FLA vs SWF: Difference and Comparison

FLA and SWF are the two types of files. FLA and SWF files are interlinked with each other, but at the same time, they have distinct features and uses that are astonishing from each other.

There are mainly differences in the files, like in the editing feature, its authenticity, the opening feature, etc. FLA and SWF are the flash additions on the web. Its usage is opposite from each other.

Key Takeaways

  1. FLA is the editable format used in Adobe Flash, whereas SWF is the compressed format used to deliver the final content.
  2. FLA files can only be opened and edited in Adobe Flash, while SWF files can be played in any web browser with a Flash player.
  3. FLA files contain all the design elements of a Flash project, while SWF files only contain the final output.


FLA is a file that holds images, animations and sounds to make it useful as a flash file, and they are used by users of Adobe software. SWF is a finalized type of file that is made for the end notification of a file. It is the extended version of the Shockwave Flash File.


FLA is a file that holds some features, such as animations, images, sounds, etc., to make it useful as a flash file. These kinds of FLA files are embraced by the users of Adobe software.

In the initial time, this type of file was made by the Macromedia application software, but at present, it is possessed by the Adobe system.

On the other hand, SWF is a finalized type of file that is made for the end notification of a file.

It is the extended version of the Shockwave Flash File that was also initiated by the Macromedia and, at present, by the Adobe system.

The SWF file requires an FLA player to open its file for further viewing. The SWF is the later extended version of the FLA file.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFLASWF
DefinitionFLA is a type of flash file that includes some kinds of stuff like images, music, etc.SWF is a type of flash file that is all set to be published on the web.
Full-FormThe FLA file is the short form of Macromedia Flash Source File Extension.SWF file is the short form of Small Web Format.
Format of the fileThe FLA file is in the format of making changes or can be edited again and again.SWF is in the format of final and ready to be published on the web.
Flash PlayerThe FLA file cannot be open on a flash player.The SWF file uses a flash player to open.
FormFLA is an unprocessed or unfinished file.SWF is a ready-to-publish and finished file.
Editing CapabilityThe FLA files can be edited.The SWF files can not be edited. It is the finished outcome.
DataThe FLA file holds more data.The SWF file holds a comparatively lesser amount of data.
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What is FLA?

FLA is a flash file that stores several things like images, music, animation, graphics, etc., that are later on transformed into an SWF file.

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FLA was initially owned by Macromedia but, presenting it is owned by the Adobe system.

Also, the FLA files themselves are the meaning or the short form of the files, which stands for Macromedia Flash Source File Extension. These FLA files are used by various projects created for the animation.

The FLA files can not be unlocked in a Flash player, and it requires another Adobe Flash Professional, which is updated and further proceeds with the process.

Other commonly used players that FLA files are supported are Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Flash, etc.

The FLA files can be termed as unprocessed or unfinished files, as it is not considered as the final file that can be uploaded.

The FLA files can store a larger amount of data, and further, it can be edited, or in other words, changes can be made. These files are edited and later set as an SWF file.

These FLA files are saved as SWF files so that later, they can be directly uploaded. Also, for Flash applications, the FLA files carry some kind of source material for use.

What is SWF?

SWF is a file type that is easy and ready to be uploaded on the web. It is the result of the edited version of FLA files, which stores the data that can be directly uploaded on the web.

The SWF files were first produced by FutureWave Software, and later on, it was passed to the Macromedia and then To the Adobe system.

Also, these files carry videos and some vector-based animations that are designed in a manner that can be directly uploaded on the web.

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The SWF stands for the full form of Small Web Format. It is in the format of final or ready to be published on the web.

The editing work and the required changes are completely done in the FLA file since the SWF file does have the capability of editing its data in itself.

The SWF files require other players to play videos, such as the VLC player or the Flash Player, which comes with the feature of converting and editing the files.

The SWF files carry a lesser amount of data as compared to the FLA files, as the SWF is considered the final file that is uploaded on the web.

All the editing work is finished in the FLA files, therefore, the SWF does not carry the feature of editing in it.

Main Differences Between FLA and SWF

  1. FLA is a type of flash file that includes some kinds of stuff like images, music, etc. On the other hand, SWF is a type of flash file that is all set to be published on the web.
  2. The FLA file is the short form of Macromedia Flash Source File Extension. On the other hand, the SWF file is the short form of Small Web Format.
  3. The FLA file is in the format of making changes or can be edited again and again. On the other hand, SWF is in the format of final and ready to be published on the web.
  4. The FLA file cannot be opened on a Flash player. On the other hand, The SWF file uses a flash player to open.
  5. FLA is an unprocessed or unfinished file. On the other hand, SWF is ready to publish and finished the file.
  6. The FLA files can be edited. On the other hand, The SWF files can not be edited. It is the finished outcome.
  7. The FLA file holds more data. On the other hand, The SWF file holds a comparatively lesser amount of data.
Difference Between FLA and SWF
  1. https://www.koreascience.or.kr/article/JAKO201015537946832.page

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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.