Fedora vs Homburg: Difference and Comparison

Hats are an essential part of fashion. We can see hats on people in vital places such as runways, movies, plays, etc. People also prefer to wear hats casually.

One can find various hats in the market that differ in their styles, shapes, sizes, materials, costs, quality, etc.

Homburg and fedora are different hats that might appear to be the same but have some fundamental differences.

Homburg is a type of hat whose basic design includes a stall round crown with a single center crease, a turned-up brim, and a feature on its headband.

It is an adorable hat that was first worn by Edward VII in 1882. many celebrities also seemed to admire this hat in the 20th century.

It comes in multiple different materials and colors.

Fedora is another type of hat whose design includes a center dent crown with pinches on either side, a brim, and a sharper taper in front of the crown.

It became famous after a popular American actress Sarah Bernhardt wore it in a play called Fedora, which is also the origin of this hat’s name.

This hat is trendy today and has various variations, materials, and colors.

Key Takeaways

  1. Fedora and Homburg are two types of hats that differ in shape, brim, and material.
  2. Fedora hats have a pinched crown with a flexible brim that can be shaped per the wearer’s preference. On the other hand, Homburg hats have a stiffer brim and a slightly curved crown with a dent at the front.
  3. Fedora hats are made of wool, felt, or tweed, while Homburg hats are made of stiffer materials like wool, fur, or straw.

Fedora vs. Homburg

Fedora is a hat with an indented crown and a soft brim creased down the crown and pinched near the front on the two sides. Homburg is a semi-formal hat made of fur felt and easily identified by the single dent running down the center of the crown, called a gutter crown.

Fedora vs Homburg

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFedoraHomburg
DefinitionIt is yet another type of hat.It is a type of hat.
OriginIt derived its name from an American play called Fedora.Derived its name from a town in Hesse, Germany, called Homburg.
PopularityMore PopularLess popular
DesignIncludes a center-dent crown with pinches on either side, a brim, and a sharper taper in the front of the crown.Includes a tall round crown with a single center crease and a feather on its headband.
VariationsRollable fedora, curable fedora, etc.Does not have any.
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What is Fedora?

Fedora is a type of hat that has been quite popular for decades. It got its name from a play called “Fedora” by Victorien Sardou in 1882.

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The Fedora hat was first worn by an American actress Sarah Bernhardt in the play “Fedora,” which made this hat quite famous in America.

Fedora was an essential hat in terms of fashion in the early 20th century. Many celebrities like Humphrey Bogart, Harrison Ford, and various female models frequently wear this hat.

The design of a fedora hat includes a center-dent crown with pinches on either side and a brim ranging from short to wide brim. One can also notice a sharper taper at the front of its crown.

It also consists of a headgear made of fur felt or wool felt. However, in recent times you can find a fedora hat made of various materials such as straw, cotton, hemp, linen, leather, etc.

The fedora hats became very famous among celebrities who started wearing them casually in movies or plays, making it a fashion statement among people in the 20th century.

Fedora hats are available in various variations, such as rollable, curable, etc. It is also available with a feather on its headband.


What is Homburg?

Homburg is a type of hat that people do not know well. However, it is known to have an exquisite style and has become quite famous among hat lovers.

The name ‘ homburg ‘ is derived from Bad Homburg in Hesse, Germany.

Homburg was first worn by Edward VII in 1882, so during that time, it became a fashion symbol among the people of Britain.

Later, it became popular among several famous people like the American President Dwight D.

Rainshower and British prime minister Winston Churchill. However, in the late 20th century, homburg’s demand gradually decreased, but later became famous after Al Pacino wore it in “The Godfather.”

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A homburg hat’s basic design includes a tall round crown with a single center crease, and a turned-up brim, thus giving it a curled effect. It also appears to have edges similar to a cowboy hat.

A homburg hat contains a feater on its hatband. Unlike the older times, a homburg hat is available in multiple materials such as straw, cotton, leather, etc.

People wear a homburg hat with sem- formal and informal outfits.

homburg hat

Main Differences Between Fedora and Homburg

  1. The design of a fedora hat includes a center-dent crown with pinches on either side, short to wide-ranging brim, and a sharper taper in the crown’s front. In contrast, a homburg hat design includes a tall round crown with a single center crease and a feather on its headband.
  2. Edwar VII first wore a homburg hat in 1882, whereas an American actress Sarah Bernhardt first wore the fedora hat in a play called Fedora.
  3. Homburg hat derived its name from a town in Hesse, Germany called Homburg. On the other hand, the fedora hat derived its name from an American play called Fedora.
  4. Fedora hats are more popular as compared to homburg hats.
  5. Fedora hats are available in various variations nowadays, such as rollable, curable fedoras, whereas homburg hats do not have any such variations
Difference Between Fedora and Homburg
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0007091217542075
  2. https://dl.uswr.ac.ir/bitstream/Hannan/43537/1/2018%20BJoA%20Volume%20120%20Issue%204%20April%20%2816%29.pdf
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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.