Bomber Jacket vs Padded Jacket: Difference and Comparison

Clothes have always been a very popular phenomenon all across the human civilization owing to their multiple benefits both for covering the body and for expressing one’s taste as well.

Nowadays, in the entire arena of winter clothing, two particular clothes are becoming very popular, namely the bomber jacket and the padded jacket.

There is a very slight difference between these two which needs to be highlighted in order to differentiate between these two clothes. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Bomber jackets have a waist-length design with elastic cuffs and waistbands, while padded jackets are thicker with insulation.
  2. Bomber jackets are more suitable for mild weather, whereas padded jackets provide better protection in cold climates.
  3. Padded jackets are bulkier and provide more insulation, while bomber jackets are lighter and more fashionable.

Bomber Jacket vs Padded Jacket 

The difference between Bomber Jacket and Padded Jacket is that the former refers to another very popular jacket in clothing that was initially released for pilots as a part of their uniform. While on the other hand, the latter is a very popular jacket all across the globe that contains multiple thick air-puffed pieces designed to retain air out of the jacket. 

Bomber Jacket vs Padded Jacket

A bomber jacket is very popularly known as a flight jacket as it was initially released for the pilots as a part of their uniform, but as the fashion trends increased in the clothing market, this particular jacket was eventually released for normal people to wear during winters.

This jacket bases itself on a single piece of cloth and looks very sleek in design. 

While on the other hand, the padded jacket or popularly known as the puffer jacket, is the recent trend that has emerged in the market of winter clothing.

This particular piece of cloth is created by making multiple air pockets in the single jacket in order to make it look like a quilted coat. This particular jacket has recently been very famous all across the customers. 

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Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Bomber Jacket  Padded Jacket 
Meaning  The term refers to a very famous flat-shaped jacket all across the globe. The term refers to a puffed jacket famous for its multiple characteristics. 
Built design This jacket comprises a single cloth material that is built in certain layers in order to keep the person warm. This jacket comprises multiple air pockets in a single jacket in order to create a puffer look as well as keep the person warm. 
History  In the very initial days, this particular jacket was designed for pilots as a part of their uniform. In the very initial days, this particular jacket was designed for outdoor adventurous activities. 
Most suitable for This particular jacket is suitable for days being mildly cold. This particular jacket is suitable for cold days as well as days having huge snowfall. 
Other popular names  This particular jacket is also known as a flight jacket. This particular jacket is also known as a puffer jacket or a down jacket. 
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What is Bomber Jacket? 

Initially, when flights were made a part of the ecosystem of the world, there was not much infrastructure inside a flight to help keep the cockpit as warm as possible, and it eventually resulted in a demand for certain clothing for the pilots, which could keep them warm during their duty. 

This particular demand was answered by a specific type of cloth today known as a bomber jacket. Many years ago, this particular cloth was known as a flight jacket, and today it is available in the common market for people to use and wear casually.

This jacket comes in many materials such as wool, nylon, and even leather end. Depending upon the preference that a person holds, it can be chosen from a wide variety of products. 

Initially, this particular jacket was launched in the blue color specifically but owing to the huge demand in the consumer market, multiple other variants were launched in many different colors, and nowadays, this jacket is available in almost all the colors possible.

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This jacket looks like any other flat-shaped jacket however comprises two basic layers at least. 

bomber jacket 1

What is Padded Jacket? 

Popularly known in the fashion industry as a down jacket or a puffer jacket, a padded jacket is a very popular and stylish jacket ever to come in the consumer market, and this particular phenomenon completely shows up in the number of sales this particular jacket makes each year. 

The varied design of this jacket is completely different from all other jackets available in the fashion industry, and it happens to be insulated from different types of feathers making this jacket look like a quilted coat.

The very particular reason behind the huge popularity of this jacket is that it is not just suitable for people living in mild winters but is also suitable for people witnessing heavy snowfall in certain seasons. 

The look of this jacket makes it look even bigger because of the air pockets created on the single base of the cloth, and this eventually results in more warmth as a cloth.

A very specific quality of this particular jacket is that even after looking so heavy, in reality, this particular jacket happens to be very light weighted when carried. 

padded jacket

Main Differences Between Bomber Jacket and Padded Jacket 

  1. Bomber Jacket is a very popular flat-shaped jacket, while on the other hand, Padded Jacket is a very popular puffed jacket. 
  2. A bomber jacket is more suitable for medium cold days, while on the other hand padded jacket is more suitable for days having a harsh stroke of winter. 
  3. The bomber jacket is also known as a flight jacket, while on the other hand padded jacket is also known as a puffer or down jacket. 
  4. Initially, the bomber jacket was launched as a part of the uniform for pilots, while on the other hand, the padded jacket was launched for being a cloth for adventurous outdoor activities. 
  5. A bomber jacket is built on a single material comprising of different layers for keeping the person warm, but on the other hand, a padded jacket is built on a single material having multiple air pockets in order to keep the person warm during harsh winters. 
Difference Between Bomber Jacket and Padded Jacket


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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.