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Grand slam and Homerun are the two most used terms used in baseball. A professional baseball organization is popularly known as Major League Baseball (MBL).

According to the MBL stats recorded in 2022, there are a total of 30 teams half of them play for the National League (NL), and the remaining play for the American League (AL).

Key Takeaways

  1. A grand slam is a specific type of home run in baseball that occurs when a batter hits a home run with the bases loaded, scoring four runs.
  2. A home run is a hit that allows the batter to circle all bases and score a run without being put out.
  3. Grand slams are rarer and more valuable than regular home runs because they significantly impact the game’s score.

Grand Slam vs Home Run

A grand slam is a term used in tennis and golf which refers to winning all the major tournaments in a calendar year. A home run is a term used in baseball. It is used when a batter hits the ball out of the park, resulting in a run scored by the batter and any runners on base.

Grand Slam vs Home Run

Grand Slam is marked when the ball crosses the foul poles and outfield fence. However, the ball must not touch the ground before the foul poles or outfield fence.

Also, all the baserunners must be present at all three bases. Roger Connor was the first player to score a grand slam in the major baseball league.

Home Run is secured when the ball is struck and the baserunners can complete a complete circuit. A home run is categorized depending upon the number of runs scored in a single step.

A home run can also be named as a solo home run for a single run whereas a two-run homer for two runs.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGrand SlamHome Run
DefinitionGrand Slam is a type of home run in which the ball must cross the wall along with all the players present at the three bases.A home run is marked when the ball crosses the foul poles and players must reach the bases.
Ball ConditionThe ball must return to the pitcher after being hit. The ball must cross the foul poles.
ScoreThe player can obtain four runs by hitting a grand slam.The player can obtain one run by hitting a home run.
CategoryThe grand slam is not further categorized as it gives a maximum number of runs.The home run is divided into categories depending upon the runs scored.
Record HolderRoger Connor is one of the notable record holders of MLB.Barry Bonds holds the record for maximum home runs.

What is Grand Slam?

Grand slam is a technical term mainly used in baseball. The term Grand slam is a home run having all the remaining three base runners occupying the three bases.

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It is the maximum number of runs scored in one go. The total score in a grand slam is four-run.

The first player to hit a grand slam in major leagues is Roger Connor. On 10th September 1881 at Riverfront Park in Rensselaer, New York Roger Connor hit the first grand slam for Troy Trojans.

However, in 1871, Chalie Gould strikes a grand slam for Boston Red Stocking in a match of the National Association.

The NA is commonly known as National Association, is not acknowledged as a major league. The main governing authority of baseball is Major League Baseball.

Also, The Dickson Baseball Dictionary is termed as one of the five best books of baseball terminology. Furthermore, the term grand slam is the rarest home run scored in a game of baseball.

On other hand, according to English, the word slam means to produce a noisy sound by smashing a door forcefully. This resembles that the hitter gains a forceful victory over the opponent’s team.

The only pitcher to score two grand slams in a single game is Tony Cloninger. He scored both grand slams for Atlanta Braves in the year 1996 against San Francisco Giants.


What is Home Run?

A home run is a typical term commonly used during a baseball match. According to baseball rules, a home run is obtained when the ball strikes outfield poles or boundaries.

Also, while hitting the ball, the batter can cover the bases on the ground and reach the initial position. If the defensive or opponent team executes any mistake during this home run, they must not commit any mistake.

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While completing a home run, the ball must not strike the ground between the outfield or may hit the foul poles. The home run is known as a homer, dinger, moon shot, and many more.

The home run is mainly categorized into two categories namely out-of-the-park and inside-the-park.

According to the out-of-the-park home run, the ball strikes by the batter can hit either the foul poles or the outfield wall. During this whole process, the approaching ball must not touch the ground.

According to the Major League Baseball rules, if the ball touches the ground before going to the foul poles then it automatically becomes double.

In an inside-the-park home run, the ball must pass the ground and the player must complete the circle. This process must be completed till the ball is returned to the pitcher.

home run

Main Differences Between Grand Slam and Home Run

  • Grand slam provides the maximum runs scored in one stroke whereas home runs may vary depending upon the circuit completed.
  • Grand slam gives a score of four runs in one hit whereas home run gives runs ranging from one run to four runs.
  • A grand slam end is marked by either touching the foul poles or the wall whereas a home run end is marked by returning the ball to the pitcher.
  • In a grand slam, all the players must be present at all three bases whereas, in a home run, the players should complete the circuit of bases.
  • The grand slam does not have a nickname but home run is known by many nicknames such as homer, run shot, the moon shot, bomb, blast, and many more.
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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.