AIEEE vs IIT: Difference and Comparison

In India, engineering is considered among the most reputed professions in India. With many Indian students opting for science in class 11, engineering is one of the most chosen options.

Entry to these colleges involves complex entrance examinations, among which IIT-JEE is still considered one of the toughest examinations to crack in the world.

Key Takeaways

  1. AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Examination) is a national-level entrance exam for various engineering colleges, while IIT (Indian Institutes of Technology) entrance exams are exclusive to IITs.
  2. IIT entrance exams, such as JEE Advanced, are more challenging and competitive than AIEEE, attracting top talent across India.
  3. IITs are considered elite institutions with a strong focus on engineering and technology, whereas AIEEE-affiliated colleges offer a broader range of study options.


AIEEE is a national entrance exam conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) until 2012. IITs are a group of autonomous public technical and research universities in India. They are known for their high standards of education and research in engineering, science, and technology.


AIEEE is a national-level competitive examination conducted in India by the Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) since 2002.

Aspiring architecture and engineering students take this test to get admission to their desired college. These scores are accepted at 5 IITs and 30 National Institute of Technology.

Candidates are awarded ranks based on their results.

IIT refers to a prestigious set of institutes established after India’s independence to promote social and economic development by developing a highly-skilled group of engineers and scientists.

Till today, IIT alums have held the bar set by their predecessors. Admission to these institutes is taken through the Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE).

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAIEEEThe complete form of AIEEE is the All India Engineering Entrance Examination
Full-FormThe complete form of IIT is the Indian Institute of TechnologyInvestigation lays focus on speed, accuracy, and demand
MeaningSystem of examinations conducted in India for entry into various engineering and architecture institutesIIT refers to a group of highly reputed engineering institutes in India
Difficulty levelLess compared to the entrance examination of IIT (IIT-JEE)More difficult to get entry into IITs
EmphasisExamination lays focus on speed, accuracy, and demandIIT-JEE stresses on clarity and application of various concepts
Duration of examinationThis examination is conducted for 3 hoursThe entrance examination conducted to IITs is for 6 hours
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What is AIEEE?

All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE) is a competitive examination for entry into various architecture and engineering undergraduate courses at various institutes.

It is conducted in both offline and online format, with students having the option to choose one at their convenience. The exam runs for a maximum of 3 hours and is conducted in various states.

A candidate must have completed class 12 to appear for the same. Moreover, the age limit is 25 years with a maximum of 3 attempts.

Some institutes that accept AIEEE scores are NIT Calicut (Kerala), NIT Patna, etc. It comprises two papers, paper 1 for admission into B.E./ B. Tech courses and paper 2 for B. Arch. Courses.

Candidates can choose the paper of their choice. The syllabus of AIEEE includes:

  • Chemistry: Chemical Bonding, States of Matter, Surface Chemistry, etc.
  • Physics: Rational Motion, Law of Motion, etc
  • Mathematics: Integral Calculus, Relations, etc
  • Aptitude test: Analytical Reasoning Mental Ability, along with knowledge of persons, etc
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A negative marking equivalent to one-fourth of the maximum marks for the question concerned is also awarded. Additionally, the questions are multiple-choice. CBSE conducts it, ensuring professional standards are met, and entrance examinations are diverse. This exam tests the candidate’s awareness, perception, and knowledge.

What is IIT?

IIT stands for Indian Institute of Technology. It refers to the set of institutes established by the government of India after independence and is considered of national importance.

Its vision is to create world-renowned scientists and engineers. This helped in boosting the industrial development of India.

The first one to be set up was IIT Kharagpur in 1951. Degree programs offered at IIT are as follows:

  • M.Tech
  • B.Tech
  • Dual Degree (B.Tech- M.Tech)
  • PhD programs

Undergraduate admission to these institutes is conducted through the IIT-JEE exam, while postgraduate admission is taken through JAM, JMET, CEED, and GATE.

This exam has two stages, namely IIT-JEE Advanced and IIT-JEE Main, in which candidates are filtered or removed at every step.

The subjects for the same include chemistry, mathematics, and physics. A thorough understanding and application of the concepts are needed to clear this exam.

There are 23 IITs and entry into these institutes is challenging.

They remain the first choice among a vast pool of candidates taking the examination because of their placements, quality education, and research infrastructure. IIT Madras is considered the best institute for engineering.

Main Differences Between AIEEE and IIT

  1. The complete form of AIEEE is the All India Engineering Entrance Examination, while that of IIT is the Indian Institute of Technology.
  2. AIEEE is a system of examinations conducted in India for entry into various engineering and architecture institutes. On the other hand, IIT refers to a group of highly reputed engineering institutes in India.
  3. Difficulty level of AIEEE is much less compared to the entrance examination of IIT (IIT-JEE).
  4. AIEEE lays focus on speed, accuracy, and demand, while the entrance examination of IIT stresses on clarity and application of various concepts.
  5. AIEEE is conducted for 3 hours while the IIT (IIT-JEE) entrance examination is conducted for 6 hours.
  6. AIEEE comprises 105 to 115 questions, while IIT-JEE comprises 120 to 150 questions.
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.