Running vs Training Shoes: Difference and Comparison

The right size of the show is important to be known for the comfort of the feet. Because people are unaware of the right type and right purpose of the shoes, therefore, they have to face the discomfort in their feet while performing any activities.

Every other type of shoe is different in its sole, height, features, purpose, movement, etc.

Key Takeaways

  1. Running shoes provide cushioning and support for forward motion, while training shoes offer stability for multidirectional movement.
  2. Running shoes prioritize weight reduction and flexibility, while training shoes focus on durability and ankle support.
  3. Training shoes have a flatter sole for balance during various exercises while running shoes have a more pronounced heel-to-toe drop for forward propulsion.

Running Shoes vs Training Shoes

The difference between Running Shoes and Training Shoes is that the built of running shoes are made to support the heel-to-toe movement. They are made to enhance the running experience for the individual. Whereas comparatively, on the side, the build of the training shoes is for providing flexible, side-to-side movement with a wider range.

Running Shoes vs Training Shoes

Running shoes are made to provide extreme performance while running. These types of shoes are best for running or for tracks.

The sole of the shoe is made thick with some height to provide proper comfort from the heel region to the toe. The shoes are breathable and light in weight, and for the best performance of the shoe, added support and cushioning are provided.

Training shoes are made for performing almost every possible physical activity like – running, stopping, jumping, breaking, and making change in directions.

The shoes are made up of extremely light in weight. The heel drop (or the distance from the height of the heel to the height of the toe) or soles of the training shoes are flattened.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonRunning ShoesTraining Shoes
What is it?These are made for enhancing the running performance.These are the special shoes that are made to perform any physical activity.
WeightLightweightExtremely light
Heel DropThick soles with heightFlat soles
MovementForward movementBackward movement
PurposeRunningPhysical activities like – kickboxing, gymming, aerobics
FeatureBreathable and lightHeavier
TractionSturdy gripLess traction
CushioningThick cushionLess cushion
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What is Running Shoes?

Running shoes are shoes manufactured specifically to provide comfort to the individual while running. They are preferably made for the same purpose and enhance the quality.

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The shoes are made very light in weight to make them more comfortable. The heel drops, or the soles (distance of the height of the heel from the height of toe region), are made thick for the support, which adds up the cushioning with the sturdy and firm grip.

The shoes are made light and breathable so that to prevent sloppiness and prevents fatigue, shock, pain, pressure, or any type of injury. They mostly support the forward movement.

Because of this feature, running shoes provide minimum support to the ankle and thus make it unsuitable for any other physical activities.

Running shoes are of many types based on where the individual has to perform their running exercises.

In simpler terms, they are categorized on the basis of the location of the running practices, and they are as follows – Neutral running shoes, Stability running shoes, Minimalist running shoes, motion control running shoes, and Barefoot running shoes.

running shoes

What are Training Shoes?

Training shoes are shoes that have been manufactured to provide extreme comfort and also to perform every possible physical activity.

These are made to help in moving feet in side-to-side movement, and also, they may help in moving in multi-directional.

The soles of the shoes are made flatter to provide extreme comfort and support to the feet. As well as they are best suited for – gymming, yoga, and sports. 

As these are made to perform all the possible physical activities thus, they are used in different sports and for different purposes like –

  • Weight Lifting – Weight lifting requires a stable ankle and mobility and guarantees whole-body stiffness because while lifting the heavyweights, it gets easier for the person to lift even the heavy loads.
  • Walking – Training shoes can be opted for by the person that is determined to have evening or morning walks on a regular basis, as they are strictly suitable for walking and not for jogging or running. 
  • Indoor Workouts – Proper workouts require a proper and right choice of shoes. The wrong choice may cause injury or excess pressure on the feet of the individual. Thus, indoor workout practices like – skipping, jumping jacks, etc., can be performed wearing training shoes.  
training shoes

Main Differences Between Running and Training Shoes

  1. Running shoes were eventually made to enhance and increase the running performance of the individual, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the training shoes were made to perform almost all types of physical activity.
  2. The weight of the running shoes is quite light whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the training shoes are extremely light in weight.
  3. The heel drops or the soles of the running shoes are made up of a certain height difference, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the heel drop or the sole of the training shoe.
  4. Running shoes are made up for forward movements, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, training shoes are made up for backward movements. 
  5. The purpose behind manufacturing running shoes is itself hidden in its meaning, that is, for running, whereas comparatively, on the other side, the purpose behind manufacturing training shoes is to perform all the physical activities like – tacking, jumping, stopping, etc.
  6. Running shoes are made up with sturdy grip or, say, with less traction, whereas comparatively, on the other side, training shoes are made up with firm grip and more traction so that they are able to perfect choice for physical activities.
  7. Running shoes comes with quite thick cushioning in order to save individual feet from injuries or pressure, while comparatively, on the other side, training shoes have less cushioning in the shoes. 
Difference Between Running and Training Shoes
Also Read:  Physical Activity vs Exercise: Difference and Comparison

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.