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There are times when we feel sick to the stomach but cannot diagnose the reason behind our misery with ease. After a lot of internet searches, we come up with a few plausible explanations.

Key Takeaways

  1. Dizziness is a sensation of lightheadedness, unsteadiness, or a feeling that one’s surroundings are spinning, while drowsiness refers to a state of being sleepy, tired, or exhausted.
  2. Dizziness can result from various causes, such as inner ear issues, dehydration, or low blood pressure, whereas drowsiness stems from lack of sleep, certain medications, or underlying medical conditions.
  3. Treatment for dizziness depends on the underlying cause, while addressing drowsiness may involve adjusting sleep habits, medication changes, or seeking medical attention for underlying issues.

Dizziness vs Drowsiness

The difference between Dizziness and Drowsiness is that while the former is a symptom of sinister or other types of health issues that fatigue our body to the point of feeling faint, the latter is more of a state of feeling extremely enervated and sleepy that results in a person’s lack of will to want to do something.

Dizziness vs Drowsiness

Dizziness is a symptom of sinister or other types of health issues that fatigue our body to the point of feeling faint. This is caused by the lack of blood flow or improper blood circulation in the body.

Drowsiness is more of a state of feeling extremely enervated and sleepy that results in a person’s lack of will to want to do something.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDizzinessDrowsiness
Pulse RateThe pulse rate drops and that is what makes one feel dizzyThe pulse rate remains normal
Energy LevelsA person’s energy level does not fluctuate in this regard, nor does he experience malaiseA person’s energy level drops significantly low and he experiences malaise as well
Mood SwingsThis isn’t a factor hereMood swings can be over the top as the person is irritable
Tingling SensationWhen we feel dizzy our body experiences a tingling sensation; our feet feel tinglyThe person does not experience any tingling but his body feels heavy
Chest PainSometimes a person may feel a bit of chest pain or may experience some bodily disorder while feeling dizzyThere is no chest pain when one feels drowsy

What is Dizziness?

This is caused by the lack of blood flow or improper blood circulation in the body. It is a phenomenon that is more common than we think it to be.

The pulse rate drops, and that is what makes one feel dizzy. A person’s energy level does not fluctuate in this regard, nor does he experience malaise.

If you have been diagnosed with vertigo, then this is a common phenomenon in this regard as well. Sometimes if there is a fall in one’s blood pressure levels, then he or she can feel dizzy.

What is Drowsiness?

This is when our body signals us that it is time to take some rest or maybe just fall asleep and let the brain relax. Drowsiness is more of a state of feeling extremely enervated and sleepy that results in a person’s lack of will to want to do something.

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The person does not experience any tingling, but his body feels heavy. There is no chest pain when one feels drowsy, but the yawns may be quite frequent.

Therefore, sleep can prove to be the key to unlock a good life. This may also be a result of taking heavy-dosage of medication. This bodily phenomenon might not appear to be threatening, but it might turn out to be so in the future if it persists.


Main Differences Between Dizziness and Drowsiness

  1. A person feels faint and tingly when he is dizzy; our feet feel tingly and light. In contrast, a person only feels sleepy when he is drowsy and does not feel faint or tingly.
  2. A person experiencing dizziness does not have mood swings at that moment, though it might be an aftereffect of the weakness. Whereas a person may demonstrate mood swings when he is drowsy.
Difference Between Dizziness and Drowsiness
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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.