Islam vs Yahudi: Difference and Comparison

All religions are different in their ways, but they all have things in common, too. Islam and Yahudi or Judaism are extremely different religions from Islam. Both Islam and Yahudi religions have more to do with how members believe than what they believe.

They both preach about the same things, and it is more than mere semantics, but at the same time, they do teach different things.

Key Takeaways

  1. Islam is a monotheistic religion that follows the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, while Yahudi is another name for Judaism, a monotheistic religion that follows the Torah.
  2. Islam believes in the Prophet Muhammad as the last Prophet of God, while Yahudi believes in Moses and other prophets.
  3. Millions of people worldwide practice Islam, while Jews primarily practice Yahudi.

Islam vs Yahudi

Islam is a monotheistic religion that is based on the teachings of a prophet, Mohammed. It centers around the Quran and originates from Abrahamic beliefs. Yahudi is a monotheistic religion that is based on the teachings of the prophet Moses, practiced by Jews and also referred to as Judaism.

Islam vs Yahudi

Islam also says that all people are created equal with God as a god, but it teaches that Muslims must fight against non-Muslims who threaten their safety and peace.

Moreover, the prophet of Islam is Muhammad, who was a warrior and a conqueror killed during the war by an enemy soldier. Muhammad had 12 successors who were called “Imams.”

Yahudi is a religion of peace. It teaches that all people are created equal with God as a god, and there should be no mistreatment of any person, for they are also god’s children.

Moreover, the prophet of Yahudi was Moses, who was a peaceful leader who preached peace and love among men that died due to natural death.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonIslamYahudi
MeaningThe meaning of Islam includes the belief in one God, avoidance of idols, belief in divine revelation and good deeds.Yahudi is an ethnicity or religion that teaches that all people are created equal with God as a god.
HistoryIslam began when Muhammad left Mecca and went to Yathrib.Yahudi is the oldest of the world’s largest monotheistic religions.
OriginIslam originated from Abrahamic religions.Yahudi has its origins in the tribal culture of ancient Canaan.
ProphetThe prophet of Islam is Muhammad.The prophet of Yahudi is Moses.
Prophet NatureMuhammad was a warrior and a conqueror.Moses was a peaceful leader.
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What is Islam?

The word Islam is translated as “submission,” and the religion of Islam is seen as a way to escape worldly inclinations and focus on God.

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The basic tenets of Islam include belief in one God, avoidance of idols, belief in divine revelation, good deeds, fasting during Ramadan, and worship on Fridays.

A majority of Muslims are Sunni which breaks down into 10% Shia and 75% called “other.” Most Muslims are not Arabs. A large majority of Muslims are from South Asia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

Islam also teaches that Muslims should rule over non-Muslims until the day God has decided that there will be no more non-Muslims in the world. In other words, Islam is a conquering religion.

The prophet of Islam is Muhammad. Moreover, Muhammad had 12 successors who were called “Imams.” The last one, Ali ibn Abi Talib became the fourth caliph when Muawiyah I died.

He became the Imam of the time and was murdered by a Kharijite while praying in a mosque. The Kharijites were Muslims who did not believe that Ali deserved to be an imam because he did not fight during the battle against Muawiya.

Islam extends from the teachings of the Prophet Abraham, from whom it derives its name. Moreover, Islam is not just a single religion but also an umbrella term that includes the Quran and the Sunnah.


What is Yahudi?

Yahudi, or Judaism, is the oldest of the world’s three largest monotheistic religions.

It’s also the first religious tradition that considers itself both a revealed religion, in other words, one telling its followers how they should live, and an ethnoreligious tradition meaning it defines itself by both its theological claims and ethnic identity.

Yahudi believers are called “Jews.”

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The term Yahudi also refers to the Jewish people, but this term refers more to religious practices rather than following Judaic teachings.

Yahudi spread with Prophet Abraham’s descendants as they moved out from their homeland in Mesopotamia as well as Middle East nations such as Egypt and Israel.

Yahudi has its origins in the tribal culture of ancient Canaan, which later became the kingdoms of Israel and Judah.

According to Judaic tradition, Abraham was the first Jew born in modern Iraq God appeared to Abraham, commanded him to leave his home and father’s household, and promised him that “in you, all families of the earth will be blessed.”

One of his children was Isaac, whose son Jacob became known as Israel. The Jews returned from exile in Babylonia and rebuilt their temple in Jerusalem.

Yahudi says that religion is something special too. It’s something holy or set apart from other religions in some way.

The Yahudi observances include Shabbat dinners on Friday night and family meals together on days other than Shabbat. Moreover, there are many holidays throughout the year celebrated by Jewish people all over the world.

yahudi religion

Main Differences Between Islam and Yahudi

  1. The meaning of Islam includes the belief in one God, avoidance of idols, belief in divine revelation, and good deeds, whereas Yahudi is an ethnicity or a religion where It teaches that all people are created equal with God as a god.
  2. Islam began when Muhammad left Mecca and went to Yathrib, whereas Yahudi is the oldest of the world’s largest monotheistic religions.
  3. Islam originated from Abrahamic religions, whereas Yahudi has its origins in the tribal culture of ancient Canaan.
  4. The prophet of Islam is Muhammad, whereas, The prophet of Yahudi is Moses.
  5. Muhammad was a warrior and a conqueror, whereas Moses was a peaceful leader.
Difference Between Islam and Yahudi
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.