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Gillette is a huge brand, and only a handful of people in this world will not know about the brand.

Gillette is known mainly for making products for men or for male-segmented products like shaving products. Gillette brought razors so men with a beard could have a clean shave at home.

Gillette is not a new brand in the market because the American brand has been known since 1901. People love their products, and most male salons prefer using them for customers.

Their products are simply the best in the market today because you will not find another that is as good as Gillette’s products.

Over the past several years, Gillette has brought out several product lines like Gillette Fusion and Fusion Power.

Both these products are razors used for shaving, but what is the difference between the two?

Key Takeaways

  1. Gillette Fusion is a manual razor with five blades, while Gillette Fusion Power is an electric razor that vibrates to provide a smoother shave.
  2. Gillette Fusion Power is more expensive than Gillette Fusion, but it is also more efficient and requires less pressure to achieve a close shave.
  3. While Gillette Fusion is more suitable for sensitive skin, Gillette Fusion Power is more suitable for those with thicker hair.

Gillette Fusion vs Fusion Power

The difference between Gillette Fusion and Fusion Power is that Gillette Fusion is a manual-type razor while Fusion Power is a battery-powered razor. However, it is natural to think Fusion Power is slightly more expensive than Gillette Fusion.

Gillette Fusion vs Fusion Power

Gillette is a huge brand, and only a handful of people in this world will not know about the brand.

Gillette is known mainly for making products for men or for male-segmented products like shaving products. Gillette brought razors so men with a beard could have a clean shave at home.

Gillette is not a new brand in the market because the American brand has been known since 1901. People love their products, and most male salons prefer using them for customers.

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Their products are simply the best in the market today because you will not find another that is as good as Gillette’s products.

Over the past several years, Gillette has brought out several product lines like Gillette Fusion and Fusion Power.

Both these products are razors used for shaving, but what is the difference between the two?

The main difference between Gillette Fusion and Fusion Power is that Gillette Fusion is a manual-type razor while Fusion Power is a battery-powered razor.

However, it is natural to think Fusion Power is slightly more expensive than Gillette Fusion.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGillette FusionFusion Power
ManualGillette Fusion is a manual-type razor blade.Fusion Power, on the other hand, is not manual-type.
Battery PoweredGillette Fusion is not battery-powered.Fusion Power, on the other hand, is battery-powered.
Emits MicropulsesGillette Fusion does not emit micro pulses.On the other hand, Fusion Power emits micro pulses that make gliding easier during shaving.
ExpenseGillette Fusion is not that much expensive.Fusion Power, on the other hand, is more expensive than Gillette Fusion.
ColourGillette Fusion does not have many colour variants.Fusion Power comes in orange colour.

What is Gillette Fusion?

Gillette Fusion is a product segment of Gillette that is a razor blade for shaving.

It was back in 2006 when Gillette launched their Fusion product line, and since then, they have brought many products under Fusion.

Fusion became a massive hit in the market during that point in time, and people loved the product. Due to this, there were immense sales and a rise in brand image.

There are many razor blade products under the Fusion line of products.

Gillette Fusion was a razor blade to be used manually, unlike Fusion Power, which was battery-powered.

Fusion was released a long time ago, so Gillette Fusion is to be used manually, but the quality is something you could not complain about.

Both Gillette Fusion and Fusion Power have an almost similar types of shave and almost the same quality.

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Some people confuse these two products by thinking that both are the same thing. Fusion Power is much more advanced than Gillette Fusion, as the name ‘Power’ comes into the product name.

Many people have found Gillette Fusion to be more comfortable while using it, and some people think that the quality of Fusion Power is better. However, this is not the case for everyone because each individual will have a different opinion about these two products.

One thing one can trust is their quality because I think Gillette’s products are the best in the market.

Customers are satisfied with Gillette’s products, at least in a country like India; people love the products offered by Gillette.

gillette fusion 1

What is Fusion Power?

Fusion Power is yet another advanced battery-powered razor blade introduced by Gillette. Fusion Power is also one of the best and safest products in today’s market.

Customers want safe, and the best quality products and Fusion Power is such a product that will give you just that.

Fusion Power is battery-powered, which is why they are completely safe to use.

The blades of Fusion Power and Gillette Fusion can be used interchangeably because both these two products fall under the same product line.

This is an advantage because if customers want to shift from Fusion Power to Gillette Fusion, they can do that without changing the blades.

Fusion Power is a little more pricey than Gillette Fusion because they are battery-powered. The product has features like a light warning system and an auto-shutoff feature.

Gillette’s Fusion Power has competitors like Philips’s products in the market, yet many people tend to stick to Gillette.

fusion power

Main Difference Between Gillette Fusion and Fusion Power

  1. Gillette Fusion is a manual razor, unlike Fusion Power, which is battery-powered.
  2. Fusion Power can be a little more pricey than Gillette Fusion because Fusion Power is much more advanced than Gillette Fusion.
  3. The blades of Fusion Power are coloured differently.
  4. Fusion Power emits micropulse to improve the gliding during the shaving process.
  5. There are many variants under Fusion Power, like Fusion Power Phantom, Fusion Power Gamer, and other such kinds of stuff.
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By Chara Yadav

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.