ELCB vs RCCB: Difference and Comparison

The “Voltage operated Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker” or VOELCB method of ELCB construction is well-known. ELCBs have a narrower operating range and are more complex to operate.

The RCCB comprises a core balance current transformer with a Trip coil connection. The RCD (Residual Current Device) is the name given to this process.

Key Takeaways

  1. ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker) and RCCB (Residual Current Circuit Breaker) are electrical safety devices that protect against electrical shocks.
  2. ELCBs detect leakage current and disconnect the circuit when a fault is detected, while RCCBs detect residual current imbalance and trip the circuit when a fault is detected.
  3. RCCBs are more sensitive and can detect lower leakage current levels than ELCBs.


The difference between ELCB and RCCB is that the ELCB devices are more expensive. They are costlier and high-priced. When compared to its competitor, ELCB has a lower performance. ELCBs have a smaller operational range and are more difficult to utilize. In contrast, the cost of RCCB devices is lower. They are reasonably priced and cost less. RCCB outperforms its cousin. RCCBs have a larger operating range and are easier to use.


The term ELCB stands for “Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker.” In the case of an ELCB, the earth point is used to link the coils in series.

The “Voltage operated Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker”, or VOELCB, is a popular name for the ELCB construction technique. The ECB’s activities are based on voltage. The Earth voltage is calculated using the trip coil.

Certain devices put on the earth conductor measure the voltage. Through the Trip coil, all of the earth should be connected in a series or grounded.

RCCB stands for “Residual Case Circuit Breaker.” RCCBs commonly comprise a core balance current transformer with a Trip coil connection. The RCD (Residual Current Device) is another name for this mechanism.

RCCB’s operations are currently based. The quantitative value of the current is projected to return to neutral in the case of RCCB. The trip coil deduces the imbalanced current flow. In the case of RCCB, CBCT subtracts the residual current flow.

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There is no need for a trip coil to connect to the ground here.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonELCBRCCB
PerformanceLesser performanceBetter performance
Operating rangeLessMore
Difficulty levelMore difficultLess difficult
CostMore expensiveLess expensive
Based onVoltageCurrent
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What is ELCB?

The Earth voltage is calculated with the help of the trip coil. Certain instruments installed on the earth conductor are used to measure the voltage. Through the Trip coil, all of the earth is intended to be connected in a series or grounded.

ELCB devices are more expensive.

The processes that take place in the ELCB are all depending on voltage. They are more pricey and high-priced. In comparison to its cousin, ELCB has a lower performance. The ELCBs have a smaller operational range and are more complex to operate.

The full version of the abbreviation ELCB is “Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker.” In the case of the ELCB, a series of connections of coils are made with the earth point.

The “Voltage-operated Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker,” or VOELCB, is a popular name for the ELCB construction technique.


What is RCCB?

The operations that take place in the case of RCCB are now based. The quantitative value of the current is predicted to recover to its neutral value in the case of RCCB. The trip coil deducts the imbalanced current flow.

CBCT subtracts the residual current flow in the case of RCCB. However, the CBCT output is connected to the trip coil. The RCCB devices are less expensive. They have a cheap price and are also less pricey.

When compared to its cousin, RCCB performs better. RCCBs have a greater operational range and are more user-friendly.

The full version of the abbreviation RCCB is “Residual Case Circuit Breaker.” RCCBs comprise a core balance current transformer with a Trip coil connection. The “Residual Current Device,” or RCD, is another name for this process.

In this case, there is no need for a trip coil to connect to the ground.

Main Differences Between ELCB and RCCB

  1. “Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker” is the full form of the abbreviation ELCB. On the other hand, “Residual Case Circuit Breaker” is the full form of the abbreviation RCCB.
  2. In the case of ELCB, there is a connection of coil in the series, which is done with the earth point. The process of construction of ELCB is popularly known as ” Voltage operated Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker” or VOELCB. On the other hand, RCCB consists of a current transformer of core balance which has the connection established with the Trip coil. This process is also called the ” Residual Current Device” or RCD.
  3. The operations that occur in the case of ELCB are based on Voltage. With the help of the trip coil, the deduction of the Earth voltage is made. The voltage is measured by certain devices which are placed on the earth conductor. On the other hand, the operations that occur in the case of RCCB are currently based. In the case of RCCB, the quantitative value of the current is expected to return to its neutral value. The trip coil deducts the unbalanced current flow.
  4. All the earth is expected to be connected in a line of series or grounded through the Trip coil. On the other hand, the residual current flow in the case of RCCB gets deducted by CBCT. Here there is no need for a ground connection via a trip coil. However, the CBCT’s output and the trip coil are connected.
  5. ELCB devices are costlier. They are highly priced and more expensive. On the other hand, RCCB devices are less costlier. They are priced low and are less expensive as well.
  6. ELCB provides lesser performance as compared to its counterpart. On the other hand, RCCB provides better performance as compared to its counterpart.
  7. The operating range possessed by the ELCBs is less and more difficult to use. On the other hand, the operating range possessed by the RCCBs are more, and they are comparatively easy to use.
  1. https://ejece.org/index.php/ejece/article/view/136
  2. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/elex/advpub/0/advpub_16.20190465/_article/-char/ja/
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.