DHCP vs PPPoE: Difference and Comparison

Various network protocols connect people with technology via the internet. The IP address and the ethernet networks vary in internet access.

DHCP and PPPoE are the two kinds of protocols that are diverse in connection and internet settings. The WIFI and mobile internet settings follow the network protocols of DHCP and PPPOE.

Let’s know more details about DHCP and PPPoE.  

Key Takeaways

  1. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, while PPPoE stands for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet.
  2. DHCP assigns IP addresses to devices on a network automatically, while PPPoE connects a device to the internet using a username and password.
  3. DHCP is used in local networks, while PPPoE is used in wide-area networks.


DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a network protocol used to assign dynamic IP addresses to devices connected to a network. PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) is a protocol used to connect a computer or router to the Internet via a broadband connection, such as DSL or cable.


DHCP is a protocol that manages the internet networks by generating automatic IP addresses. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, which works on various parameters in gadgets.

The DHCP had incented in 1993, October, where it had initially been determined as Standard Tracks Protocol. This network had an expansion of Bootstrap Protocol where the clients can obtain the DHCP IP configuration instinctively.  

In Contrast, PPPoE is a protocol that deals with internet IP addresses with IDs. PPPoE had abbreviated as Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet, compacts the protocol frames innermost Ethernet frames.

The PPPoE had developed by Ericsson and Router Ware in the 2000s, which became famous after a few years. The PPPoE provide services by accessing control via PPP connections.   

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison DHCP PPPoE 
Definition   DHCP is a protocol that handles the protocol networks used on the internet. PPPoE is a protocol network management that compact the PPP frames inside Ethernet connections. 
Abbreviation   DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. PPPoE is concise as Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. 
Invention   This protocol had invented in 1993, October. The PPPoE had developed in 2000 where it took a few years to become desired.   
About   DHCP had initially been labelled as Standards-Track protocol, where it is an expansion of Bootstrap protocol. It accesses the IP address in a device automatically.   PPPoE had developed by Ericsson and, Router Ware works above the Ethernet networks. This protocol gives smooth transmission between network endpoints.   
Difference DHCP had used to obtain an IP address and, it is used extensively for internet IP addresses. PPPoE is a method that connects with Internet Service Providers where currently the growth of PPPoE is not much favourable.   
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What is DHCP?  

DHCP is a protocol that manages the network by providing IP addresses to the devices. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, which works on various parameters in gadgets.

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The DHCP had incented in October 1993, where it had initially been determined as Standards Track Protocol. This network had an expansion of Bootstrap Protocol where the clients can obtain the DHCP IP configuration instinctively.

DHCP was used to obtain an IP address, which is used extensively for internet IP addresses. The client can access the IP address through configuration servers automatically.

The DHCP works on various parameters along with IP address configurations. There is a procedure to start and stop the DHCP services in a device they are:  

  • To begin the service in a device, type # /etc/init.d/DHCP start  
  • To stop the DHCP service, type # /etc/init.d/DHCP stop  

When the service stops, it can operate later by starting again or rebooting the system.

The primary purpose of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is to provide the IP address for Internet Protocol and various related parameters for a client.

The other parameters that the DHCP manage are the sub-net mask and revert gateway.

DHCP is primarily known as an application layer protocol that can control the network in a client’s machine by automatically generating the IP address.

This protocol acquires the information by swapping the packets between the vampire on the patron and some other server.

Server Discovery, IP Lease Offer, IP Lease Request and IP Lease Recognition are the four steps that DHCP will fall.   

What is PPPoE?  

PPPoE is a kind of ethernet protocol that helps to provide network services. PPPoE, abbreviated as Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet, compacts the protocol frames innermost Ethernet frames.

The PPPoE had developed by Ericsson and Router Ware in the 2000s which became desired after a few years.

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The PPPoE provide services by accessing control via PPP connections. PPPoE is a method that connects with Internet Service Providers where currently, the growth of PPPoE is not much favourable.

An individual needs to have the username and password to configure the Point-to-Point over Ethernet. It is falling slowly, which does not work for individuals favourable.

The PPPoE presents important network features like  

  • Data Compression  
  • Data Encoding  
  • Authentication  

The PPPoE had preferred the most part in accessing the internet to devices. By using Ethernet data speed, it provides access to more than two locations.

The PPPoE is a private protocol that provides services according to the locations. The Point-to-Point over Ethernet consists of closed transfer services where it does not have data encryption.

The accessing settings of the PPPoE are   

  • Click on the interfaces on the administration interface in settings and double-click on internet interfaces.  
  • Pick PPPoE mode and type the new name in the PPPoE interface blog.  
  • Sort the username and password, click the OK option and then apply option.  

By following the above settings, an individual can access the PPPoE protocol. The PPPoE consists of Client to Server and Server Client stages.   

Main Differences Between DHCP and PPPoE  

  1. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, whereas PPPoE is concise as Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet.  
  2. DHCP protocol had invented in October 1993, where The PPPoE had developed in 2000, and it took a few years to become desired.  
  3. DHCP had used to obtain an IP address and is used extensively for internet IP addresses where PPPoE connects with Internet Service Providers where currently the growth of PPPoE is not much favourable.  
  4. The steps to access the DHCP vary from PPPoE.  
  5. DHCP can access automatically, whereas PPPoE needs the username and password of an individual.   
  1. https://www.dslreports.com/r0/download/1468367~39a604b7c30141db72e55620ebf95879/Understanding%20PPPoE%20and%20DHCP_200187.pdf
  2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5459021/

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.