy, it is necessary to know how to differentiate between these skin spots.

Moles and warts are one of them which bother many people when it comes to skincare.

Key Takeaways

  1. Moles are benign skin growths caused by melanocytes, while warts result from human papillomavirus infections.
  2. Moles have a uniform color and smooth texture, but warts have rough, irregular surfaces and may be skin-colored or darker.
  3. Moles can transform into melanoma, a type of skin cancer, whereas warts do not carry a risk of cancer.

Moles vs Warts 

Moles are round or oval-shaped spots on the skin that are brown or black in color. The growth of melanocytes causes them. Melanocytes are cells that produce pigment in the skin. A viral infection of the skin causes warts. They are small, rough growths that can appear anywhere on the body but are most seen on the hands and feet.

Moles vs Warts

Moles are frequent skin patches that may be seen on almost everyone’s skin. These moles appear at a young age and continue to develop until the person reaches maturity. On average, a person possesses between 10 and 40 moles on his or her body.

Warts can appear on your hands, knees, and feet, as well as other parts of your body. They are hard lumps that sit deep in the skin, unlike moles. They may appear smooth on the outside, but they are calloused on the inside. All warts are caused by a virus, which, like all viruses, is infectious.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMolesWarts
TypeNot ContagiousContagious
Caused byCaused by Sun Damaged and GeneticsCaused by Virus
Appears onSun Exposed AreasAreas with Thick Skin
Affects SkinDeeplyDeeply
Can causeSkin Cancer No Severe Disease
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What are Moles?

Moles are dark dense circles on the skin that occur when skin cells accumulate in one spot rather than being uniformly distributed over the skin. Moles are frequent skin patches that may be seen on almost everyone’s skin.

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These moles appear at a young age and continue to develop until the person reaches maturity. On average, a person possesses between 10 and 40 moles on his or her body.

Moles have a round shape and come in a variety of hues, ranging from black to brown. The size of a mole varies, too, based on the type of mole. Whenever the skin is exposed to sunlight for an extended period, moles develop.

Although moles have a chance of developing into skin cancer, this is an extremely rare occurrence. Normal moles are brown or tan and are not multicoloured. If your mole appears to be different colours in brown, tan, black, or even red — it’s an indication it’s changing into something else.

Moles are also defined by their spherical form. It might be skin cancer if your area is uneven and continues to grow in size. Moles can be flat or elevated, but they rarely change their appearance until they are in danger.

A warning indication is when an area goes from flat to elevated. Consult your dermatologist if a mole appears to be changing or becoming irregularly coloured. If you have an unusual mole, they will most likely remove it and send it for testing.


What are Warts? 

Warts are a tiny growth on the skin with a rough feel and a form that mimics that of a cauliflower. Warts are caused by a member of the human papillomavirus (HPV) family of viruses.

The appearance of a wart is entirely dependent on its placement on the body and the thickness of the person’s skin. Plantar warts develop on the foot, whereas palmar warts form on the hand.

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Warts mostly afflict youngsters, with studies showing that one in every three children has them, compared to only 3 to 5% of adults. This might be significant due to a person’s immune system developing as he or she develops from a kid to an adult.

They are solid lumps that sit deep in the skin, unlike moles. They may appear smooth on the outside, but they are calloused on the inside. Other warts are caused by a virus, which, like all viruses, is infectious.

When you get a wart, it implies you came into touch with someone who has a wart virus, whether it was by shaking hands or sharing a towel.
Ask your dermatologist to freeze the wart for the quickest cure. This destroys the virus-containing cells, allowing your skin to recover without warts.


Main Differences Between Moles and Warts 

  1. It’s a mole if the skin patch is dark in colour, such as brown or black. It’s a wart if the skin patch is colourless.
  2. If you touch a skin area and it feels smooth, you know it’s a mole. It’s a wart if the skin on the location is scratchy.
  3. If the black spot appears on the arms, chest, face, or back then, it is a mole; if the spot appears on hard skin, such as the hands, feet, elbows, or knees, it is a wart.
  4. Moles are caused by sunlight exposure and genetics, while Warts are caused by a contagious virus.
  5. Moles can cause skin cancer, whereas warts don’t hold any danger for disease.
Difference Between Moles and Warts

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.