Dog vs Cat Food: Difference and Comparison

If you have a dog or cat as a pet or even have both together in your home, it is natural that the question might arise in your head that what do your pets eat and why is it that there is different food for two of you similar-sized canine friends.

Key Takeaways

  1. Dog food contains more protein and fat, while cat food is higher in vitamins and minerals, like taurine, which is essential for feline health.
  2. Cats are obligate carnivores, requiring a meat-based diet, whereas dogs are omnivores and can consume a more varied diet, including grains and vegetables.
  3. Kibble size and shape differ between dog and cat food, with cat kibble being smaller and easier for them to grasp and chew.

Dog vs Cat Food

Dog food is a pet food that is made for dogs, featuring large pellets with low protein and fat levels, and it is bland for dogs. Cat food is a type of pet food that is made for cats, and it is manufactured from animal proteins and products, with small pellets, higher protein content and a juicy feel.

Dog vs Cat Food

Thus, the food made for a dog has multiple sources, including both animal and plant sources.

Cat food is made keeping in mind that cats are almost entirely carnivores. Thus, the food for a cat is made from only one source: animal proteins and products.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDog FoodCat Food
PelletsDog food is prepared in the form of larger pellets than cat food.Cat food has smaller pellets than dog food.
ProteinsDog food has lower protein content than cat food.Cat food has higher protein content than dog food.
FatDog food has a very low-fat content.Cat food has a good percentage of fat.
VitaminsDog food lacks many vitamins present in cat food.Cat food is enriched with more vitamins than dog food.
TasteDog food is blander than cat food.Cat food tends to be more juicy and tasty than dog food.
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What is Dog Food?

A dog or Canis lupus is neither a whole carnivore nor a whole herbivore. It relishes food from both worlds.

Due to their varied food habits, it is also easier to share human food with dogs, as humans are also omnivores in terms of habit.

Secondly, the levels of vitamins in dog food are also low, especially vitamin D, as dogs cannot digest it easily.

Dog pellets have a balance of proteins, minerals, calories, vitamins, fibres and so on, and a special ingredient called propylene glycol is mainly found in wet food products for dogs.

dog food

What is Cat Food?

A cat of Felis catus is a whole carnivore animal that solely depends on animal products for nutrition.

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Cats are also opportunistic feeders, which means they eat whenever they can; thus, they need to be fed multiple times in a day in comparison to a dog, which can adapt to 2-3 meals stretched over the entire day.

Cat food has almost up to 26-30% of animal protein only and contains a high percentage of fat in comparison to dog food.

It is also known that due to more added nutrients, cat food is tastier than dog food.

cat food

Main Differences Between Dog and Cat Food

  1. Dog food is considered to be less tasty than cat food due to its high protein and fat percentage.
  2. Dog food has larger pellets or chunks, while cat food has smaller pellets for easy ingestion.
Difference Between Dog and Cat Food

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.