What is Politics? | Definition, Working, Advantages vs Disadvantages

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Humans are social creatures and prefer to live in a society. In a society, every individual has a different point of view on every subject. Here some individuals do subjugate others with their opinion. This activity is known as politics. With this activity, a few people gain the power to govern others and the authority to make policies for the people. From the beginning of human civilization, politics remained integral to human society. In modern times, politics is used for government formation at the state and national levels. Let’s learn how politics work and the advantages and disadvantages of politics.

Key Takeaways

  1. Politics involves making decisions that affect a community or society as a whole.
  2. It encompasses elections, lobbying, and public policy formulation and implementation.
  3. Politics is important because it allows individuals and groups to have a say in how they are governed and to promote their interests.
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How does it work?

It is a decision-making activity in a group. With this process, an individual can influence the decisions of others. In short, politics is a power-gaining process that gives a person the power to govern others. The governing power can extend to a small community, tribe, state, or nation. From small to large, politics extends to all parts of human society.

Multiple methods are affianced in politics. These methods include expressing political views, negotiating with others, lawmaking, and exercising force against adversaries. According to many historians, politics was an integral part of human society from the beginning of mankind. The modern form of politics has evolved over centuries and is now employed on various social stages. Hence, anyone can observe the effect of politics on national and international governing bodies.

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Many experts in political affairs say that politics is all about power, where some individuals become powerful by influencing the policymaking process. These individuals are also known as politicians. They make policies which suit their interest more. Many times these politicians ally with other politicians for power gain. These people can also influence many people with their speech and political activity.

Advantages of politics

The first advantage of politics is that it gives society leaders. These leaders govern society in one way or another. Most successful leaders formulate governments and legislate policies for the people. Politics is also an activity that brings together people with similar points of view in one place. It also persuades people for mass movements and social activities. Another integral part of politics is negotiation. Applying political negotiation allows two parties to conclude any subject with a favourable outcome.

Disadvantages of politics

The biggest disadvantage of political activity is that it may increase factionalism in society. Due to this problem, society may get segregated into different groups, where one group follows one political view and another follows another. In the future, this factionalism can become the primary reason behind clashes and other social unrest.

Negative usage of politics may increase corruption and crony capitalism. It favors people from one group and deprives people of another group. Corruption and crony capitalism further increase the financial disparity in society. It makes one group of people rich and another group poor.

  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=UlekDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT4&dq=What+is+Politics&ots=J53TBevQTJ&sig=36SozHikV_gK1IrV1euAy3MU2Kc

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.