Neurology vs Neuroscience: Difference and Comparison

The terms Neurology and Neuroscience refer to the study of the same element that is the nervous system, but their approaches are different from each other.

Key Takeaways

  1. Neurology is a branch of medicine focused on diagnosing and treating neurological disorders, whereas neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system.
  2. Neurologists are medical doctors who specialize in treating patients with neurological conditions, while neuroscientists are researchers who study the nervous system in depth.
  3. Neurology deals with clinical aspects and patient care, while neuroscience explores the fundamental mechanisms and functions of the nervous system.

Neurology vs Neuroscience

Neurology is the study of medicine and anything related to the nervous system, and a specialist in this study is called a neurologist. Neuroscience is the study of the brain, its functions, and related medical conditions to the neurological sciences, and one who studies it is called a neuroscientist.

Neurology vs Neuroscience

Neurology refers to the study of medicines and other related things of the nervous system. Neurology specialists mainly aim at the behavioural abnormality of the brain and also the other related flaws of the brain.

On the other hand, Neuroscience is the study of the brain and its functions related to the neurological sciences. Specialist in Neuroscience mainly deals with the research-based work of the nervous system.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonNeurologyNeuroscience
DefinitionNeurology is the study of medicine and other related things of the nervous system.Neuroscience is the study of the brain and its functions that are related to the neurological sciences.
SpecialistsThe specialist of Neurology is known as a Neurologist.The specialist of Neuroscience is known as Neuroscientist.
MedicationA specialist of Neurology or a Neurologist can prescribe medication to their patients.A specialist in Neuroscience or a Neuroscientist can not prescribe any kind of medication.
The main job of the specialistNeurologists are those specialists who treat mental illness or disorders related to the nervous system of the brain.The Neuroscientist is mainly associated with the research work related to the nervous system.
Conditions that are dealtNeurology deals with the conditions such as headaches, excessive migraines, dementia, epilepsy, sleep disorders, neurological trauma, stroke, etc.Neuroscience is the study of researching the conditions or circumstances of the nervous system.
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What is Neurology?

Hence the etymological meaning of the term Neurology is ‘the study of nerve’. Mr Jean-Martin Charcot, a French neurologist, is considered the Father of Neurology.

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The patients who have a severe imbalance of their respective nervous systems are prescribed medicines, and the ones who have mild imbalance are first treated with the therapy processes.

Neurology deals with and treats the conditions such as headaches, excessive migraines, dementia, epilepsy, sleep disorders, neurological trauma, stroke, etc.


What is Neuroscience?

The term Neuroscience consists of one Greek word, ‘neuron’ means ‘nerve’, and the other term is a Latin term ‘Scientia’ means ‘knowledge’ or ‘learning’.

Hence the etymological meaning of the term Neuroscience is ‘the learning of the nervous system’. Neuroscience is the study of the brain and its other related functions of the neurological sciences.

The specialist of Neuroscience is known as Neuroscientist. The specialist of Neuroscience is only associated with the research works of the respective thirteen branches of Neuroscience related to the nervous system of human beings.

The study of Neuroscience also requires the association of other related subjects such as biology, medicine, chemistry, computer application, etc.


Main Differences Between Neurology and Neuroscience

  1. On the other hand, Neuroscientists are mainly associated with research work related to the nervous system.
  2. Neurology deals with the conditions such as headaches, excessive migraines, dementia, epilepsy, sleep disorders, neurological trauma, stroke, etc.
Difference Between Neurology and Neuroscience

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.