Also vs Too: Difference and Comparison

English is a language that is spoken all around the world, and it contains an infinite vocabulary. Even if we try to know all the words and how and where to use them, we cannot know about them all.

To avoid confusion, we must know that the main difference between ‘also’ and ‘too’ is that ‘also’ is used at the beginning of a sentence, while ‘too’ is used at the end.

The placement of the words ‘also’ and ‘too’ determine the correctness of a sentence.

Similarly, “Emily plays basketball too.” has the correct placement of the word ‘too.’ But in this case, “Emily, too, plays basketball.” is also correct.

Key Takeaways

  1. “Also” is an adverb used to add information or emphasize a point; “too” is an adverb that indicates excess or similarity.
  2. “Also” can be placed at various positions in a sentence; “too” is placed at the end of a clause.
  3. Both “also” and “too” can be used interchangeably to indicate similarity, but “too” cannot replace “also” when adding information.

Also vs. Too

Also is an adverb which connotes ‘in addition’. It is mostly used in written expressions. Too is another adverb which connotes ‘in addition’ and used in formal sentences and conversation mostly by Americans.

Also vs Too

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAlsoToo
UsageIs used before the verb in the sentence.It is placed at the end of a clause in a sentence.
MeaningIt only means ‘in addition to’ or ‘as well.’In addition to meaning ‘as well,’ it can mean ‘excessive’ or ‘too much.’
Interchangeability Also can be replaced by too.Too cannot always be replaced by also.
Type of sentenceUsually used in positive statements.Used in both negative and positive statements.
The tone of the sentenceIt is used in formal sentences.It is used in informal sentences.

What is ‘Also’?

Also,’ is an adverb that has existed since Old English was spoken. It means ‘additionally’ or ‘alongside.’

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‘Also’ is also used to indicate that you need to add information to what you have previously said. The placement of ‘also’ in a sentence determines what you want it to mean.

When we use ‘also’ at the beginning of a sentence, it signifies the depth of the situation. It emphasizes a point.

In the sentences given below:

  1. “I have also decided to take up gardening as a hobby.” 
  2. “I am leaving. Also, I am taking my belongings with me.”

Both sentences are correct. The second sentence, however, is divided into two parts. If the first part is removed, the point of the statement ceases to exist.


What is ‘Too’?

‘Too’ is also an adverb. It means ‘in addition to’ or ‘a more than the required amount. It has also been developed from Old English and is a stressed form of ‘to.

t appears after the subject and points towards its qualities. A modal or an auxiliary verb is not followed by ‘too.

‘Too’ is a very flexible word and can be used in several phrases like ‘too much,’ ‘too few,’ etc. It is used frequently in verbal conversations and is considered to be more on the informal side. It is confused with ‘to’ and ‘two.’

Some examples of the usage of ‘too’ are:

  1. “I, too, am your daughter.”
  2. “I’m too tired to go outside.”
  3. “You can join us too.” 

In all three sentences, ‘too’ is used differently. In the first sentence, it emphasizes a point. Furthermore, using ‘too’ just after the subject increases the formality of the sentence.


Main Differences Between ‘Also’ and ‘Too’

  1. ‘Also’ is used before the verb, while ‘too’ is placed at the end of the clause in a sentence.
  2. ‘Also’ has only one meaning, while ‘too’ can have multiple meanings like ‘alongside’ and ‘excess of.’
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Last Updated : 13 February, 2024

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23 thoughts on “Also vs Too: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The division of ‘also’ and ‘too’ into separate sections makes their understanding convenient and comprehensive.

  2. A highly insightful piece that provides a profound understanding of how ‘also’ and ‘too’ function in sentences.

  3. The engaging tone and comprehensive breakdown of the differences between ‘also’ and ‘too’ truly makes this an enjoyable exploration.

  4. The detailed explanation of the main differences between ‘also’ and ‘too’ is highly enlightening. Wonderful read!


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