Air Purifier vs Air Conditioner: Difference and Comparison

Almost the majority in the United States owns an air conditioner. Perhaps it’s a whole-house installation, a handheld air conditioner, or a window-mounted air conditioner.

An air purifier is also used by a huge number of individuals. Simply explained, an air conditioner cools your space by drawing excess heat out and pumping cold air straight in.

These devices can regulate the thermostat, dampness, and, to some extent, pollution levels in your home. An air purifier cleanses or neutralizes contaminants in your flat’s air via a process known as irradiation.

Key Takeaways

  1. An air purifier is a device that removes pollutants and contaminants from the air in a room while an air conditioner cools and dehumidifies the air.
  2. An air purifier does not cool the air, while an air conditioner can cool the air and remove pollutants.
  3. An air purifier can be more effective at removing certain types of pollutants, such as smoke and allergens, than an air conditioner.

Air Purifier Vs Air Conditioner

The difference between an air purifier and an air conditioner is that air purifiers filter out contaminants that aren’t intended to chill the air. Dust and pollutants are discharged into the atmosphere by the air purifier. On the other hand, air conditioners chill the air, they are not intended to purify it. The purpose of an air conditioner is to extract or regulate the temperature and dampness in a space.

Air Purifier Vs Air Conditioner

The main purpose of an air purifier is to eliminate airborne toxins and pollutants that induce respiratory problems and diseases.

Mycelium, dust, dust mites, bacteria, formwork spores, fumes, malware, and various odours are all examples of this.

A Charcoal Filters element, included in certain air purifiers, is meant to eliminate odours from smoking, cooking, mould, and critters. Humidity is not removed from the air by air purifiers

They just purify the air you already have to make it better and healthier to inhale.

Indoor settings are cooled by air conditioners. These gadgets function by sucking in heated air from within a room and expelling it elsewhere. The cooler air is then pumped radiation is reflected.

Also Read:  Air Purifier vs Air Humidifier: Difference and Comparison

The air conditioning system helps to maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity ratio in your house. A central air conditioning system process is commonly found in the attic of your residence.

This AC filter captures bigger airborne particles, preventing them from entering the evaporative cooler and causing harm.    

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAir PurifierAir Conditioner
ApplicationRemoves airborne pollutants, allergies, pathogens, smoking, and odours from indoor air.Cools the interior temperature and aids in the reduction of humidity.
BenefitsEnhances the overall air quality, which benefits everyone’s wellbeing.Has a low amount of ventilation purification and produces a pleasant indoor ecosystem.
UsefulAsthmatics and allergy victims will appreciate them.People with respiratory disorders who can’t manage high humidity levels would benefit from this.
Removes or ReducesDust, pollutants, smoke, mildew spores, viruses, contaminants, and certain viruses are all removed or reduced.Humidity and heating rate.
Definitionequipment that eliminates airborne contaminants in a hallway to strengthen indoor air quality.The operation of eliminating heat and dictating the moisture of air in a closed space is known as air conditioning.
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What is Air Purifier?

An air purifier enables the filtering of ambient air in a confined space, which it catches and releases as clean air. If the ports may be opened, it functions in conjunction with the essential natural circulation.

Pollens, microscopic contaminants PM2.5 and PM10, Endocrine Disrupting Compounds, pathogens, and germs are all effectively removed by a commercial air purifier featuring HEPA 13 or 14 strainers.

An air purifier, to never be befuddled with an air ioniser or an air condenser coil, can be utilised in a prophylactic and therapeutic manner at household, in shuttered offices, outdoor areas, or co-working environments, shops, cosmetology salons, resorts or food outlets, clinical and paramedical practises, and, as a consequence of Covid-19, in education, health facilities, the medical and administrative segment, the informal sectors, and so on.

It is for persons or businesses that have no special difficulties but want to maintain their health, the wellness of their accompaniment, or the wellbeing of their workers.

The purifier analyses and cleanses the interior air, eliminating impurities and contaminants from numerous sources. This air purification process is broken down into numerous phases.

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To begin, the purifier draws in the floor’s air to trap the impurities. The oxygen is then routed through a series of filtration that traps the diverse sorts of contaminants in the atmosphere.

air purifier

What is Air Conditioner?

Air conditioning is a device that lowers the temperature of an interior area by extracting warmth and humidity from the environment.

They function by bringing excess heat into a structure and releasing cold air, but there’s a lot more to it than that. The dissipation of another solution, termed the refrigerant, cools a fluid throughout the residential air conditioning operation.

Using compounds, your air conditioner swiftly turns gas to solvent and reverse, removing the heated air from your household. It is then discarded away.

The device not only regulates the thermostat of a place but also its dampness. It cools the air by forcing it through cold wires, enabling them to regulate the amount of moisture in the atmosphere.

Air conditioning was soon used in automobiles, as well as to increase household comfort. As a consequence of customer demand, air conditioning appliance sales have risen considerably over the years.

Integrated air conditioning machines provide a greater cooling or heating potential, rendering them excellent for usage in bigger homes or businesses.

They function by putting in a single element and linking it to ducts that run around the house. The machine rotates the ammonia through the radiators by utilizing electricity as a power generator.

A fan then draws excess heat in and circulates it over the chilly condenser coils, cooling it.

air conditioner

Main Differences Between Air Purifier and Air Conditioner

  1. Air purifiers are really useful for Asthmatics and allergy users. Whereas People with chronic bronchitis who simply cannot afford high humidity conditions would advantage from air conditioners.
  2. Air purifier strips away toxic gases in a room to positively impact enclosed air efficiency. Whereas the method of erasing heat and influencing the moisture level of air in a contained environment is recognised as air conditioning.
  3. In air purifiers, Sediment, pollen, smoke, mildew particles, viruses, allergies, and definite viruses are all cleansed or minimized. Whereas air conditioners reduce Moisture and heating rate.
  4. Air purifier erases harmful emissions, allergies, microbes, smoking, and bad smells from indoor air. Whereas the air conditioner softens the ambient temperature and assists in the lowering of dampness.
  5. Air purifier significantly promotes air quality, which enhances everyone’s healthcare. Whereas Air conditioner has a moderate threshold of atmospheric purification and ends up creating a convenient indoor surrounding.
Difference Between Air Purifier and Air Conditioner
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.