OEF vs OIF: Difference and Comparison

Several massive invasions have occurred in the history of the World.

Some of these invasions continue even today. OEF and OIF refer to two such invasions led by the United States of America against Afghanistan and Iraq, respectively.

While some may confuse both invasions to be similar, they vary on several grounds.

Key Takeaways

  1. Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) aimed to eliminate terrorist groups in Afghanistan, whereas Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) focused on toppling Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq.
  2. OEF began in 2001 following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, while OIF commenced in 2003.
  3. OEF involved a coalition of NATO and non-NATO countries, while OIF primarily comprised the United States and the United Kingdom.


OEF (Operation Enduring Freedom) was a military operation launched by the United States and its allies in 2001 in response to the 9/11 attacks. OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom) was a military operation launched by the United States in 2003 to remove the regime of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq.


OEF refers to the invasion by the United States of America in Afghanistan against militant groups, including Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

The United Kingdom and Afghanistan joined the operation. Initially named Operation Infinite Justice, the process has been criticised by several human rights organisations for its arrogance and imperialism.

However, the Human Rights Watch criticised the violent approach adopted by the US Army in 2004.

OIF was an invasion of Iraq launched by the United States of America.

Although the United Nations Organisation did not sanction the invasion, it was soon joined by more than 40 countries under the Coalition of the Willing.

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Although the Government of Saddam Husain in Iraq fell swiftly, the US has not been able to pacify Iraq. The US invasion of Iraq was considered a massive political and military failure.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonOperation Enduring Freedom commenced on 7 October 2001.OIF
Full FormOperation Enduring Freedom Operation Iraqi Freedom
Start Date Operation Iraqi Freedom commenced on 20 March 2003.OIF was a US invasion of Iraq. 
Target CountryOEF was a US invasion against terrorists in Afghanistan.OEF ended with the killing of Osama Bin Laden and the overthrowing the Taliban regime.
OutcomeOutOIF ended with the fall of Saddam Hussein’s government and weapons of mass destruction. 
End Date OEF lasted till 31 December 2014.OIF ended on 15 December 2011.
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What is OEF?

OEF stands for Operation Enduring Freedom. OEF was an invasion led by The United States of America to counter global terrorism headed by President George W. Bush.

The term primarily revolves around the War in Afghanistan. The war commenced on 7 October 2001 and lasted till 31 December 2014.

Operation Enduring Freedom was initiated as a response by the United States to the attacks launched by Al Qaeda and the Taliban on 11 September.

The primary objectives of OEF included the seizure of terrorism in Afghanistan and the imprisonment of al-Qaeda leaders.

OEF was initially called Operation Infinite Justice. However, it was scrapped to avoid offending the Muslim majority in Afghanistan. The United Kingdom and Afghanistan joined the operation.

Operation Enduring Freedom resulted in the removal of the Taliban from power and the crippling of Al-Qaeda and associated forces.

However, the operation has been criticized for several reasons. Some suggest that the process should have been named Infinite Imperialism, Infinite Arrogance, and Infinite Injustice.

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The Human Rights Watch criticised the violent approach adopted by the US Army in 2004. Thus, there are mixed opinions about Operation Enduring Freedom.

operation enduring freedom

What is OIF?

OIF refers to Operation Iraqi Freedom. Operation Iraqi Freedom commenced on 20 March 2003 with airstrikes on the presidential residence of Saddam Hussain.

OIF was an invasion of Iraq launched by the United States of America. The US was joined by 40 other countries under the Coalition of the willing started by it.

The proposed objective of the US behind the Iraqi invasion was to prevent the production of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. However, no evidence of such weapons was found in the Iraqi province.

Consequently, it was speculated that the invasion had other malicious intentions,, such as the installation of a US-friendly regime and the control of Iraqi Oil Fields.

The US invasion of Iraq was considered a massive failure both from the political and military perspective.

While the war led to the loss of around 3000 US military personnel, approximately 50,000 Iraqi civilians died during the invasion.

Although Saddam Hussain’s government fell briskly, the United States of America has failed to bring peace to Iraq.

After the initial combat operations, the focus of the US government shifted to assisting new Iraqi leadership to improve security, establish an effective system of governance, and foster economic development.

Operation Iraqi Freedom finally ended on 15 December 2011.

operation iraqi freedom

Main Differences Between OEF and OIF 

  1. While the complete form of OEF is Operation Enduring Freedom, the full form of OIF is Operation Iraqi Freedom.
  2. Operation Enduring Freedom commenced on 7 October 2001. Operation Iraqi Freedom commenced on 20 March 2003.
  3. OEF was a US invasion against terrorists in Afghanistan. On the other hand, OIF was a US invasion of Iraq. 
  4. OEF ended with the killing of Osama Bin Laden and overthrowing the Taliban regime. On the other hand, OIF ended with the fall of Saddam Hussein’s government and weapons of mass destruction.
  5. OEF ended on 31 December 2014, and OIF ended on 15 December 2011.
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Enduring_Freedom 
  2. https://www.history.navy.mil/browse-by-topic/wars-conflicts-and-operations/middle-east/operation-iraqi-freedom.html 
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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


  1. Although the human rights organizations criticized OEF for its arrogance and imperialism, it cannot be denied that the operation succeeded in removing the Taliban from power.

  2. The violent approach adopted by the US Army during OEF was completely unnecessary and unacceptable. The operation didn’t have to be named Infinite Justice, it was insensitive.

  3. The US should not have launched an invasion to remove Saddam Hussein from power. There was no evidence of weapon production in Iraq.

  4. Most soldiers who were on active duty during OIF now have mental health conditions. The US should not have continued their military presence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein. It’s a shame the US has not been able to pacify Iraq.

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