Get vs Got: Difference and Comparison

One of the essential features of the English language is grammar.

Since it is not the native language for most of us, it is highly significant to consider and use the grammar appropriately so that the meaning you want to convert is understood clearly with the appropriate tense.

Tense usage is to be handled with care, as it can completely change the meaning of your sentence.

Key Takeaways

  1. “Get” is a present tense verb used to express the action of obtaining or acquiring something in the present time, while “Got” is the past tense of “get,” used to describe a past action of obtaining something.
  2. “Get” can also be used as an auxiliary verb to form the passive voice, while “Got” cannot be used in this way.
  3. “Get” can also be used in various phrasal verbs, such as “getaway,” “get up,” and “get over,” which have different meanings and uses than the verb “got.”

Get vs Got 

‘Get’ is in the present tense, whereas ‘got’ is the past tense of ‘get.’ Though both have the same meaning, they depict different forms of tenses, and it is essential to use them in the proper context so that you don’t mess up with what you want to convey to others.

Get vs Got 1

Get in the present form of the verb and used in the simple present and future tense. When used with different words, it forms phrases, and they are commonly used while speaking.

It is an appropriate informal context and is used widely indirect speeches. For example, Did she get her marks?

Got has the same meaning as ‘get,’ but it is the past tense form of ‘get.’ It can also be used as an alternative for the past participle.

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Though gotten was majorly used in the past, the participle form got is also grammatically correct. Got is used in passive voice or indirect speech.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGetGot
TenseGet is used in the present tense.  Got is used in the past tense.
Past participle It is not used in the past participle tense.      It is used in the past participle tense along with gotten.
Type of speechIt is used in direct addresses.It is used in reported or indirect speech.
Usage It is used in a formal context or professionally.It is prevalent in casual language.
Alternate use When someone says, “I get it, “ it means they understand it and can empathize. When someone says, “ I got this “ or “I got it, “ it means they can deal with it, and they have understood.
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What is Get?

‘Get’ in the present form of the verb. It is used in describing actions happening in the present. For example, 

You get a flat 50 per cent offer on every purchase above 3000 rupees. 

I finally got what our instructor was trying to say. 

It is also used in the simple future tense. For example,

If you study well, you will get a high score. 

If they practice hard, they will get the trophy.

You will get a promotion if you work hard. 

It is used as a phrase where one means they understand. For instance,

Yeah, I get it now, and I can now do this alone.

Riya, did you get it, or should I help you? 

These are the uses of ‘get’ in the verb form. It also takes another form as a noun. As a noun, it has two meanings, the offspring of an animal or when someone talks about the person they dislike or hate, they are referred to as a ‘get.’

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It is essential to know that the verb ‘get’ is not a regular verb, and it is exceptional or irregular since the past tense of this verb does not take up the suffix -ed. In interrogation, ‘get’ and’ did’ are used in the past tense.

For instance, Did you get your book?


What is Got?

Unlike regular verbs, the past tense of ‘get’ does not end with -ed. Instead, it is entirely different. This is because get is an irregular verb. ‘Got’ is used in the past tense form. For example,

Got your results?

He has got lunch for us.

Informally, it is also used in an acute condition or synonymous with must. For example,

They have got to eat all the vegetables.

The students have got to write their tests. 

When used in the phrase ‘got this,’ it means one can do the task with ease used to encourage the person. For example, Don’t worry; you have prepared well and got this. 

It is used as a phrase to motivate someone that they can achieve. It is also used in sentences to discuss possessions, belongings, etc. For instance,

She has got a sister.

He has got a fever.

They have got a new car. 

It is also used in interrogation and passive voice. For example,

Have you got your friend with you? Has he got a tattoo on his neck?

It is also used in many sentences as a replacement for having. Instead of saying, I have a new pet, one can also say, I got a new pet.


Main Differences Between Get and Got 

  1. Get in the present tense of the verb but got is the past tense of ‘get.’
  2. Get is not used in the past participle form, whereas got can be used as a past participle.
  3. Get is used in direct speech, whereas got is used in reported speech.
  4. Get is used mainly in a formal context but in an informal sentence.
  5. Alternatively, ‘get’ also takes the form of a noun, whereas ‘got’ is used as several phrases.
Difference Between Get and Got

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.