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Fire is a dangerous element that everyone deals with in everyday life. Fire can obliterate anything in minutes, whether a house, office, or industrial infrastructure. The most unfortunate thing about the fire is that no one knows when a fire-related accident will occur.  Along with fire safety measures, fire insurance can protect from fire-related accidents.

It helps the owner financially recuperate damage from fire accidents. For this reason, many industrial and commercial properties must have fire insurance. Let’s learn how fire insurance works and what are advantages and disadvantages associated with fire insurance.

Key Takeaways

  1. Fire insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers the financial losses incurred due to damages caused by fire to insured property.
  2. Fire insurance policies cover many risks, such as structural damage, damage to contents, and loss of income due to business interruption.
  3. Fire insurance policies come with different coverage limits, premiums, and deductibles, and it is crucial to choose the right policy based on one’s specific needs and budget.
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How does it work?

It is a type of property insurance which covers only fire-related incidents on the property. Here the policyholder makes a legal agreement with the insurance company that the insurance company will reimburse the policyholder in case of a fire-related accident. In return, the policyholder must pay a monthly or yearly premium on the fire insurance policy. The policyholder must also implement all fire safety protocols on the property.

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Any industry with a high risk of fire hazard requires obtaining fire insurance by law. Besides these industries, any property owner can also obtain fire insurance. The insurance will cover any loss due to natural fire, forest fire, any fire from electrical wiring, or lightning. Various types of fire insurance policies are available in the market, including comprehensive, specific, valued, replacement, etc.

However, all fire-related accidents are not covered under fire insurance. A few fire-related accidents are excluded from fire insurance. Fire insurance will not cover an incident from nuclear waste or civil war if the policyholder ignores fire safety protocol on the property. The policyholder can purchase add-on coverage for a forest fire, Earthquake, flood, and other natural calamities along with the fire insurance.

Advantages of Fire Insurance

The biggest advantage of fire insurance is that it provides peace of mind to the policyholder. Fire insurance will provide financial coverage for the damage in case of an accident. This financial coverage can help the owner restructure and revive the property in a new way. Another benefit of fire insurance is compliance. It helps the property owner take all precautions against fire and makes the property more secure from fire-related accidents. In short, fire insurance increases fire-related awareness among the property owner.

Disadvantages of Fire Insurance

The biggest disadvantage of fire insurance is the regular premium fee on fire insurance. The premium on the fire insurance varies on the risk of fire-related accident probability. The property owner needs to pay an extra premium where the fire risk is high. Along with the insurance premium, the property owner must take all precautionary safety measures against fire accidents.

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Otherwise, the insurance company may decline the fire insurance coverage after the accident. The policyholder may need additional insurance coverage for accidental damage from natural calamities.

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By Chara Yadav

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.