Muntin vs Mullion: Difference and Comparison

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Key Takeaways

  1. Muntins are horizontal or vertical bars that divide a single window or door into smaller panes of glass, primarily for decorative or historical purposes.
  2. Mullions are vertical or horizontal structural members that divide a window or door into separate sections or units, providing stability and structural integrity to the entire assembly.
  3. Muntins primarily support individual panes of glass within a larger frame, while mullions distribute the load across the window or door and maintain the overall structural integrity of the unit.

What is Muntin?

Muntins are the vertical shafts existing between panes of glass in a traditional multi-pane glass composition. Vertical strips between windows or larger panes provide additional support and separation. Muntins are also called muntin bars, glazing bars, sash bars, or grilles.

Other than windows, they can also appear on any furniture, like wooden panels. When associated with windows, they are the grids or vertical barriers that separate glass windows into individual panes.

Muntins are very popular for styling homes and set a new trend. They help bring depth and character to your home’s surroundings. They come in various colors and materials that best match your home’s appearance.

What is Mullion?

Mullions are the vertical or horizontal strips that separate two sides of a single window replacement unit. They provide a structural framework for each unit and keep them separate.

They are used between a set of commercial doors providing extra support. In the 10th century, they were used as supporting windows as they were glazed in place and acted as load-bearing elements to support an arch.

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Mullions enhance a window’s appearance by creating a focal point for each unit. They also bring new functionality to single-pane window units.

Difference Between Muntin and Mullion

  1. Muntins are the narrow strips of wood or metal that support adjacent panes of glass within a sash. In contrast, mullions are heavy vertical or horizontal dividing bars that combine two windows or doors.
  2. Muntins are used for replacement windows, doors, or wooden panels, whereas mullions are used to create vertical divisions between window and door units, screen, or glass curtain walls.
  3. Muntins are thin grills that divide glass panes into small segments, whereas mullions serve as a frame for a door or window.
  4. While muntins are now commonly used as a decorative realm for commercial windows and doors, mullions are installed to make a single-pane window into a casement window that can be opened.
  5. In modern architecture, muntins are commonly made of metal or plastic, whereas mullions are made of metal or wood.

Comparison Between Muntin and Mullion

Parameters of ComparisonMuntinMullion
DefinitionMuntin refers to the vertical dividers that separate glass panes in a window.Mullions are single vertical bars that separate two sides of a single window.
PurposeThe need for muntins as a structural component diminished, so they are used for decorative purposes in modern architecture.Mullions provide a structural framework for each window unit and keep them separate.
Material usedMuntins are made up of plastic or metal.Mullions are made up of metal or wood.
OriginMuntins were highly prevalent in the 18th and 19th centuries.Mullions have their origin in gothic architecture before the 10th century.
Home securityMuntins may offer a bit of a boost to home security.Mullions have their origin in Gothic architecture before the 10th century.

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.