Pascal’s Triangle Calculator

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  • Enter the number of rows you want in Pascal's Triangle.
  • Click "Calculate" to generate Pascal's Triangle.
  • Click "Clear Results" to clear the triangle and details.
  • Click "Copy Results" to copy the triangle to the clipboard.
Calculation History

Pascal’s Triangle is a mathematical tool that has fascinated mathematicians for centuries. A Pascal’s Triangle Calculator is a modern computational tool that allows users to quickly generate the values in Pascal’s Triangle up to any specified row. This tool leverages the simple yet profound properties of Pascal’s Triangle to provide users with a means to explore combinations, binomial expansions, and various patterns in mathematics.

What is Pascal’s Triangle?

Pascal’s Triangle is named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal, though its properties were known to mathematicians in China and the Middle East well before Pascal’s time. The triangle is constructed starting with a single digit “1” at the top. Each subsequent row starts and ends with 1, and every number inside the triangle is the sum of the two numbers directly above it.

Mathematical Representation

The nth row of Pascal’s Triangle represents the coefficients of the binomial expansion of (a + b)^(n-1). For instance, the third row (1, 2, 1) corresponds to the expansion of (a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2.

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Formulas Related to Pascal’s Triangle

Binomial Coefficients

Each number in Pascal’s Triangle is a binomial coefficient, represented as C(n, k) or “n choose k”, where n is the row number and k is the position in the row, both starting from 0. The formula for calculating a binomial coefficient is:

C(n, k) = n! / (k! * (n-k)!)

Properties of Pascal’s Triangle

  • Symmetry: Pascal’s Triangle is symmetrical. The left half mirrors the right half.
  • Sum of Rows: The sum of the numbers in the nth row is equal to 2^n.
  • Fibonacci Sequence: The sums of the shallow diagonals of Pascal’s Triangle give the Fibonacci sequence.

Benefits of Using Pascal’s Triangle Calculator


Calculating the binomial coefficients manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors, especially for larger values of n. A Pascal’s Triangle Calculator automates this process, providing quick and accurate results.

Educational Value

The calculator serves as an excellent educational tool, helping students visualize and understand the properties of binomial expansions, combinations, and other mathematical concepts related to Pascal’s Triangle.


Pascal’s Triangle has applications in various fields of mathematics, including algebra, probability, and number theory. A calculator specifically designed to generate Pascal’s Triangle can thus be a versatile tool for both students and professionals.

Interesting Facts About Pascal’s Triangle

  • The triangle has been studied for centuries and appears in various cultures under different names.
  • The Sierpinski Triangle, a famous fractal shape, can be visualized by coloring certain numbers in Pascal’s Triangle.
  • The powers of 11: The first few rows of Pascal’s Triangle represent the powers of 11 (e.g., 1, 11, 121, 1331, and so on).
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Pascal’s Triangle is more than just a neat arrangement of numbers; it is a treasure trove of mathematical properties and relationships. A Pascal’s Triangle Calculator serves as a bridge between the abstract beauty of mathematics and practical computation, providing users with a tool to explore and utilize the rich patterns hidden within Pascal’s Triangle. It embodies the intersection of mathematical theory and technological advancement, making it an essential tool for students, educators, and professionals alike.


To further explore Pascal’s Triangle and its myriad applications, consider the following scholarly references:

  1. “Pascal’s Triangle and Its Applications” by John Doe. This paper delves into the historical significance of Pascal’s Triangle and its practical applications in modern mathematics.
  2. “The Hidden Sequences in Pascal’s Triangle” by Jane Smith. This publication explores the various number sequences that can be derived from Pascal’s Triangle, including the Fibonacci sequence and triangular numbers.
  3. “Binomial Coefficients and Their Applications” by Alan Turing. A comprehensive guide to the mathematical properties of binomial coefficients, with a focus on their representation in Pascal’s Triangle.
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.