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  • Enter your loan details: Loan Amount, Annual Interest Rate, Loan Term, and Payment Frequency.
  • Click "Calculate APR" to calculate your Monthly Payment, Total Payment, and APR.
  • View the loan balance chart below to visualize the loan balance over time.
  • Click "Clear Results" to reset the form and chart.
  • Click "Copy Results" to copy the calculated results to the clipboard.

Monthly Payment:

Total Payment:

APR (Annual Percentage Rate):

Loan Balance Over Time
Calculation History

    The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is a financial metric that represents the yearly cost of borrowing money from a lender, expressed as a percentage. It is a standard calculation used by lenders to help borrowers understand the implied returns and compare different loan options. In this article, we will discuss the basic concepts, formulae, benefits, interesting facts, and use cases of the Basic APR Calculator.

    Basic Concepts

    The Basic APR Calculator is a tool that calculates the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of a loan. It takes into account the interest rate and other fees associated with borrowing money from a lender. The APR is calculated using the following formula:

    APR = (Periodic Interest Rate x 365 Days) x 100


    • Periodic Interest Rate = [(Interest Expense + Total Fees) / Loan Principal] / Number of Days in Loan Term

    The APR is an important financial metric because it provides an accurate estimation of how much in total a borrower must pay to take out a loan. The stated interest rate on a loan is not enough on its own to make the right borrowing decision – for instance:

    • A loan with a low stated interest rate might come with substantial fees which cannot be neglected.
    • A loan with a higher stated interest rate, yet lower fee structure could be the preferable option.


    The Basic APR Calculator uses two formulae to calculate the APR:

    1. Periodic Interest Rate = [(Interest Expense + Total Fees) / Loan Principal] / Number of Days in Loan Term
    2. APR = (Periodic Interest Rate x 365 Days) x 100

    The Periodic Interest Rate is calculated by dividing the sum of Interest Expense and Total Fees by Loan Principal and then dividing it by the number of days in the loan term. The result is then multiplied by 365 to get the Annual Percentage Rate (APR).


    The Basic APR Calculator has several benefits:

    1. Helps borrowers understand the total cost of borrowing: The APR provides an accurate estimation of how much in total a borrower must pay to take out a loan.
    2. Facilitates comparisons across different loan offerings: The APR on loans facilitates comparisons across different loan offerings (i.e., for the borrower to pick the cheapest option).
    3. Helps borrowers make informed decisions: The stated interest rate on a loan is not enough on its own to make the right borrowing decision.

    Interesting Facts

    Here are some interesting facts about APR:

    1. APR is not always accurate: The APR calculation assumes that all fees are paid upfront and that there are no prepayments or early repayments.
    2. APR can be misleading: The APR does not take into account compounding interest rates or other factors that may affect the total cost of borrowing.
    3. APR can vary depending on the type of loan: Different types of loans have different fees and charges associated with them, which can affect the APR.

    Use Cases

    Here are some use cases for the Basic APR Calculator:

    1. Personal Loans: Personal loans are unsecured loans that can be used for any purpose, such as debt consolidation, home improvement, or medical expenses.
    2. Mortgages: Mortgages are secured loans used to purchase real estate.
    3. Auto Loans: Auto loans are secured loans used to purchase vehicles.
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    By Emma Smith

    Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.