Formulas vs Formulae: Difference and Comparison

The plurals of the word “formula” are “formulas” and “formulae.”

The word ‘formula’ derives from the Latin word “formula”. It traditionally denoted a variety of things related to structure and geometry, such as shape, size, style, form, pattern, rule, lawsuit, and so forth.

Let’s take a glance at the distinctions between the two.

Key Takeaways

  1. Both “formulas” and “formulae” are plural forms of the word “formula,” which refers to a set of mathematical or scientific symbols and relationships, a method or procedure, or a mixture’s composition.
  2. “Formulas” is the more common plural form in American English, while “formulae” is preferred in British English.
  3. Both plural forms are correct and convey the same meaning, but usage may vary depending on regional language preferences and style guides.

Formulas vs Formulae

The difference between Formulas and Formulae is Formulas is the pluralized term of formula. As per Garner’s Modern English Consumption, formulas prevail in all textual applications, including technical and scientific notation. On the other hand, Formulae is also an alternative plural version of the formula but It has quite a different meaning as formulas that can be used interchangeably throughout most situations.

Formulas vs Formulae

Formulas are the pluralized form or terms of formula. Formulas are described as complex numerical algorithms or a list of materials used in numerous mixtures and chemical potions.

Considering English might be unreliable at some moments, formulas can also be a kind of smooth liquid solution offered to infants.

Formulae is a plural form of formula that can be used effectively in most instances. If you’re writing for a scientific magazine, formulae might be useful.

Because the -ae suffix in formulae is a Latin pluralization, therefore it is probably closest to an ancient Latin plural for this term.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparison FormulasFormulae
Originated fromEnglish plural wordLatin plural word
Form of PluralThe plural in the accusative caseThe plural in nominative and vocative case
Used inUses in writing a paper with a wide circulationMostly used in the scientific journal
LanguageMostly common in the American English languageMostly used in the British English language.
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What is Formulas?

Formulas are the plural word for Formula. It originally came from the English plural word. In the Latin language grammar category, ‘formulas’ is plural in the accusative noun case of the word formula, while ‘formulam’ is singular.

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The –as suffix has been the most commonly used suffix in English to make anything plural. Other plurals also exist in the same vocabulary. The plural of the word ‘formula’ is an exemplification of a rented plural from some other dialect. 

Formulas are a clear and precise form of communicating details allegorically or mathematically. In terms of syntax,  formulas have a logical entity that is built using the representations and structure guidelines of a predefined set dialect.

For instance, calculating the volume of a sphere necessitates using formulas.

In scientific knowledge, the word “formulas” relates to the general overall concept of a correlation among two or more independent factors and variables.

The term “formulas” also refers to an individuality that corresponds from one functional form to the next, with mathematical equations being the most crucial and significant formulas. 

Some of the examples of the word “Formulas” in sentences: 

  • He authored formulas for livestock manure and prescription medications for the treatment of snake bites and infectious diseases in the magazine.
  • According to the study, reliance on math formulas or training exercises in class bores numerous educators and lowers their achievement.
  • Using standard formulas, the net uptake of fluid and sodium was determined.
  • I’m not going to be able to memorize all of these formulas in time for the test.
  • Strategic planning, forecasts, and formulae are sources of highly sensitive data that should not be shared.

What is Formulae?

Formulae is another plural term of the word formula. In most cases, it amounts to the same thing as formulas and can be used interchangeably.

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In British English, Formulae are more common than in American English but less common than Formulas in several countries.

Because the -ae suffix in formulae is a Latin plural form, it’s probably identical to the actual Latin plural for this term. On the other hand, languages change over time the demand of the individuals that speak them.

Without changing the meaning of the sentences, formulae can be substituted for formulas. Some users will know them as a little snobbish. The pluralization in Latin is ‘formulae.’ The word formulae are used in Latin Grammar as a nominative and vocative plural noun case.

Some of the examples of the word “Formulae” in sentences:

  • There are several backing-off formulae that strive to provide all the best estimations for the state transition.
  • Numerous formulae are feasible, but the following appears to be the most computationally beneficial.
  • The manuscript is so easy to read because it is almost entirely devoid of mathematical formulae, ordinarily the bedrock of engineering construction.
  • It is written in a textbook, with plenty of formulae, equations, and flow charts.
  • Many short-lived organizations arose with radical transformation formulae.

Main Differences Between Formulas and Formulae

  1. The suffix “as” is used in formulas, whereas “ae” is used in formulae.
  2. Formulas are derived from the English plural word, whereas Formulae is derived from the Latin plural word.
  3. Formulas are the accusative case of the plural noun form, whereas Formulae are the nominative and vocative noun cases.
  4. When writing a global circulation document, the word formulas are used however, when writing a scientific paper, the term formulae is used.
  5. Formulas are most common in American English, whereas Formulae are most common in British English.
Difference Between Formulas and Formulae

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.