Air Purifier vs Air Humidifier: Difference and Comparison

The air we inhale plays a major role in the health of the individual. Air purifiers and air humidifiers are both important and commonly used at home. Some people use both, and some use just one. It varies from the requirement of the individual. An air purifier purifies or clears the air; on the other side, an air humidifier controls the humidity level.

Key Takeaways

  1. Air purifiers remove pollutants and allergens, while air humidifiers add moisture to the atmosphere.
  2. Air purifiers benefit allergy sufferers and those sensitive to air quality.
  3. Air humidifiers help combat dryness, alleviating issues like dry skin, chapped lips, and respiratory discomfort.

Air Purifier vs Air Humidifier

An air purifier is functions to clean the air from dust particles or any kind of allergens. Air humidifier uses ultrasonic technology to convert water into steam to add water particles in air. Air humidifiers minimize the allergy symptoms in an individual.

Air Purifier vs Air Humidifier

Air Purifiers are used to clear the contaminated air and consequently reduce the health issues that may cause by indoor pollutants. These pollutants are present in the atmospheric air and cause various neurological problems and respiratory infections.

Air Humidifiers humidifier the room’s air and are used effectively for treating dryness of the throat, nose, lips, and skin. Depending upon the type of humidifier, the user can use any of them to disperse the moisture in the room.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAir PurifierAir Humidifier
What is it? It purifier and filtrate the air and other contaminants from the room’s or indoor air. It adds moisture to the air and consequently enhance the humidity level of the room.
Benefits Useful for those who want clean air. Also beneficial for allergy and asthmatic patients or sufferers Useful for those individuals who have irritated respiratory tracts due to the dry atmospheric air or environment
Application Air purifier use filters to clear and filtrate the airborne contaminants. Air humidifier humidifies the air by adding moisture to soothe irritation due to dry conditions.
RemovalIt removes dust, mold spores, allergens, smoke, and bacteria. It removes dry air.
Suggested HumidityNot applicableNearly 30 to 50 percent

What is Air Purifier?

Air purifiers work as air cleansers that clear or filter the room’s air and improve the air quality. It proves to be beneficial for those who are asthmatic patients or require clean air without any contamination.

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Air purifiers have various benefits:

  • It provides relief to the symptoms of asthma
  • It avoids and eliminates the harmful chemicals that may be present in the Indoor environment.
  • It helps neutralize unpleasant smells and odors.
  • With effective working, purifiers reduce the chances of airborne diseases.

In the market, various types of air purifiers are available. Majorly these air purifiers contain a filter called HEPA. Some other types of filters are also used, like UV light and activated carbon. Although air purifiers are also categorized into the following types:

– Electrostatic Precipitator

– Activated Carbon

– HEPA Filters

– Ozone Generators

– Ultraviolet light air purifiers

air purifier

What is Air Humidifier?

As the name suggests, an air humidifier humidifies the air, or in other words, it adds moisture to the air and prevents dryness that may cause irritation in many parts of the body. Air humidifier works as a moisturizing agent; hence, it relieves dry throat, cough, cracked lips, nose irritation, dry skin, etc.

An air humidifier is also categorized into various types that depend on the user’s size, budget, and preference. There are five types of air humidifiers, including evaporators, ultrasonic humidifiers, central humidifiers, steam vaporizers, and impeller humidifiers.

By size, air humidifiers are classified or categorized into two types portable or personal and console. Personal or portable humidifiers are the best option for traveling purposes. It is the smallest and most convenient. On the other side, the console humidifier adds moisture and humidifies the house. It is bigger and capable of humidifying the entire room.

air humidifier

Main Differences Between Air Purifier and Air Humidifier

  1. Air purifiers and air humidifiers are both commonly used and great for people. Although the relief provided by these two is a bit different from each other. Air purifier purifies and filters the air and other contaminants from the room or indoor air. On the other side, an air Humidifier adds moisture to the air, enhancing the room’s humidity level.
  2. Both of these products are beneficial in one way or another. The air purifier is useful for those who want clean air. It is also beneficial for allergy and asthmatic patients or sufferers. On the other side, an Air humidifier is useful for individuals with irritated respiratory tracts due to the dry atmospheric air or environment.
  3. Air purifiers and air humidifiers are different uses and applications. Air purifiers use filters to clear and filtrate airborne contaminants. On the contrary, an air humidifier humidifies the air by adding moisture to soothe irritation due to dry conditions.
  4. Air purifiers and air humidifiers both vary from each other in serving their purpose. Air purifier purifies the air by removing dust, mold spores, allergens, smoke, and bacteria. On the contrary, an air humidifier removes the dry atmospheric condition.
  5. Humidity plays a significant role in providing a better atmospheric environment. An air purifier has no role in maintaining the humidity level of the room’s air. On the other side, an air humidifier maintains the humidity level by offering 30 to 50 percent humidity in dry air.
Difference Between Air Purifier and Air Humidifier
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Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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8 thoughts on “Air Purifier vs Air Humidifier: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The comparison table is a very helpful way to illustrate the differences between air purifiers and humidifiers. This is essential for making an informed decision on which appliance to invest in.

  2. This article provides valuable information on the different types of air purifiers and humidifiers, helping readers understand the range of options available.

  3. The article does a great job of explaining the differences between air purifiers and humidifiers, which is important information for anyone looking to improve the air quality in their homes.

  4. I appreciate the article for providing scientific references to support the information presented. This makes it more reliable and informative.

  5. Understanding the main differences between air purifiers and air humidifiers is crucial for selecting the right appliance. This article provides a comprehensive overview of each, including their applications and benefits.

  6. Both air purifiers and humidifiers serve their purpose by cleaning the air of pollutants and adding moisture to the atmosphere. They are both necessary appliances to maintain the air quality in a closed environment.

  7. Using air purifiers and humidifiers in combination can help maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. It is important to understand the benefits of each to decide which is most appropriate for your needs.

  8. The article does well in explaining the various categories and types of air purifiers and humidifiers available in the market. This can help consumers make informed decisions based on their specific needs.


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