TED vs TEDx: Difference and Comparison

With the help of social media sites, it has become straightforward to share ideas and experiences. But back then, there were not that many options readily available.

Key Takeaways

  1. TED is a global conference series that features talks on a wide range of topics by experts in their fields. At the same time, TEDx events are independently organized local events that follow the TED format and guidelines.
  2. The speakers at TED events are selected by the TED organization, while TEDx events have their selection process and can feature a broader range of speakers.
  3. TED events are larger and more high-profile, while TEDx events are smaller and more community-based.


TED is a non-profit dedicated to disseminating ideas, through succinct, impactful lectures, 18 minutes or less. While a global network called TEDx creates TED-style events all around the world to celebrate locally inspired ideas and provide them a platform to become more widely known.

TED vs

TED exists as a non-profit organization devoted to the notion of spreading ideas. The foundation was laid down in 1984 by Richard Saul Wurman, and Harry Marks co-founded it.

The x in TEDx refers to an independently organized event. The event follows the format of TED talks.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonTEDTEDx
FoundedIt was founded on 23 February 1984.It was introduced in 2009.
ApproachTED has a Global Approach.TEDx has a Local Approach.
LicensingLicensing is not required.It requires licensing from TED.
ProductionThe officials of TED produce it.It is produced by anyone who has a license.
SpeakersThey are experts dedicated to a particular field.They need not be experts dedicated to a particular field.
ReachIt has a more extensive reach.It comparatively has a smaller reach.

What is TED?

A non-profit, non-partisan foundation that has the ownership of TED and also which currently operates, it has the primary intention of ‘spreading ideas’. The organization was started by Richard Saul Wurman and co-founded by Harry Marks in 1984.

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The event speakers include scientists, philosophers, musicians, businesses, philanthropists, and other influential figures. The world-renowned event started as an annual event of the TED Conference in Monterey and California.

TED published its first 6 talks online on June 27, 2006. In 2015, TED marked a revenue earning of US$66.2 million. TED’s audio and visual series TED talks are available for free online.

The combined viewing figure of TED talks in June 2011 was 500 million. On July 1, 2019, TED Conferences LLC was transferred to TED Foundation ownership from Sapling Foundation.


What is TEDx?

TEDx is a part of the non-profit organization TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design). The license for producing a TEDx event anywhere on the face of the earth was introduced by TED in 2009.

It is focused on a regional, geographic area within a community. TEDx is an independently organized event that brings people together for a TED-like experience.

TEDx has a diversity of topics from science, technology, academics, history, art, music, life, philosophy, and so much more. It is focused on the issues that matter and provoke conversations.

Main Differences Between TED and TEDx 

  1. TED was founded in 1984, and TEDx was introduced in 2009.
  2. TED has a global approach, whereas TEDx has a local or communal system.
  3. The TED talks and events are organized only by TED officials. However, the TEDx can be organized by anyone or any organization with a license from TED.
  4. To have TED talks, licensing is not required as the TED officials organize it. On the contrary, having a license to organize TEDx is necessary.
  5. The speakers in TED events belong to a specific field or profession. Whereas the speakers in TEDx can be any industry expert, a professional or an influential person from the community.
  6. As TED has a global approach and advertising, it has an extensive reach. On the other hand, TEDx is a local event with a smaller reach.
Difference Between TED and
  1. https://www.kluniversity.in/edcnew/pdf/TEDxKLU-Report.pdf
  2. https://dspace.allegheny.edu/bitstream/handle/10456/42646/Ludewig_2017_CLCWeb_TED%20Talks.pdf?sequence=1
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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23 thoughts on “TED vs TEDx: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The historical context and revenue details provide a valuable perspective on the impact and reach of TED and TEDx.

  2. The post makes it clear that TED and TEDx have unique roles and contributions within the broader landscape of idea-sharing initiatives.


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