OLED vs AMOLED vs IPS: Difference and Comparison

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Key Takeaways

  1. OLED and AMOLED: OLED and AMOLED displays offer vibrant colors, deep blacks, and wide viewing angles. They use organic compounds to emit light, with each pixel individually controlled. AMOLED displays have improved power efficiency compared to traditional OLED displays.
  2. IPS: IPS displays provide good color reproduction and wide viewing angles and are more affordable than OLED and AMOLED. However, they may respond slower, resulting in motion blur during fast-paced content.
  3. Differences: OLED and AMOLED have faster response times and better contrast ratios and can be prone to burn-in if static images are displayed for long periods. IPS displays have slower response times but are less prone to burn-in and offer more affordable options. The choice depends on individual preferences, specific use cases, and budget considerations.

What is OLED?

OLED is a display technology, and it means Organic Light-Emitting Diode. This display gets used on screens of different devices. It uses a layer of organic materials. When an electric current is applied, the materials emit light.

Every pixel of the screen emits its light. As a result, the viewers get to experience the perfect black levels and high contrast ratios. Its color reproduction and fast response times are its main advantages.

Its structure is flexible and thin, so it makes them perfect to be used in curved displays. Most models of this technology do not have a long lifespan. Over time burn-in takes place. Being pricey, it is not always obtainable. 

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What is AMOLED?

Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode is a full form of AMOLED, a screen technology. Here the display uses a TFT or thin-film transistor. This technology approves faster response times and color reproduction.

The advantages of AMOLED are a lot similar to OLED. But some of the new-age models are developing even more advanced features. The contrast ratios given rise by this screen technology offer perfect blacks and a vivid viewing experience.

These displays are energy efficient, so they consume power at a low rate. This has an advantage too. Being a power saver, it can preserve the device’s battery life.

What is IPS?

In-Plane Switching, widely known as IPS, is a variety of display technology. It is used in LCD screen devices like smartphones, tablets, monitors, and laptops.

IPS has wider viewing angles, and also, in terms of color reproduction, it is accurate. So the colours will remain constant regardless of the angle you set your eyes on the screen.

It is much more affordable than the other two. Its response time is not excellent, but it is good. A more vivid and lifelike experience is provided by color saturation. Nevertheless, the contrast ratio is less when compared with the other two.

Difference Between OLED and AMOLED and IPS

  1. OLED is short for organic light-emitting diode. At the same time, AMOLED implies active-matrix organic light-emitting diodes. Lastly, IPS stands for in-plane switching.
  2. OLED and AMOLED are efficient regarding power consumption, but IPS is less efficient.
  3. While Samsung and other major brands have adopted OLED and AMOLED, brands like Dell, LG, and HP widely use IPS.
  4. Both OLED and AMOLED are hard to make. As a result, their availability is limited, and the price is higher. On the contrary, IPS is easier to produce, and therefore, it’s more affordable.
  5. The response time of the OLED is swift, so it is adequate for gaming. AMOLED has a similarly fast pace, and some recent models are even better. At the same time, IPS has a slower response time when compared to OLED or AMOLED.
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Comparison Between OLED and AMOLED and IPS

Parameter of ComparisonOLEDAMOLEDIPS
Complete formIt stands for organic light-emitting diode.It means active-matrix organic light-emitting diode.It is efficient regarding power consumption.             
Power consumptionIt is efficient in regard to power consumption.             It is also efficient.Comparatively, it is less efficient.
Contrast ratioIt has an excellent contrast ratio.Here, the contrast ratio is excellent too.Comparatively, its contrast ratio is not as good as the other two.
ExpenseIts cost is on the higher side.It is expensive too.It is affordable.
Color accuracyIt has great color accuracy and a wide color gamut.It also has excellent color accuracy.Its color accuracy is good but low compared to the other two.
SuitabilityIt is for high-end smartphones, tablets, and televisions.It is suitable for high-end smartphones, tablets, and televisions.Mid to high-end smartphones use this. It is also suitable for tablets and computer monitors.
  1. https://sid.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/sdtp.16179
  2. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-94-007-5086-9.pdf#page=96
  3. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7756402/
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.