Aboriginal vs African: Difference and Comparison

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Aboriginals and Africans almost share the same traits, appearance, skin color, origin, heredity, and physique. However, they differ from each other in terms of population size, and the location where they belong.

Some theories also postulate that the origin of Aboriginals can be successfully linked with the origin of Africans as well.

Key Takeaways

  1. Aboriginal refers to the indigenous peoples of Australia, while African refers to people from the continent of Africa.
  2. Aboriginal people have a unique culture and history, and their art, music, and spiritual beliefs are important to their identity. In contrast, Africans have diverse cultures and histories that vary by region and country.
  3. Both groups have faced significant challenges and discrimination throughout history but have significantly contributed to the world in various fields.

Aboriginal vs African

Aboriginal means the indigenous peoples of Australia who are the continent’s original inhabitants and have a rich and diverse cultural heritage. African means people, cultures, or things that come from Africa. It has a rich diversity of cultures, languages, etc., and is home to many countries.

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The majority of Aboriginal peoples are dispersed in difficult-to-reach locations, making accurate counting difficult. As a result, the Aboriginal population is erroneous.

A minority is defined as the fraction of aboriginal tribal people who are dispersed throughout several countries in small numbers. As a result, a particular quota and legislative provisions are in place for this group of persons.

Africans can be counted accurately. As a result, the African population count is correct when compared to tribal Aboriginal peoples. When looking at Africa as a whole, Africans make up the vast bulk of the population.

When looking at the entire world, Africans are considered a prospective minority but less identified with the label than Aborigines. In comparison to Africans, Aboriginals have a lighter complexion.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAboriginalAfrican
Etymology/EmergenceAborigines Afri, Afar, Africa
LocatedScattered in different countriesAfrican subcontinent
Population countInaccurateAccurate
Minority StatusCan be considered a minorityCan not be considered a minority
Type of locationInaccessibleAccessible
Skin toneDarker skin toneComparatively less dark skin tone
ScopeWider Narrower
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What is Aboriginal?

The term “Aboriginal” comes from the Latin word “aborigines,” which means “original dwellers.” Because Aboriginal people are found all over the planet, they have a broader perspective.

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A minority is defined as the fraction of aboriginal tribal people who are dispersed throughout numerous countries in small numbers.

The majority of Aboriginal peoples are dispersed in inaccessible areas, making accurate counting difficult. As a result, the Aboriginal population is erroneous.

Aboriginals are indigenous tribal peoples who live in practically every country on the planet. As a result, this group of people is given particular quotas and legal protections.

When compared to Aboriginals, Africans have a darker skin tone. Some Igorots and Bretons, on the other hand, were fair-skinned.


What is African?

Africans have a more limited perspective because they are limited to a single country. Africans are persons who were born in Africa or whose forefathers were born in Africa and are local to that country.

When it came to the origins of the term “African,” many theories were proposed.

Moreover, it was thought that the word “afri” came from “afri,” a Latin word that meant “people of the Nile” in ancient times. It was also thought that the word came from “afar,” which means dust, or “Africa,” which means sunshine.

Africans, on the other hand, are considered a prospective minority when the entire world is examined, but they are less identified with the term than Aborigines. In comparison to Africans, Aboriginals’ skin is lighter in color.

The population of Africans can be determined in the proper proportion. As a result, the African population census is correct when compared to the tribal Aboriginal people. When looking at Africa as a continent, Africans make up the vast majority.


Main Differences Between Aboriginal and African

  1. The indigenous tribal people who are spread worldwide in almost all countries are called Aboriginals. On the other hand, the people born in Africa or their forefathers born in Africa and native to that country are called Africans.
  2. Aboriginal people possess a wider scope, as they are scattered worldwide. On the other hand, Africans possess a narrower scope as they are confined to one country only.
  3. The term “Aboriginal” has emerged from “aborigines,” which is a Latin word that means the original inhabitants. On the other hand, a lot of hypotheses were suggested while discussing the emergence of “African.” It was believed that the word emerged from “afri,” a Latin word that meant the inhabitants of the Nile River in earlier times. It was also believed that the word emerged from “afar,” meaning dust, or “Africa,” meaning sunny.
  4. Most Aboriginal peoples are scattered in inaccessible places, so their correct count is challenging. Thus, the population of Aboriginals is inaccurate. On the other hand, the population of Africans can be found out in the correct measure. Thus, in comparison to the tribal Aboriginal people, the count of the population of Africans is accurate.
  5. The percentage of the tribal people of aborigines which are scattered in various countries in less number, is considered a minority. Therefore, this set of people is provided with some special quotas and legal provisions. On the other hand, If Africa as a country is taken into consideration, then Africans are the majority. However, if the whole world is taken into account, Africans are considered as a potential minority, but they are less associated with the minority term as compared to Aborigines.
  6. Africans possess a darker skin color as compared to Aboriginals. However, some of the Igorots or Bretons were fair-skinned as well. On the other hand, Aboriginals possess a less dark skin color in comparison to Africans.
Difference Between Aboriginal and African
  1. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/334/6052/94/
  2. https://search.proquest.com/openview/d65dac0e1ee6f7487ee370a75d2c1313/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.