Iron vs Aluminum: Difference and Comparison

Iron and aluminum are both chemical elements, but they have different symbol representations, atomic numbers, density, melting points, and many other properties are different in them as the iron’s atomic number in the periodic table is 26, but the atomic number of aluminum is 13 in the periodic table.

Key Takeaways

  1. Iron is denser, stronger, and more magnetic than aluminum, which is lightweight, non-magnetic, and highly corrosion-resistant.
  2. Iron finds applications in construction and manufacturing, while aluminum is common in the aerospace and automotive industries due to its lightweight.
  3. Aluminum’s high conductivity and low melting point make it a popular choice for electrical wiring and heat sinks, while iron’s high melting point is better suited for high-temperature applications.

Iron Vs Aluminum 

The difference between Iron and aluminum is that iron is present in the 8th group of the periodic table, and the atomic number is 26 and which is symbolized by Fe whereas when we talk about aluminum is present in the 13th group of the periodic table and is symbolized by Al.

Iron Vs Aluminum

Iron is a chemical element that is present at the first transaction series of the periodic table, and it is present in the 8th group the atomic number of iron is 26, and its chemical symbol is Fe. It is also present in humans at about 4 grams.

Aluminum is also a chemical element that is present in the 13th group of the periodic table and its atomic number is also 13 and the chemical symbol is Al. and aluminum is the eleventh most common element in the universe.

And aluminum is also used as a radioactive component.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison IronAluminum
Definition Iron is a chemical element whose atomic no. is 26 and the symbol is Fe.Aluminum is a chemical element whose atomic number is 13 and whose symbol is Al.
Density and melting pointIts density is 7.87g/cm3 and its melting point is 1538 degrees celsiusIts density is 2.70/cm3 and its melting point is 660.32 degrees celsius
Oxidation states Stable at +2 and +3Stable at +3
Elctrical conductivity Low as compared to aluminum 1*107 S/mHigh as comperd to iron 3.5*107 S/m
Rusting and corrosion Because of high corrosion undergoes rustingDoesn’t undergo rusting
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What is Iron?

Iron is a chemical element whose symbol undergoes is Fe, and its atomic number is 26. Iron belongs to the metals, and in the periodic table, it is in the first transaction series and in group 8.

And it is the most common element on the earth by its measurement of mass.

The 4th most common element on the earth which is present nowadays. Whereas iron in its metallic state is not found commonly on the earth, it is found rarely. Iron is used to make weapons, tools, and many other things.

The human body also contains some amount of iron, about 4 grams, like 0.005 % of our body weight. The most common oxidation state of iron is iron(II) and iron(III), and it shares its many properties with the transition elements in the periodic table.

Which includes the other groups also. The characteristic properties of iron are its allotopes, melting and boiling points, magnetic properties, and isotopes.

And the nature and origins are it is metallic iron, it is cosmogenesis, present in the earth’s crust, and mantel minerals are also present. And it contains many compounds, including oxides, hydroxides, and halides.

iron 1

What is Aluminum?

Aluminum is also a chemical element whose chemical symbol is Al, and its atomic number is 13.  Aluminum has a low density as compared to iron, or we can say it is approximately one-third of steel.

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It contains the stable isotope in itself, and that isotope is very common, which makes aluminum the eleventh most common element in the universe. And aluminum is also used as a radioactive component.

When we see aluminum chemically, it is a weak metal as it comes in the boron group. Aluminum was introduced in 1825 by a danish who was a physicist. The physical properties of aluminum contain isotopes, electron shells, and bulk.

Aluminum combines the characteristics of different transition metals. It has a high affinity towards oxygen and is suitable as a reducing agent and a thermite reaction.

And aluminum is present in general silver color as it occurs as silvery in color because of the corrosion. The aluminum is produced by exacting the bauxite rock from the ground. And which is obtained by the Bayers process and gives alumina to us.

And it naturally occurs in space and on the earth as the eleventh most common element in the universe. Aluminum is used in the kitchen, airplane parts, window farms, utensils, etc.


Main Differences Between Iron and Aluminum 

  1. The iron chemical symbol is Fe, and the atomic number is 26, whereas the aluminum chemical symbol is Al, and the atomic number is 13.
  2. Iron density is 7.87g/cm3, and melting point is 1538 degrees Celsius, whereas aluminum density is 2.70/cm3 and melting point is 660.32 degrees Celsius.
  3. Iron is stable at +2 and +3 oxidation states, whereas aluminum is stable at +3 oxidation state.
  4. Iron electric conductivity is low, whereas aluminum electric conductivity is higher than iron.
  5. Iron undergoes rusting in the presence of oxygen and water, whereas aluminum does not undergo rusting even in the presence of oxygen and water.
Difference Between Iron and Aluminum
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.