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Money plays a vital role in society. Earning from different sources makes a man’s life simple and comfortable. Sometimes people have to balance all the situations according to problems. While borrowing money or giving it to other people, we can get interested in money. APR and APY are the annual percentage calculations regarding the interests paid or gained by the people. Let’s know about these terms in detail.  

Key Takeaways

  1. APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is the annual rate for borrowing money, not accounting for compounding interest.
  2. APY (Annual Percentage Yield) considers the effects of compounding, providing a more accurate representation of the overall cost of borrowing.
  3. APR and APY are crucial for comparing loan and investment options, but APY offers a clearer understanding of potential earnings or costs.

APR vs APY  

APR (Annual Percentage Rate) represents the annual rate charged for borrowing and includes fees and costs associated with the loan. APY (Annual Percentage Yield) takes into account the effects of compounding interest, providing a more accurate picture of the total cost of a loan.


APR is a measure that calculates the financial interest for different types of loans. APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate, where the name says the total amount of interest for loans in a year. The APR compute the entire year’s interest fee for the taken or borrowed amount. APR can be nominal and effective according to the interests.  

In Contrast, APY had derived as Annual Percentage Yield, where it says about the Actual fee that had returned to an individual by investing some money in an account. APY says about the profit that a person receives according to their investments. It is calculated for a whole year rather than calculated monthly.  

Comparison Table  

Parameters of Comparison APR APY 
Meaning APR is a financial measure to calculate the interest for lending money. APY is used to calculate the attested amount of interest that an individual will gain. 
Term   APR had derived as Annual Percentage Rate. It had expressed as Annual Percentage Yield.  
Purpose APR help to calculate the overall interest for various loans, lending money for a whole annual year. APY help to calculate the overall interest gain by investing an amount in an account for the whole year. 
Difference APR is used to find the loss of money in the name of interest for actual money. APY is used to find the actual interest fee earned by investing. 
Example commandeer money from a friend for agreeing to a contract for a few months. Investing money in a bank and having interest for that amount in a period.  

What is APR?  

APR had expressed as an Annual Percentage Rate where it states the interest spawn for borrowed money, which the investor had charged. The loans given by the people or lending money from someone will post some interest according to the amount commandeer. The APR helps calculate the total interest fee for the money taken in the whole year, which is simpler than calculating monthly. APR can be nominal and effective according to the interests. The annual Percentage Rate is effective and formal according to the various types of lending. The APR will credit according to the contract signed between the investor and borrower. It is posed annually rather than the monthly fee. Annual Percentage Rate had used to calculate various kinds of loans as follows. Bank loans, mortgage loans, credit card loans and some others. The aphorism to calculate the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is   

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APR ={[(F+I)/P]/n} *365*100 where,  

F = Fees  

I = Interest paid for the loan based on the contract  

P = Principal  

N = period of the loan according to days  

An individual can calculate the monthly interest by calculating APR primarily. Some of the factors of APR are   

  • Rate of interest  
  • Cost of the loan  
  • Fees or amount  

So here, an individual should pay the interest depending on the factors. According to the APR, an individual does not have an undivided interest compared with APY. It will be convenient for all the borrowers to calculate the returns without paying unknowingly.  

What is APY?  

APY is a measure to calculate the earned amount by an individual after investing. APY had derived as Annual Percentage Yield, where an investor can gain profit by investing the money in an account. It is calculated for a whole year rather than calculated monthly. The amount will increase according to the investment if an individual has a high investment and can get a large amount of interest in their speculation.

APY help to calculate the overall interest gain by investing an amount in an account for the whole year. However, by knowing the annual percentage of interest earned, an individual can calculate the monthly profit. The formula to determine the Annual Percentage Yield is   

APY=(1+r/n) ^n-1 where,  

r = annual interest rate  

n = number of compounding intervals each year  

APY primarily works on the effect of compounding interest, where the interest for a particular amount will depend on the invested amount. The factors of the APR are  

  • Compound interest or undivided right  
  • Interest rate  
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The APY differentiates with compounding intervals with a reasonable figure. It depends on the percentage of interest given for the invested amount. For example, some investors can get 2% of interest for an amount, and others get various proportions of interest according to the amount they invested.  

Main Differences Between APR and APY  

  1. APR derives as an Annual Percentage Rate, whereas APY had expressed as Annual Percentage Yield.  
  2. APR doesn’t work on the compounding interest factor, where compounding interest is a factor in APY.  
  3. APR calculates the interest to pay for the lending money, whereas APY calculates the profits for the funded amount in an account.  
  4. Both APR and APY will help with calculations, but APR is used to pay, whereas APY is used to calculate the earned money.  
  5. In APR, a borrower can lose money in APY calculations, and the investor can earn money.  

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By Chara Yadav

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.