F1 vs F1B: Difference and Comparison

If you are interested in knowing about Goldendoodles, you probably must have wondered what the difference is between their breeds. One such breed includes F1. F1B  includes the other variety. 

Key Takeaways

  1. F1 is the first generation of a hybrid offspring between two purebred dogs, while F1B is the offspring of an F1 hybrid dog and a purebred dog.
  2. F1B dogs exhibit more predictable traits, such as coat type and shedding, than F1 dogs.
  3. F1B dogs are more suitable for people with allergies due to their hypoallergenic coats, while F1 dogs may still cause allergic reactions.

F1 vs F1B

F1 refers to the first-generation offspring from a cross between two purebred or inbred parental lines. F1B refers to the first backcross generation produced by crossing an F1 hybrid with one of its parental lines and used to enhance or reinforce specific traits.

F1 vs F1B

Being among the most popular generations of Goldendoodles, F1 has a unique genetic combination. It is a 50 percent golden retriever. The rest is 50 percent poodle. However, this is not the best variety of Goldendoodle.

However, they need better grooming. This is to ensure their fur remains untangled. It has less Hybrid vigour trait.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonF1F1B
Poodle geneIt has comparatively fewer poodle genes. It has 50 percent poodle gene and the rest 50 percent Golden Retriever gene.It has comparatively more poodle genes. It has 75 percent poodle gene and the rest 25 percent Golden Retriever gene.
SheddingAs there are fewer poodle genes, it sheds hair.As there is more poodle gene, it is non-shedding.
AllergyAs there are fewer poodle genes, it is allergy-causing.Having more poodle genes, it is hypoallergenic.
Hybrid vigorBetter health by Hybrid vigor is observed in them.Less Hybrid vigor is observed in them.
GroomingIt does not require much grooming. This is because it sheds.Being non-shedding requires a lot of grooming. This is to ensure that its fur is untangled.
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What is F1?

F1 is among the most prominent dog breeds. This does not, however, imply that this breed of Goldendoodles is the greatest.

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There has not even been an estimate of how hypoallergenic it is, or We cannot even be certain how their coat of fur might appear because of their unique genetics.

This is also shedding. The Poodle will be more clever than the Golden Retriever in terms of character, while the Golden Retriever will be more affectionate and devoted.

This is the case because perfect inbreeding causes the same genetic flaws to be handed on to their children. Because the F1 Goldendoodle is a crossbred dog, it will only acquire Poodle and Golden Retriever health genetic concerns.

f1 dog

What is F1B?

F1B genetically is Poodle by a greater proportion than Golden Retriever. Their respective percentages in its gene are 75 and 25. This makes it have a better coat of fur.

Being the second generation crossbred, this variety acquired a trait of a lower level of Hybrid Vigor. The Hybrid Vigor characteristic is passed down through the generations of Goldendoodles.

When staying with F1B Goldendoodles, allergy sufferers reported considerably fewer or no responses than when living with F1 Goldendoodles.

This allergy-free dog comes at the expense; of F1B Goldendoodles are more pricey than F1 Goldendoodles. This factor should be kept in mind before a potential owner can determine which is best for him and settle for either of these two varieties.

f1b dog

Main Differences Between F1 and F1B

  1. Better health by Hybrid vigour is observed in F1. This is one advantage of petting them. On the other hand, F1B has less Hybrid vigour.
  2. F1 does not require much grooming as it sheds. However, as F1B is non-shedding, it requires exclusive grooming. This is to ensure that its fur is untangled.
Difference Between F1 and F1B


  1. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0165414
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123743671000951
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.