Assure vs Ensure: Difference and Comparison

“Assure” implies a guarantee or confidence in a future outcome, emphasizing the psychological aspect of providing reassurance to someone. On the other hand, “ensure” refers to taking necessary actions to make certain that something happens or is true, focusing more on the practical steps or measures to achieve a desired result.

Key Takeaways

  1. Assure means to give confidence or a guarantee to someone about something.
  2. Ensure means to make sure that something happens or is done correctly.
  3. Assure focuses on providing confidence or a guarantee, while ensuring focuses on ensuring something happens correctly.

Assure vs Ensure

The difference between “assure” and “ensure” is that the basic meaning of “assure” is to inform a person confidently about something that is indeed true, in order to prevent the person from worrying about it. For example, “The CEO assured his employees that their jobs are secure.” Ensure means to make sure something will happen. For example, “The airline has taken proper steps to ensure timely departure and arrival of all their flights.”

Assure vs Ensure

It will not be wrong to say that assurance is used when you wish to make a kind of promise to another person with regards to something in order to help the other person overcome doubts or anxiety. You may say that ensure is used when you wish to make sure that things will either happen or not happen, irrespective of any situation.


Comparison Table

MeaningTo remove doubts or anxieties; to convince someone of something positive.To make certain something happens; to guarantee an outcome.
FocusOn belief and confidence.On action and guarantee.
SubjectPrimarily directed at people to alleviate their concerns.Primarily directed at the outcome itself.
Example Sentences* “The doctor assured me the surgery would be a success.” (Focuses on calming the patient’s worries)* “We will ensure the project is completed on time by adding more staff.” (Focuses on taking action to guarantee the outcome)
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What is Assure?

“Assure” is a verb that denotes the act of giving someone confidence, comfort, or certainty regarding a particular situation, outcome, or belief. It involves providing reassurance or removing doubts from someone’s mind about the reliability or certainty of something.

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Etymology of “Assure”

The word “assure” originated from the Old French word “asseurer,” which meant “to reassure, make sure, protect, or guarantee.” Its roots can be traced back to the Latin word “securus,” which means “safe” or “secure.”

Usage of “Assure”

  1. Reassurance: It is commonly employed to offer confidence or comfort to someone regarding a particular outcome or situation, especially in times of uncertainty or anxiety.
  2. Guarantee: “Assure” can imply a promise or guarantee of the reliability or certainty of something, providing a sense of trust or assurance to others.
  3. Conviction: It can also convey the speaker’s confidence or belief in the truth or validity of a statement, reinforcing its credibility or trustworthiness.

Examples of “Assure” in Sentences

  • “She assured her friend that everything would be fine.”
  • “The company assured its customers of the product’s quality.”
  • “His confident demeanor assured us of his capability to handle the situation.”

Synonyms of “Assure”

Some synonyms of “assure” include reassure, guarantee, confirm, promise, certify, convince, and affirm. These words convey similar meanings of providing confidence, certainty, or trust in a particular situation or outcome.


What is Ensure?

“Ensure” is a verb that denotes the action of making certain that something will occur or be the case. It involves taking necessary measures or steps to guarantee a particular outcome, emphasizing practical actions to minimize the likelihood of failure or uncertainty.

Etymology of “Ensure”

The term “ensure” originated from the Old French word “enseurer,” which means “to make secure.” Its roots can be traced back to the Latin word “securus,” meaning “safe” or “secure,” similar to the etymology of “assure.”

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Usage of “Ensure”

  1. Certainty: It is employed to emphasize the actions or precautions taken to make sure that something happens or is true, minimizing the risk of uncertainty or failure.
  2. Risk Management: “Ensure” is used in discussions related to risk management or quality control, highlighting the importance of implementing measures to ensure desired outcomes or standards are met.
  3. Responsibility: It can convey a sense of responsibility or duty to guarantee the success or safety of a particular task, project, or situation.

Examples of “Ensure” in Sentences

  • “The security measures were put in place to ensure the safety of the event attendees.”
  • “He double-checked the calculations to ensure accuracy.”
  • “The company implemented strict protocols to ensure compliance with industry regulations.”

Synonyms of “Ensure”

Some synonyms of “ensure” include guarantee, secure, confirm, verify, safeguard, establish, and make certain. These words convey similar meanings of taking actions or measures to ensure a particular outcome, emphasizing the importance of certainty or reliability.


Main Differences Between Assure and Ensure

  • Meaning:
    • “Assure” implies providing confidence or reassurance to someone about a particular outcome or belief.
    • “Ensure” involves taking necessary actions or measures to guarantee that something happens or is true, focusing on practical steps to minimize uncertainty.
  • Emphasis:
    • “Assure” emphasizes the psychological aspect of confidence or reassurance, focusing on the emotional comfort provided to someone.
    • “Ensure” emphasizes the practical aspect of taking actions or precautions to guarantee a desired outcome, focusing on minimizing the risk of failure or uncertainty.
  • Usage:
    • “Assure” is commonly used to reassure or comfort someone about the reliability or certainty of something.
    • “Ensure” is used to emphasize the importance of taking proactive measures or precautions to guarantee a specific result or standard is met.
  • Responsibility:
    • “Assure” may imply providing confidence or reassurance without necessarily taking direct responsibility for the outcome.
    • “Ensure” implies a sense of responsibility or duty to take necessary actions to guarantee the success or safety of a particular task, project, or situation.
  • Synonyms:
    • Synonyms of “assure” include reassure, guarantee, confirm, promise, certify, convince, and affirm.
    • Synonyms of “ensure” include guarantee, secure, confirm, verify, safeguard, establish, and make certain.
Difference Between Assure and Ensure

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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


  1. This article provides an excellent explanation of the difference between ‘assure’ and ‘ensure’, making it easy to understand the distinct meanings of each term.

  2. This article offers a comprehensive explanation, which is very helpful for anyone looking to use ‘assure’ and ‘ensure’ with confidence.

  3. I appreciate the detailed comparison table in this post. It helps in understanding the nuanced differences between the two words.

    • This is a really informative article. The comparison table provides a clear distinction between ‘assure’ and ‘ensure’.

  4. The examples provided in this article make it easier to differentiate between ‘assure’ and ‘ensure’. It’s very informative.

  5. The examples and detailed explanations in this article are a great resource for anyone wanting to improve their understanding of ‘assure’ and ‘ensure’.

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