APR Calculator

  • Enter the loan amount, annual interest rate, and loan term (in months).
  • Click "Calculate APR" to calculate the APR and see the results.
  • View the monthly payment, total payment, total interest, and APR.
  • Check the payment breakdown and detailed calculation below.
  • Your calculation history is displayed in the "Calculation History" section.
  • Click "Clear Inputs" to reset the inputs, and "Clear History" to clear the history.
Payment Breakdown:
Calculation Details:
Amortization Schedule:
Month Starting Balance Principal Payment Interest Payment Total Payment Ending Balance
Calculation History:

    What is Annual Percentage Rate?

    Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is a term used in finance to express the cost of borrowing money as a yearly percentage. It takes into account not only the stated interest rate on a loan, but also any fees or charges associated with obtaining the loan. This makes it a more accurate representation of the total cost of borrowing compared to simply looking at the interest rate alone.

    Here are some key points about APR:

    • Expressed as a percentage: APR is always expressed as a percentage, making it easy to compare the costs of different loans.
    • Includes all fees and charges: This includes origination fees, closing costs, discount points, and any other charges associated with the loan.
    • Standardized calculation: APR is calculated using a standardized formula, ensuring consistency and comparability across different lenders and loan types.
    • Useful for comparison: Comparing APRs allows you to choose the loan with the lowest overall cost, even if the stated interest rate is not the lowest.
    • Not the same as APY: While similar-sounding, APR differs from Annual Percentage Yield (APY), which takes into account the effect of compounding interest.

    Formulae for Annual Percentage Rate

    1. Loans with Simple Interest:

    If you have a loan with simple interest and equal monthly payments, the APR can be calculated with this formula:

    APR = (Interest Rate * 12) / Number of Payments

    2. Loans with Periodic Interest and Equal Payments:

    For loans with periodic interest and equal monthly payments (most common), the formula requires the periodic interest rate (monthly) and the loan term in months:

    APR = (i * (1 + i)^n) / ((1 + i)^n - 1) * 100%


    • i is the periodic interest rate (monthly rate expressed as a decimal)
    • n is the number of payments

    Benefits of Using the Annual Percentage Rate Calculator

    Annual Percentage Rate (APR) calculators offer a multitude of benefits, making them valuable tools for anyone considering borrowing money. Here are some key advantages:

    1. Transparency and Informed Decisions:

    • Clear Cost Comparison: Unlike simply looking at the stated interest rate, APR calculators consider all fees and charges associated with a loan, providing a transparent picture of the total cost of borrowing.
    • Compare Loan Options: Easily compare APRs from different lenders and loan types to identify the most affordable option based on your specific needs.
    • Avoid Hidden Fees: Uncover hidden fees and charges that might inflate the actual cost of a loan, empowering you to make informed decisions about repayment and budget planning.

    2. Convenience and Speed:

    • Effortless Calculations: Eliminate the need for manual calculations and complex formulae. Simply input your loan details, and the calculator instantly displays the APR.
    • Saves Time and Effort: Skip the tedious process of researching and comparing loan terms manually. With a few clicks, you can have a comprehensive overview of available options.
    • Accessible Anywhere: Online calculators are readily available from various sources, allowing you to make informed choices anytime, anywhere, even from your phone.

    3. Confidence and Empowerment:

    • Reduce Uncertainty: By understanding the true cost of borrowing, you can make confident decisions about whether to proceed with a loan and how much you can afford to borrow.
    • Negotiate Effectively: Armed with accurate APR information, you can negotiate with lenders for better terms and potentially secure a more favorable loan agreement.
    • Plan for the Future: Accurately estimating the impact of APR on your finances allows you to budget effectively and prepare for future loan repayments.
    Also Read:  Zero vs Nothing: Difference and Comparison

    Interesting Facts About Annual Percentage Rate Calculator

    1. Historical Origins: The concept of calculating effective interest rates predates digital calculators. Benjamin Franklin developed a “Rule of 78” method in the 18th century for approximating loan costs, while various tables and charts emerged later to facilitate manual calculations.

    2. Regulatory Push: The widespread adoption of APR calculators came after the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) of 1968 in the US mandating lenders to disclose the standardized APR alongside the stated interest rate. This legislation spurred the development of calculators to simplify compliance and empower borrowers.

    3. Global Reach: Beyond the US, similar regulations and initiatives in other countries, like the EU’s Consumer Credit Directive, fostered the development of APR calculators in diverse languages and adapted for various loan types. This promotes transparency and financial literacy on a global scale.

    4. Beyond Loans: The concept of applying cost calculation techniques to financial products led to the development of similar tools for other areas like credit cards, mortgages, and even investments. This broadens the scope of informed decision-making in finance.

    5. Algorithmic Innovation: Early APR calculators relied on basic formulas and spreadsheets. Advancements in computational power and financial modeling have led to more sophisticated algorithms in modern calculators, taking into account complex loan features, variable rates, and even fees with dynamic structures.

    Last Updated : 13 February, 2024

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