Aboriginal Skull vs Caucasian Skull: Difference and Comparison

Before human beings, different pioneers lived on this earth. Everyone has a different skull mold. The Aboriginal and Caucasian are two different types of the scalp.

Every human being also has a different shape, a skull. The skull is to protect your inner parts from damage.

Key Takeaways

  1. Aboriginal skulls have a more pronounced brow ridge and a flatter, receding forehead compared to Caucasian skulls.
  2. The nasal aperture of an Aboriginal skull is wider and has a more rounded shape than a Caucasian skull.
  3. Aboriginal skulls exhibit a more robust and rugged overall structure, while Caucasian skulls are more gracile and delicate.

Aboriginal Skull vs Caucasian Skull

The aboriginal skull is elongated and oval, the people who have aboriginal skulls are called aborigines, and they are Australians. The chin in the aboriginal skull is not pronounced and not elongated. Caucasian skull is narrow and elongated, the people who have caucasian skulls are Europeans.

Aboriginal Skull vs Caucasian Skull

The Aboriginal term refers to a specific group of people, mainly Australia’s first people. The first aboriginal skull was founded in 1905. The aboriginal skull has two different parts called the cranium and jaw.

In extensive literature, the morphological characteristics of the aboriginal skull are reported over a span of period over a century.

Caucasian refers to white, European, and North African people. Mostly it is found in European people. The Caucasian skull is less pronounced and has flared nasal openings.

Only in the Caucasian skull do the nasal openings have more triangle shape openings. The Caucasian skull is a narrow and elongated shape that gives a different look to the skull.

The Caucasian skull has prominent borrow edges.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonAboriginal SkullCaucasian Skull
DefinitionAustralians have an aboriginal skullEuropeans have a Caucasian skull.
Eye orbitsThe Aboriginal skull has rectangular eye orbits relative to the face.The Caucasian skull also has rectangular eye orbits but do not relative to the face.
Nasal OpeningsAboriginal has narrow glowing nasalThe Caucasian skull has narrow without flaring nasal.
Nasal BridgeThe Aboriginal skull has not a pronounced nasal bridgeThe Caucasian skull has a pronounced nasal bridge
TeethThe Aboriginal skull has large and widespread teethThe Caucasian skull has small and closely spread teeth.
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What is Aboriginal Skull?

The aboriginal skull is found in Australia, and Australians have that skull shape. The view from the front side has an oval and elongated shape.

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In these types of skulls, the temporal fossa is nothing but the depression on the temporal bone is more filled and found more in women. The evidence of the skull shows post-orbital orientation.

The occipital is the posterior bone in the aboriginal skull, and it is pronounced to bulge. The zygomatic or chek bones in the aboriginal skull are pronounced and more evident.

The aboriginal skull has a narrow nasal opening when compared to other races. In the aboriginal skull, the nose has no noticeable tip.

The nasal has a convex ellipsoid shape which is different from other races. Unlike Caucasians, the aboriginal skull has wider space in the low region of the nose.

The aboriginal skull has a narrow, flat nasal and is not pronounced like Caucasians. The aboriginal skull is rectangular-faced. In male individuals, the borrows are large compared to female individuals.

In the aboriginal skull, the jaw bone has a greater alveolar region. The teeth found in the aboriginal skull are very large. The cheekbones in the aboriginal skull type are very pronounced.

The eye orbits are big and relative, while the nasal is flattered.

What is Caucasian Skull?

The caucasian is found in European races. The skull is oval and elongated when compared to other races.

The zygomatic bones in the caucasian skull are less pronounced when compared to the aboriginal skull, but the chins are more pronounced and relative in the caucasian skull.

The eye orbits in the caucasian skull are rectangular-faced. The face in the caucasian skull is less massive when compared to the aboriginal skull.

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The eye orbits are sloped when you see from the front point in the caucasian skull.

The caucasian skull has a long-faced structure. The skull looks narrow when compared to the aboriginal skull. The metal protuberance in the caucasian skull is more pronounced than in other races.

In the caucasian skull, the nasal openings have more triangle shape openings than in other race groups. The caucasian skull is more protruding and has an obvious nasal ridge.

The flared noses are unique characteristics in caucasian skulls.

The jaw in the Caucasian skull is a loss of bone. The alveolar region has less bone when compared to the aboriginal skull. The Caucasian skull is found in negroid and australoid individuals.

In the 19th century, an alveolar loss is gradually decreased. The teeth in the Caucasian skull are small in size and are closely arranged together. The teeth are spaced when compared to other races.

Main Differences Between Aboriginal Skull and Caucasian Skull

  1. Australians have an aboriginal skull, and Europeans have a Caucasian skull.
  2. The Aboriginal skull has rectangular eye orbits relative to the face, and the Caucasian skull also has rectangular eye orbits but do not relative to the face.
  3. Aboriginal has narrow with glowing nasal, and the Caucasian skull has narrow without flaring nasal.
  4. The Aboriginal skull has not a pronounced nasal bridge, and the Caucasian skull has a pronounced nasal bridge.
  5. The Aboriginal skull has large and widespread teeth, and the Caucasian skull has small and closely spread teeth.
  1. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00592-003-0096-9
  2. https://academic.oup.com/ejo/article-abstract/21/2/127/406561
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Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.