Have To vs Should: Difference and Comparison

Everything is in a state of expansion. Be it the universe, the mentality or the languages we use. English is also expanding, with new words and phrases every day. It’s essential to know and implement new comments as well as old ones too.

Some words have the same meaning, but the usage makes them different.

Key Takeaways

  1. “Have to” is used to indicate a requirement or necessity, while “should” is used to indicate a recommendation or advice.
  2. “Have to” implies that the action is mandatory or non-negotiable, while “should” implies that the action is optional or discretionary.
  3. “Have to” is associated with rules or regulations, while “should” is associated with social norms or expectations.

Have To vs Should

The difference between have to and should is that have to is used to emphasize the need of an event forcefully, while it should mean suggesting someone a piece of advice or telling them something right or appropriate about something.

Have To vs Should

The word ‘have to’ is used to convey something meaningful. It’s expressed to say that it is something necessary or required. Also, the implementation doesn’t stay here. It’s used in spoken phrases to highlight a statement.

Have to can also be used in question statement that conveys arrogance or furiousness.

Should is simply a word meant to convey something correct and appropriate to someone. It can also be used to give a piece of advice. For example, “The police should ensure that the actions towards criminals are strict”. Here it’s advised the police officers to punish the criminals.

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A few more examples can be “You should eat this dish” and “I should leave” are a few examples.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonHave toShould
DefinitionIt emphasises a thing that must occur or sound essential or necessary.It means to suggest something right or appropriate to someone or something.
SoundingIt sounds pretty forceful, necessary, intense, and compulsion.It sounds like a suggestion, correctness, appropriateness, probability, prediction, and expected result.
DerivationIt has a replacement, but no such derivation is there.Should is derived from the word may.
ExpressionIt expresses obligation or a needful thing. Must is a suitable replacement for it.Should express a concern. It sounds like a right and better thing.
Example“I have to go to work every day.”
“The judges have to verdict disinterested.”
“You have to keep moving forward to achieve goals.”
“You should take precautions, or you’ll catch a cold.”
“Should I go with him at this time?”
“People should know and learn new things from Nature”.
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What is Have To?

When we express something necessary, we use ‘have to.’ It concerns general obligations. When discussing another person’s responsibility, we use ‘have to.’ Have to mean showing a kind of compulsion thing strongly.

It’s not an auxiliary verb because it uses ‘have’ as the main verb. It’s grouped with modal auxiliary verbs for convenience most of the time. Also, it’s not a modal verb, of course. The structure goes like this with a subject, an auxiliary verb, then using have, a then to-infinitive.

The usage is wide in case of having to. It can be used to say that the law needs something. To show some direction or abide by something. For example,” People have to wear a mask when they come out on the road” it’s a needful thing. Or like,” All passengers must exit at the next station”.

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If we talk more about having to, we will realize that it can also be used to show desire or something to be executed. For example, “You have to taste this dessert. It’s mouth-watering” expresses an emotion, a desire to let them taste the dessert. Or like,” You have to read this novel; it’s impeccable”.

What is Should?

Should is an auxiliary verb. It is a modal auxiliary verb, to be specific. Its primary use is to give advice, talk about obligations, probability and expectations, and replace a subjunctive method, expressing a mood based on some conditions.

When you convey your view or the right thing about something, you use should. The word should express something right and correct to someone to do or entertain something or for an event to occur. The implementation part also extends to suggest someone about something.

If we talk about the pseudo subjunctive, its primary use is to let know that event or happening that somebody wants to happen and hopes to become true. For example, “The head of the team wants me that I should join the team”. This insisting way is quite a sure thing in case of should.

Taking conditional statements, it could be used as in “If I went outside without a mask, I should catch a disease”. This reveals that if the first part doesn’t get executed, the second part will come true.


Main Differences Between Have To and Should

  1. Have to is used to show some compulsion in something, while should mean to tell someone appropriately about something.
  2. Have to could be used to express desire or longing powerfully, while should be used to suggest.
  3. Have to is no modal verb and an auxiliary verb, but it consists of ‘have’, which is a verb but should is a modal verb and an auxiliary one.
  4. Have to have no such derivation or origination type. Something while should is derived from shall.
  5. “I have to hit the gym to maintain the body”.
  6. “The authorities have to make changes in some laws to function smoothly” are some examples, while “Should I go to work today?”, “You should walk at least 2 km every day” are some examples of should.
Difference Between Have To and Should
  1. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1496196
  2. https://psycnet.apa.org/journals/bul/74/1/68/
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.