Website vs Web Application: Difference and Comparison

Internet is a very fascinating world that is based on completely virtual reality. Internet is filled with many applications, games, commercial sites, social networks, and much more.

Now the entire world can access everything from anywhere with just one click. The Internet has made lives much easier and accessible for all. And it has many components that comprise to form what truly an Internet is.

Thus, website and web application are one of the components of it.

Key Takeaways

  1. Websites provide information and content, while web applications enable users to perform specific tasks and interact with data.
  2. Web applications require user authentication and more complex programming than websites.
  3. Websites are built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while web applications use server-side languages and databases.

Website vs Web Application

The difference between a Website and a Web Application is that the purpose behind building a website is to interact with everyone through the content resource. Some examples of a website include – Google, Bing, Amazon, Myntra, etc. While comparatively, on the other hand, the purpose of building any web application involves the interaction limited to the end-users. 

Website vs Web Application

Website is said to be collective files and relatable resources data that can be found on the World Wide Web and is restricted under a certain domain.

The first-ever website was built by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who is also referred to as ‘Father of Website’ in the year 1989 while working at CERN.  

Web Application, in simple terms, is said to be an application that can be operated directly through a web browser with active internet service.

For the first time in 1999, the concept of web application came into existence with Java language. Some examples of a web application are – Netflix, Microsoft Office, Prime Video, Google Docs, and much more.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonWebsiteWeb Application
Created ForPublic and is easily available to themIt is created to interact with the end-user
ComplexityThey are easy to navigate and access.They are complex.
AuthenticationNot necessaryMust be necessary
User Interaction/Interface It is readable to all (including images, video, GIFs, etc) and doesn’t affect the functioning.  Although the content is accessible but also has access to modify or restrict it.  
Pre-compilationNot requiredRequired
Type of SoftwareComplete productIs a part of the website
DeploymentCan be done by updating HTML codeComplete re-compiling is to be done
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What is Website?

Website is stated as the file collection and relatable resources which can be found through the World Wide Web and come under a certain domain.

The characteristics of a good website include – high-quality content, easy and attractive user interface, navigation between pages must be quick and easy, consisting of relevant keywords so that they appear top on the search engines.

Some of the main reasons behind building a website of your own are – it helps the person to launch their services or products globally, which further increases customer support and helps in branding their product service.

Also, it allows the person to use it as social proof of their existence.

The disadvantages faced by many people include – the unreliability of the sources given, the unwanted messages and e-mails coming across, the authenticity of the product despite many claims, the crashing down of the server when came across heavy traffic, and many more.  


What is Web Application?

A web application is stated as an application that can be accessed directly through any web browser with an active internet connection.

The examples for web applications are – Google Docs, Microsoft Office, Netflix, Basecamp, Prime Video, and many more.

The characteristics required for building a web application must include – cross-platform between pages. They must be updated automatically, can get tested instinctively, less coupled, and is cloud-hosted.

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The advantages of such applications are that they are more accessible through different browsers, don’t have to update, are cost-effective, and are easy to be maintained.

The disadvantages that can be faced by any user may include – it allows users to have limited access to many features, they aren’t fully secure and thus may be vulnerable to access, sometimes web applications do not support multiple browsers.

And the foremost one is that they are not always to be found on any app store like – Google Play Store or App Store, etc.

web application

Main Differences Between Website and Web Application

  1. A website is created for the use of the public and is thus available for all while comparatively, on the other hand, a web application is created just to interact with the end-user.
  2. The complexity of using a website is very easy to navigate and easy to use, while comparatively, on the other hand, the complexity of using a web application is somewhere complex.
  3. The authentication of a website is as such not necessary because to access the exclusive content, the user may register while comparatively, on the other hand, the authentication of a web application must require.
  4. The user interface/interaction in a website is user-friendly, and thus the content involving images, videos, GIFs, etc. is readable and doesn’t affect the functioning while comparatively, on the other hand, the user interface of a web application is much accessible to the users, but they can modify and restrict the data.
  5. The pre-compilation in a website is not required, while comparatively, on the other hand, the pre-compilation is required in a web application. 
  6. The type of software in a website is considered a complete product while comparatively, on the other hand, the type of software in a web application states that it is a part of the website and not a complete form.
  7. The deployment in a website can be done by just changing the main HTML code while comparatively, on the other hand, is a web application. If there is an error, the re-compilation is to be done.
Difference Between Website and Web Application


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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.