Interest Rate on $1 Table Creator

interest rate on 1 table creator 662640
  • Enter the Principal Amount ($), Number of Years, and Interest Rate (%).
  • Check the "Compound Interest" box for compound interest calculations (unchecked for simple interest).
  • Click "Calculate" to generate the interest rate table and chart.
  • Click "Clear" to reset the results and chart.
  • Click "Copy Results" to copy the table to the clipboard.

YearPrincipalInterest EarnedTotal Balance
Detailed Calculation and Explanation

The interest is calculated using the following formula:

Interest Earned = Principal Amount * Interest Rate / 100

Total Balance for each year is calculated as:

Total Balance = Principal + Interest Earned

The table above shows the year-wise breakdown of Principal, Interest Earned, and Total Balance.

Calculation History

    Function and Purpose

    The Interest Rate on $1 Table Creator is a financial tool that generates a table showcasing the interest rates required for an initial investment of $1 to grow to a specified future value over various time periods. It eliminates the need for manual calculations, streamlining financial projections and comparisons.

    Key Concepts and Formulas

    Compound Interest

    • Interest is earned not only on the principal amount but also on the accumulated interest from previous periods.
    • Formula: FV = PV x (1 + i)^n
      • FV: Future Value
      • PV: Present Value (initial investment, $1 in this case)
      • i: Interest Rate (expressed as a decimal)
      • n: Number of Periods

    Present Value of $1 (PVIF)

    • Represents the current worth of $1 to be received at a future date, considering a specific interest rate.
    • Derived from the compound interest formula: PVIF = 1 / (1 + i)^n

    Future Value of $1 (FVIF)

    • Represents the future value of $1 invested today, considering a specific interest rate and time period.
    • Also derived from the compound interest formula: FVIF = (1 + i)^n

    Interest Rate Conversion

    • The tool allows for conversion between annual and periodic interest rates (e.g., monthly, quarterly) for accurate calculations.

    Benefits of Using the Tool

    Simplified Interest Rate Calculations

    • Automates complex calculations, saving time and effort.
    • Eliminates manual errors and ensures accuracy.

    Future Value Projections

    • Enables visualization of investment growth over time under different interest rate scenarios.
    • Facilitates comparison of investment options and goal setting.

    Loan and Mortgage Analysis

    • Helps determine the interest rate required to achieve a specific loan or mortgage balance over a set period.
    • Aids in understanding debt repayment dynamics.

    Financial Planning and Decision-Making

    • Assists in evaluating savings plans, retirement strategies, and investment choices.
    • Provides valuable insights for making informed financial decisions.

    Interesting Facts

    The Power of Compounding

    • Small interest rate differences can lead to significant differences in future value over time.
    • The table highlights the exponential growth potential of compounding interest.

    The Rule of 72

    • A quick estimation method: divide 72 by the interest rate to approximate the number of years for an investment to double.
    Also Read:  Public vs Private Sector: Difference and Comparison


    The Interest Rate on $1 Table Creator is a valuable tool for individuals, businesses, and financial professionals. It simplifies interest rate calculations, facilitates financial projections, and enhances decision-making. By understanding its concepts and benefits, users can effectively leverage its capabilities for sound financial planning and analysis.

    • Brigham, E. F., & Houston, J. F. (2023). Fundamentals of Financial Management (16th ed.). Cengage Learning.
    • Gitman, L. J., & Zutter, C. J. (2020). Principles of Managerial Finance (15th ed.). Pearson Education.
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    About Author

    Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.