Realism vs Naturalism: Difference and Comparison

Realism and Naturalism are two words that are closely linked to each other.

They are also interchangeable in some scenarios. Realism refers to the view or aspect of visualization which is pre-considered, or its survival is not dependent on what someone has already visualized or perceived.

Naturalism is a method of what the writer or author portrays existence.

Key Takeaways

  1. Realism emphasizes the accurate representation of everyday life and experiences in art and literature, while naturalism explores the impact of environmental and social forces on human behavior.
  2. Realism presents an objective and neutral view of the world, whereas naturalism depicts a deterministic perspective influenced by scientific principles.
  3. Both movements emerged as reactions to romanticism, aiming to portray life more truthfully and objectively.

Realism vs Naturalism

Realism is a literary movement that focuses on the realistic portrayal of everyday life, depicting characters from the middle and lower classes in their ordinary activities. Naturalism takes realism to a more extreme level by presenting a deterministic view of the world, where characters are at the mercy of their environment and circumstances.

Realism vs Naturalism

Realism refers to the view that reality is something that is pre-considered or perceived by a mind.

This term explains the real objects in the whole wide world that is present as a concept that is for real, and it isn’t just a belief that idealist would make us believe it for reality.

Naturalism is the ideology or subjective conditions that are focused on or determined to improvise the lives of society. It is also distinct to the irresistible character of mankind that could not resist the pre-existing fate.

They are more specific and distinct. It is more of a realistic depiction of the pre-existing species.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonRealismNaturalism
Meaning A subjective representation of reality or original life characterized by a literary movement.It is an extensive or extended study or representation of realism that is more overlapped with that of scientific theories.
PortrayalRealism portrayed life as such.Naturalism is more dependent on portraying life in association with environmental and biological concepts.
Character depictionRealism depicts middle-class characters.Naturalism depicts the poor or those below the middle class.
BooksRealism is involved in novels that involve themes like society and class.Naturalism is more fully-fledged through the pieces of literature that involves violence and corruption.
Literature focusIt is more focusing on the individual’s perspective.It is more focusing on those forces that cannot be controlled, such as the biological forces.
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What is Realism?

Realism, as the term itself suggests, exposes the reality present in the lives of individuals.

Realism is an influential literary movement that dominated the arts, literature, and theatre in the 19th century. In simple terms, the era of realism painted a realistic picture of humans and their daily lives through its art forms.

The portrayal of contemporary life was accurate and detailed. Arts in realism were grounded in reality and not fictionalized.

Realism was born out as a counter-movement to the era of Romanticism.

It rejected the Romanticistic ideals of aesthetics, fiction, supernatural elements, and over-idealization of the world. In contrast, the artists of the Realism era depicted lives as it was in their era.

As an aftereffect of the 1848 Revolution in France, the Realism era witnessed the rise in the stories of the common man. Literature moved away from the noble figures and entered the lives of the middle and working classes.

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Arts revolved around the common man.

Positivist Philosophy by Auguste Comte influenced Europe to indulge in the scientific and sociological study of society. Professional Journalism, which rose during the same era, did not fail to record the events as they happened.

Intellectual movements like these influenced the artists of the Realism era. The Realism era portrayed a realistic idea of society through various forms of art.


What is Naturalism?

Naturalism was a continuation of Realism. It followed Realistic ideals by including determinism and the methods of natural sciences.

As a literary movement born out of Realism, it holds on to Realistic ideas like the rejection of Romanticism. It was widespread in late 19th-century Europe.

The literary movement Naturalism originated in France and had its roots in the works of Hippolyte Taine. The ideals of Naturalism were spread by Emile Zola’s work “The Experimental Novel.”

Positivist ideas by Comte were the basis of Naturalism and were expounded in Zola’s work. Zola emphasized imparting scientific methods in the literature and conducting controlled experiments with the characters acting as the phenomena.

Naturalism had different factions within it, and authors had divided opinions.

American Naturalism was popular in the American region. This movement was popularized by Frank Norris. He differed from Zola’s view of Naturalism.

Norris viewed Naturalism as Romantic, while Zola was completely opposed and viewed it as truly Realist.

Zola’s Naturalism included the Darwinian view of nature and attempted to infuse scientific methods into literature. Naturalism was certainly popular in late 19th-century Europe.

Authors around the continent expounded Naturalistic ideals in their works. But it was criticized by contemporary authors as the movement was a failure.


Main Differences Between Realism and Naturalism

  1. Realism refers to pre-existing species and characters influenced by it. In contrast, Naturalism exists to impact society.
  2. Realism depicts the middle-class standard, whereas naturalism depicts the class below those of the middle class.
  3. Realism portrays life as such, while naturalism portrays it along with different elements alongside biological species and environment.
  4. Realism is more on a one-sided perspective, whereas naturalism is more dependent on other forces.
  5. Realism can be found in more novels that involve society-based content, whereas naturalism can be found in novels talking about biological elements.
Difference Between Realism and Naturalism

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.