Engagement Ring vs Wedding Ring: Difference and Comparison

The exchange of rings between couples has been practised for ages. The exchange of rings signifies the creation of a bond between the couple, which involves love and commitment to each other. The couples take vows while exchanging rings. The two most common types of rings exchanged between couples are the engagement ring and the wedding ring.

Key Takeaways

  1. Engagement rings symbolize a promise of marriage, while wedding rings represent the commitment made during the marriage ceremony.
  2. An engagement ring features a diamond or gemstone, while wedding rings are simpler, without a prominent stone.
  3. Couples exchange engagement rings during a proposal, while wedding rings are exchanged during the ceremony.

Engagement Ring vs Wedding Ring

The difference between an engagement ring and a wedding ring is that an engagement ring is a ring with which the proposal of marriage is given, while a wedding ring is a ring that is exchanged at the wedding ceremony. The engagement ring is worn before marriage, while the wedding ring is worn after marriage.

Engagement Ring vs Wedding Ring

The engagement ring is mostly exchanged in couples of Western cultures. It acts as an indication of a formal agreement between the couple for future marriage. An engagement ring is a ring that indicates that the person is engaged or is to be married.

On the other hand, wedding rings are considered to have a Christian origin. A wedding ring is a ring that indicates that the person wearing it is married. A wedding ring is also referred to as a wedding band. A wedding ring signifies that the wearer is married.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonEngagement ringWedding ring
PurposeIt is presented by the partner when they are proposing or asking their prospective spouse for marriage.It is exchanged by the partners at the ceremony of marriage
SignificanceIt acts as an indication of a formal agreement between the couple for future marriageIt acts as a promise of fidelity, love, and commitment
The worn fingerUsually worn on the ring finger of the left handUsually worn on the ring finger of the left hand
Origin Engagement rings are considered to have an Egyptian originWedding rings are considered to have a Christian origin
Type of wearerUnmarried couplesMarried couples
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What is Engagement Ring?

An engagement ring is a ring that indicates that the person is engaged or is to be married. An engagement ring is mostly exchanged in couples of Western cultures. An engagement ring is also known as the proposal ring as it is presented by the partner when they are proposing or asking their prospective spouse for marriage.

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An engagement ring is considered a gift before marriage and signals whether the proposal is accepted or not. It acts as an indication of a formal agreement between the couple for future marriage. Some cultures regard the engagement ring as a management ring which is worn by men.

Engagement rings can be a simple band or be flamboyant with diamonds and other gemstones. The ring is worn on the left-hand ring finger, and the couples wear matching engagement rings. The invention of the engagement ring is credited to ancient Egyptians and was adopted by ancient Greeks. Some beliefs consider the engagement ring as the bride price, which represents the ownership of the bride by the groom.

Various cultures believe the groom will purchase the engagement ring and present his marriage proposal to the bride. However, women also can buy and present their prospective partners with an engagement ring. The price of the engagement ring depends on the design of the ring, materials, and gemstone used, and also on the quality and type of ring. Various factors like color, carat weight, cut, and clarity determine the price of the ring.

engagement ring 1

What is a Wedding Ring?

A wedding ring is a ring that indicates that the person wearing it is married. A wedding ring is also referred to as a wedding band. The ring is made of precious metals like gold, platinum, palladium, tungsten, Argentium, titanium, or silver. Wedding rings are considered to have a Christian origin. The first exchange of wedding rings was seen in ancient Rome during marriage.

A wedding ring is worn on the left hand’s ring finger. But if the wearer is left-handed, it is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. The initial culture of wearing a wedding ring was associated with marital dowry. Later the rings grew in significance and were considered a promise of fidelity.

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There are various types and styles of wedding rings. Some popular styles are Gimmel rings, puzzle rings, poesy rings, fede rings, and several other types and styles. Each style is associated with a specific culture and has a historical significance and custom.

The European nations brought the concept of a double-ring ceremony where the wedding ring was exchanged by and for both spouses. Initially, wedding rings were only worn by wives and women however, during the 20th century, it became customary for both spouses to wear their wedding rings. The use of noble metals in the manufacture of wedding rings symbolizes and signifies the permanence of the marriage of the couple.

wedding ring

Main Differences Between Engagement Ring and Wedding Ring

  1. The wearer of engagement rings are unmarried couples, while the wearer of wedding rings are married couples.
  2. Engagement rings are also known as proposal rings or management rings, while wedding rings are also known as wedding bands.
  3. Engagement rings are simple, while wedding rings are made of precious metals and gemstones.
  4. An engagement ring signifies the wearer’s engagement, while a wedding ring signifies that the wearer is married.
  5. An engagement ring is exchanged on a marriage proposal, while the wedding ring is exchanged at the marriage ceremony.
Difference Between Engagement Ring and Wedding Ring
  1. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s12110-003-1006-0.pdf
  2. https://heinonline.org/hol-cgi-bin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/jleo6&section=15
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.