Organic Acid vs Inorganic Acid: Difference and Comparison

Acids play an important part in chemistry. There is good and harmful acid available in the industry. Some of them are used to store food items as well.

Depending upon the food used, the acids will be used. Organic acid and Inorganic acid are both important acids that deal with chemistry.

These are taught to students from lower-class levels so that they can get a clear understanding of them.

Key Takeaways

  1. Organic acids contain carbon atoms derived from living organisms, while inorganic acids lack carbon and originate from mineral sources.
  2. Organic acids have weaker acidic properties than inorganic acids due to the presence of carbon atoms.
  3. Examples of organic acids include acetic and citric acid, while inorganic acids are sulfuric and hydrochloric.

Organic Acid vs Inorganic Acid

The difference between Organic Acid and Inorganic Acid is that in Organic acid, all the acids will be weak, and they won’t cause any harm to the human body. But Inorganic acids are strong acids, and they cause a lot of harm to the human body. Organic acids can be easily dissolved in water. Inorganic acids cannot be easily dissolved in water. 

Organic Acid vs Inorganic Acid

Organic acids are acids that are used in food items, and these acids are considered weaker and not powerful ones as they are used almost everywhere in human life. But there is one strong organic acid available as well, which is known as fluor antimonic acid.

This is considered to be very strong than sulphuric acid, which is considered to be the most dangerous acid in the chemical industry.

Inorganic acid is a powerful acid in the acid types. They are mostly whenever they are added to something.

It has another name called strong acids. They are not originated or derived from any other acids.

They contain carbon atoms in their acidic properties. They are mainly called with the name of mineral acids.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonOrganic AcidInorganic Acid
Acidic PropertiesContains organic acidic propertiesContains inorganic acidic properties
ExampleLactic Acid, Acetic Acid, and Formic AcidSulphuric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, and Nitric Acid
Acid TypeWeakStrong
SolubilityOrganic solventsInorganic Solvents
Carbon AtomsYesNo

What is Organic Acid?

Organic acid is an acid property that comes under chemistry. It comes with an organic compound.

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This particular type of acid contains weak properties.

When we mix this kind of acid in the water, it won’t be completely get dissolved in the water. The acids that come under Organic acids are lactic acid, acetic acid, and formic acid. Foods that contain these acids will come under organic acid.

A simple example to explain this is with the help of milk. When you mix milk in water, it won’t get dissolved; instead, the water will be dissolved in the milk. In this process, the milk contains lactic acid, so it is one of the organic acids.

Water in this process does not contain any acid, so it gets mixed with milk. Some organic acids are even used as preservatives in foods.

This is because they will help maintain the food for a long amount of time.

One of the best examples of food preservation in acid is a pickle. Pickles are preserved with a good amount of acid so that they will be fresh for a long duration of time. These acids come under chemistry.

To deal with and study acids, one should take the science stream in class 11. The most commonly used organic acid in food items is vinegar.

It is used to store food items, and it will give flavour to the food as well. 

What is Inorganic Acid?

Inorganic acid is an acid that comes under chemicals. These acids are even called mineral acids.

These acids do not have carbon in-built into them, and they will be incorporated from inorganic acids. These acids are sometimes incorporated from more than 2 inorganic compounds.

They might contain oxygen in their compound, but it depends upon the type of inorganic compound that is derived.

Some of the commonly known inorganic acids are sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and nitric acid. These inorganic acids are sometimes very powerful, and at times they can be weak as well.

But most inorganic acid that comes under chemistry is considered to be strong. They are mostly used as catalysts which are performed under chemical reactions.

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Since they are very strong, they cannot be used in normal day-to-day activities.

Mostly inorganic acids are always dissolved in water. When dissolved, they produce, they used to become very corrosive.

They have strong acidic properties. One of the best examples and the easier way to explain inorganic acid is water.

Because when we add water to any of the compounds, it will be easily dissolved. This acid property comes under chemistry.

It will be dealt with more practice in higher studies.

Main Differences Between Organic Acid and Inorganic Acid

  1. Organic acids are considered to be very weak acids, and they cannot be solved in water. On the other hand, inorganic acids are considered to be very powerful, and they can be solved in water easily.
  2. Organic acids are always soluble only inorganic compounds. Likewise, inorganic acids are soluble only in inorganic compounds. 
  3. Organic acids have an origin biologically. But on the other hand, inorganic acids do not have any biological origin.
  4. Organic acids are considered to have carbon atoms which are called carbon skeletons. On the other hand, inorganic acids do not have any carbon skeletons.
  5. Organic acids are highly helpful and help in removing dust from the material. But inorganic acids do not remove dust from the material.
Difference Between Organic Acid and Inorganic Acid

Last Updated : 27 July, 2023

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22 thoughts on “Organic Acid vs Inorganic Acid: Difference and Comparison”

  1. I appreciate the focus on food preservation and how organic acids act as preservatives. It’s interesting to learn how common food items like vinegar and pickles contain organic acids for preservation.

  2. The comprehensive explanation of organic and inorganic acids’ characteristics and examples provides a solid foundation for learning. It’s informative and well-presented.

    • The emphasis on the difference in the strength of organic and inorganic acids adds an interesting dimension to the discussion.

    • The explanation of the use of inorganic acids as catalysts in chemical reactions is enlightening, helping readers understand their role in chemistry.

  3. The article effectively captures the essential features of organic and inorganic acids, making it a valuable resource for those interested in chemistry.

    • The clear comparison between organic and inorganic acids’ properties and uses helps to clarify the distinctions between the two types.

  4. Great article, it provides a clear and detailed explanation of the properties and differences between organic and inorganic acids. This will be beneficial to students and researchers studying chemistry.

  5. The article effectively breaks down the properties and uses of organic and inorganic acids, making them easier to understand and apply in various contexts.

    • The examples of organic acids used in food preservation, such as vinegar and pickles, add a practical dimension to the theoretical explanations.

  6. The practical examples provided for both organic and inorganic acids help to make the content more relatable and easy to comprehend. Well done!

    • This article eloquently explains the difference in properties between organic and inorganic acids and makes it accessible for those learning about the topic.

  7. Acids have always been a fascinating subject to explore. The article helps to shed light on the characteristics of organic and inorganic acids, making it understandable for everyone.

    • The comparison table provided here makes it easier to identify the properties of each type of acid. It’s a good point of reference for those interested in the topic.

  8. The detailed distinction between organic and inorganic acid properties is well articulated in this article. It’s a valuable resource for those seeking to understand more about these acids.

    • The description of the origin and sources of inorganic acids is quite enlightening. It adds depth to the discussion of these acids.

    • The explanation of inorganic acids being sometimes used as catalysts for chemical reactions adds another layer of understanding to their properties.

  9. The comparison of the solubility of organic and inorganic acids in organic and inorganic solvents was particularly insightful. It helps to illustrate their properties effectively.

  10. The article’s emphasis on the importance and applications of organic acids in food items adds a practical touch to the educational content.


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