Sesame Oil vs Gingelly Oil: Difference and Comparison

Healthy eating habits and a good skincare routine has become a priority for many individuals. In such a scenario, there is nothing better than a food item that serves both purposes.

Sesame oil and gingelly oil are two popular types of oil used for several purposes. While they may seem similar, there are considerable differences between sesame oil and gingelly oil. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Both sesame oil and gingelly oil are derived from sesame seeds, but sesame oil is extracted from raw seeds, while gingelly oil comes from roasted seeds.
  2. Sesame oil has a lighter color and milder flavor, making it suitable for various culinary applications. In contrast, gingelly oil boasts a darker hue and stronger, nuttier taste, ideal for seasoning and flavoring dishes.
  3. Both oils are rich in antioxidants and heart-healthy fats and possess anti-inflammatory properties. Their distinct flavors and colors cater to different cooking preferences and regional cuisines.

Sesame Oil vs Gingelly Oil 

The extraction process of sesame oil from the raw seeds takes place via a cold extraction process. Gingelly oil is manufactured at a temperature higher than that used for sesame oil.  

Sesame Oil vs Gingelly Oil

Sesame oil is a popular oil obtained from the seeds of sesame plants. These plants are predominantly found in India and East Africa. However, they are currently grown in many other countries across the globe as well.

Over the years, sesame oil has become an ideal cooking oil primarily because of its heart and nutty flavour. Furthermore, sesame oil is also beneficial for the skin. 

Gingelly oil is a well-known oil used for cooking and skincare. Gingelly oil is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. Therefore, it is ideal to get relief from body pains.

In addition, they have the potential to protect individuals from harmful rays of the Sun. There are several ways of consuming gingelly oil.  

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSesame Oil Gingelly Oil 
Extraction Sesame oil is extracted using a cold extraction process.Gingelly oil is extracted at a slightly higher temperature than sesame oil.
Color Sesame oil is pale yellowish.Gingelly oil is amber.
Smoking PointSesame oil has a high smoking point. Gingelly oil has a lower smoking point than sesame oil.
Ideal for Sesame oil is ideal for deep frying.Gingelly oil is ideal for shallow frying.
Uses Sesame oil has a practical application as a mouthwash.Gingelly oil can be used as an antioxidant. 
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What is Sesame Oil?

Sesame oil is edible vegetable oil. Sesame seeds are the main components used in the production of sesame oil. Sesame oil is one of the first oils derived from crop-based oils.

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The most common practical application of sesame oil is as a cooking oil. The oil is derived from sesame seeds which may or may not be cold-pressed to achieve the desired results. 

The composition of sesame oil includes fatty acids like linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, and several others in small quantities. The primary market of sesame oil is situated in Asia and the Middle East.

In these regions, the use of sesame oil has been prevalent for centuries. The dominant ingredient in sesame oil is vitamin K. There are several advantages of sesame oil.

While the household application of sesame oil is in cooking, pressed sesame oil is used as a flavouring agent. Sesame oil is also an efficient oil for constipation relief.

Some people choose to use sesame oil as a mouth wash primarily because of its antibacterial properties. In addition, the oil is also used for hair and scalp nourishment. 

Although it is a safe idea to use sesame oil on the skin, it is advisable to perform a patch test before any further application of the oil. Sesame oil is a blessing in disguise for acne-prone skin.

The anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties of sesame oil make its applications wide-ranging. It may lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well.  

sesame oil

What is Gingelly Oil?

Gingelly oil is the Indian sesame oil. The oil is popularly used for cooking and serving oil. Gingelly oil is not only a healthy cooking oil but is also widely used to strengthen hair.

Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that gingelly oil is an ideal option to cure baldness, especially in men. It is also a viable option for dry scalps due to its moisturizing properties. 

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Gingelly oil consists of vitamin E, phytosterols, lignans, sesamol, and sesamol. Gingelly oil is also rich in zinc.

Thus, it is an ideal option to improve several hair factors such as flexibility, smoothness, and spots of discolouration.

Another practical application of gingelly oil is in Ayurvedic treatments that tend to cure patients whose body overheats. 

The sesamol and sesamol found in gingelly oil are strong antioxidants. As a result, they help to fight against the toxins in the body and reduce the cell damage caused due to free radicals.

Being a great anti-inflammatory, gingelly oil can help individuals with joint problems and toothaches. Gingelly oil has a shelf life of approximately a year if it is stored in a cool and dry location. 

The anti-inflammatory properties of gingelly oil mean that it has the potential to protect individuals from harmful UV rays. There are several different ways to consume gingelly oil.

Individuals can use it in stir-frying or in a salad dressing. Gingelly oil may be used for marinating fish or meat. To conclude, consuming or using gingelly oil has several advantages.  

Main Differences Between Sesame Oil and Gingelly Oil

  1. Sesame oil includes fatty acids like linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, and several others in small quantities. In contrast, gingelly oil includes phytosterols, lignans, sesamol, and sesamol. 
  2. A practical application of sesame oil is as a flavouring agent in food. In contrast, gingelly oil can help individuals with joint problems and toothaches. 
  3. Sesame oil has a comparatively higher smoking point than gingelly oil. 
  4. Sesame oil is more easily available than gingelly oil.
  5. A demerit of sesame oil is that it may be a bad option for diabetic people. In contrast, a disadvantage of gingelly oil is that it may result in weight gain.
Difference Between Sesame Oil and Gingelly Oil 1
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.