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Subjectivity can be defined in various manners as its meaning is related to reality, consciousness, truth and personhood. It is a philosophical concept. Subjectivity is the quality of being a subject. It means a person with conscious experiences like feelings, desires, perspectives and beliefs.

The term subjectively originated from Latin. It can also mean something denoting or relating to a pronoun or noun used in a sentence for the subject. Subjective things mostly depend upon a person’s own opinions and ideas. So there is no universal truth in that.

Some synonym words for Subjective are abstract, instinctive, biased, intuitive, distinctive, personal, illusory etc.

Some antonym words for Subjective are unbiased, meditated, real, unemotional, objective, impartial etc.

Key Takeaways

  1. Subjective refers to a perspective or viewpoint that is based on personal feelings, opinions, or experiences rather than on objective facts.
  2. Subjective evaluations or judgments can vary greatly among individuals and can be influenced by cultural background, upbringing, and personal biases.
  3. In contrast to objective assessments, which are based on verifiable and quantifiable data, subjective assessments rely on personal interpretation and can be more difficult to measure or compare.


  1. We know that fashion and art preferences are subjective.
  2. Ram thinks that Rohan is the most intelligent person in the class. But I think his judgment is subjective.
  3. It is important for a literacy critic not to be subjective regarding his approach.

What is the function of Subjective?

The subjective approach, point of view or presentation is very helpful in allowing the readers to understand the writer‘s mind through his/her explication and interpretation of opinions, characters, beliefs and thoughts. Subjective writing builds tension and allows readers to interpret an individual’s action. This approach provides the point that each person has his understanding and interpreting view about things.

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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.