Alliteration vs Repetition: Difference and Comparison

Alliteration and Repetition are two literary devices or gadgets. They are utilized for underlining a few expressions and words in a workpiece.

Both of these utilize the reiteration of consonant sounds in words that are in nearness. Writers likewise use them to make their composing intriguing and lock in.

Key Takeaways

  1. Alliteration is the repetition of the initial sound of words in a phrase or sentence, while repetition is the repeating of words or phrases.
  2. Alliteration is used for poetic or literary effects, while repetition emphasizes a particular point or creates a rhythmic effect.
  3. Alliteration creates a musical effect, while repetition emphasizes a particular point.

Alliteration vs. Repetition

Alliteration is the use of the first consonant letter of consecutive words in writing, while repetition engages in repeating the same words or sequence of words. Example of Alliteration, “Bob brought the box of bricks to the basement” and example of Repetition “Run, Run, Run as fast as you can.”

Alliteration vs Repetition 1

Alliteration is a consonant sound in at least two adjoining words or syllables that are rehashed. Typically, the rehashed sounds are the first, or introductory, sounds—as in “seven sisters.”

Repetition takes part in rehashing similar words or successions of words to make a point in the composed expression.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAlliterationRepetition
DefinitionA unique instance of consonance where the repetition happens at the focused piece of the word is called Alliteration.Repetition is when words or expressions are rehashed in a scholarly work. It is likewise frequently utilized in discourse as an expository gadget to focus on a thought.
FormsA part of speech, a noun, and a figure of speech.A part of speech, a noun, and a method of utilizing words to communicate disposition and significant thoughts.
UsageRepetition of consonant sounds toward the start of words is otherwise called consonance.Repetition of words inside a sentence or piece of composing. You are not connected to sound.
Sound-DependencyRepetition of vowel sounds, known as assonance. The vowel can be made of various letters, yet the sound should be similar.It has nothing to do with sounds. However, it is all to do with words.
UtilizationAlliteration utilizes sounds to pressure the discourse or rhymes.Repetition utilizes words or expressions over and over to add worth or accentuation to the composition.
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What is Alliteration?

Alliteration can be characterized as initiating at least two focused syllables of a word bunch, either with a similar consonant sound or a vowel sound that may contrast one syllable to another.

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Alliteration is mainly utilized in verse as the redundancy of the sound aids draws consideration and makes a more aural musicality.

It is a regularly utilized gadget in writing since it makes melodic impacts and delivers stream and magnificence to a piece of composing.

Example :

  1. Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers.
  2. Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said this butter’s bitter.

What is Repetition?

Repetition is essentially rehashing words or expressions. The demonstration of making statements over again is repetition, or what is known as re – petitioning.

Repetition permits the speaker to underline significant words that should be engraved on the audience’s brain. Storys for youthful perusers have repetitive lines or stanzas to assist the emanant peruser with interfacing the story or a character in the story.

Example :

  1. Heart to heart.
  2. Hand in hand.

Main Differences Between Alliteration and Repetition

  1. Alliteration utilizes to pressure the exchange of rhymes, while repetition utilizes words or expressions over and over to add worth or accentuation to the composition.
  2. Speech-makers utilize repetition to emphasize focus in discourse or to interface their crowd with themselves through the discourse. Alliteration has been effectively utilized in the marking and promotion of direct items.
Difference Between Alliteration and Repetition
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.